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Posts posted by Mumsicle

  1. Has anyone else experienced this? I have a palpable thumb sized achy & tender-to-touch lump at the sternum. It extends from my xyphoid process upward, more tender to the left. Of course I got my mind in a tizzy, as I have a history of Endometrial cancer (GET THOSE PAP TESTS, GIRLS!!). In doing online research, I found this can be common with weight loss because there is less *cushion* there, or caused by any number of MUCH less scary things!! I've called the surgeon's office, NP said the same, but advised I see my PCP and err on the side of caution.10:45 appt tom'w with PCP. Off to planet fitness now to work off my ever present anxiety before it blossoms to mild hysteria.


    Thank you in advance!


  2. I love Pure Protein in all flavors. I was *layering* it like this in a shaker bottle: 8oz 1% milk 8gm Protein, one scoop of Pure Protein, another 8oz 1%, one envelope of sugar free Carnation, another 8oz 1%, and a second scoop of Pure Protein. I did it that way as it seemed to helped to decrease *clumping* (unless the shaker was shaken like it was in a paint mixing machine).

    On Sunday, We only had 12oz of milk left, so I used Water for the rest. To my wonder & surprise, it not only tasted really good, and there was far less clumping. I've since been using 8oz Water as the 2nd layer of liquid with great results.

    I also put either almond extract, coconut extract, raspberry and/or lemon (imitation) extracts in the shaker, too. It makes it all kindza fun too! When vanilla and strawberry are combined (2:1 either way), it becomes a nice understated flavor. on my shopping list is orange extract to use in a vanilla shake; I'm hoping it will give it a wicked good Creamsicle™ flavor!

    Whatcha' think boys and girls?? I'm sure I'm not the first person to try this!!

  3. Hi everyone. Im 9 days post-op & Day 2 on full liquids. It's tough to get it the required liquids in addition to eating full liquid foods. So far I've had greek yogurt & blended lentil Soup. The soup isn't sitting to well. Any ideas/suggestions for Phase 2 foods?

    Liquids, liquids, liquids!!! Carnation sugar free, Pure Protein, Glucerna, etc......4oz Sipped on the hour (over 30-45 minutes), and 4-8 oz clear, sugar free liquids (includes, SF Jello, SF Popsicles, or fill an ice cube tray with Crystal light - or whatever you choose - with a toothpick in each cube) over the following hour.

    My surgery was done 1/5/15, so still a bit sore - especially if I overdo things - and feel more comfortable with liquids at, or close to, room temperature.

    Slow and steady, and plenty of rest! I do hope you begin to feel more comfortable. Best of luck!

  4. As a nurse, there is a BIG difference between puréed diet, ground diet, chopped diet, and soft diet.

    Puréed means exactly that: puréed.

    Something which is the consistency of canned tuna (assuming it is like tuna salad) is somewhere between ground and chopped, not puréed. It's up to each individual to ask and learn which consistency the nutritionist, or MD, is actually referring as each person advances to a new stage.

    I wouldn't monkey around with anything different from what is suggested or needed.

  5. You are allowed to eat food so soon after surgery??

    In my program, I'm not allowed any solids at all....unless you count sugar free jello!!

    For the first three weeks post-pop, all that is allowed (and on a schedule) are low-sugar or sugar free Protein shakes at 4oz every other hour (sipping it over 30-40 minutes), alternating with clear sugar-free fluids - again sips of 4-8 oz over the hour. The goal is 60mg of Protein, and 48-60 oz fluids.

    I've found that if I drink Water *normally*,with a big swig, my stomach becomes instantly achy, all kinds of crampy, with waves of nausea (no vomiting, Thank God!

  6. Could be an ovarian cyst...who knows?? No one WILL know 'til you've been evaluated -in person- by a qualified healthcare professional.

    Please -Don't go by me!! I don't know your medical history, lifestyle, or tendency toward developing certain conditions, or what meds you may take, if any.

    Do keep us updated!! It's gonna be oooookay.

  7. It could be a UTI, or kidney infection, or some post-op pain just hangin around like a pest. We're all drinking so much Fluid that it might be silly to ask: Have you been peeing more often, feel like your bladder hasn't emptied completely?

    Do you have a fever? Feel nauseous?

    Any possibility of a pulled muscle recentlyń? Neck or upper back pain? Numbness or tingling?

  8. Please, please, please don't wait until tomorrow to go to the ER!! For years, I was a triage nurse; The pain as you've describedPlease, please, please don't wait until tomorrow to go to the ER!! For years, I was a triage nurse; As such, I've seen people ignore serious symptoms which can then become worse...or bigger...more difficult to treat. (Trust me there. I'm The Queen of that list.

    The pain you are experiencing is your body telling you "Hey!! Can we please have our party here? C'mon -the tents and tables are all set up. Can we begin wreaking havoc..........now??" Pain will taunt you day & night, and just keep increasing, making the problem worse and worse!

    Pain is our body's way of getting our rapid attention to whatever is causing a problem.

    If it turns out to be a minor thing, no harm done. Your conscience will be eased up,and whatever the cause, it can be nipped in the bud.

    But.....if it does turn out to be something *not good*, it's best to get it ID'd and treated ASAP!!!

    Please, please, pleeeease try to get to an ER tonight, if at all possible.

    Best of luck to you - keep us posted. Thanks.

  9. Hey Angels - I'm a nurse too. We ALL know nurses who don't give a rat's a** about a pt's care, ignore rules & regs, just go through the motions doing as little as possible. We all know of nurses who'd never dream of lending a helping hand to a PCA, and/or do not L I S T E N to what a patient has to say. They may HEAR the patient, but not truly listen.

    I've also been on the receiving end of HORRID nursing care following a radical hysterectomy (due to a very invasive endometrial malignant mass) in Oct 2013. I'll refrain from the details; Suffice to say the lack of good nursing practice (and the resultant documented medical problemS) were addressed. Damn Skippy.

    I am most certainly not pointing fingers at every nurse in the world (and THAT would include me!). That is unfair to all nurses worldwide.

    SOOO, when someone states they've had a bad experience with a nurse, or nurses, please don't be dismissive. The words of defense posted so very quickly to this forum, it made me wonder if they'd been written from immediate reaction(s), or if they were well thought out responses. It's never too late to be thoughtful.

    Let's be nice.

  10. For several years, I'd thought about it, researched the difference in surgeries, talked to several people who'd benefitted greatly from bariatric surgery. I made the mistake of mentioning to my three sisters (The Vatican's Massachusetts Cathedral of Infallibility and Holy Trinity of Judgement) and mother that I was considering bariatric surgery. WOW!! Their rapid-fire stampede of negativity, opinions, judgement, and "I know a girl who blah blah blah" actually ENCOURAGED me (black sheep, middle child of seven kids, the rebel....) to pursue the idea. I can betcha they've heard some wicked twisted grapevine version of the when and where, and most likely continue to hush-hush gossip endlessly. two work at the hospital - one on the floor where I will possibly be post-op. I am requesting to be put elsewhere post-op, but if there aren't any beds available on a different med-surg floor......Ring the Funtime Alarm. Just don't bring in the MassHoles.

  11. The date for mine is 1/5/15. It seems surreal that it's in less than a week!! In March, I began attending the Weight Center program at UMassMemorial Healthcare (University Campus). I've now lost 20lbs...over ten months. That's 20% of goal weight, but the summertime weight loss yo-yo yielded discouragement; I fell back into (longtime) habits and *emotional eating.*

    I'd worked so hard to lose those first sixteen over four and a half mos. (March - June), but by telling myself "Well, I've lost that much. I'm still eating the Proteins, green leafies, and exercising every day. Sure!! I can eat a little bit of that...and that...and this...and these, and, yeahhhhh, I'll have those...Mmmmm!!! Ooh, make that a large cone, please," I regained fourteen lbs in nine weeks.

    Were those "just a little bit(s)" worth it? Nope. They set me back a few months. Not good. Mid-September, I committed to lose the regained weight and more.

    At my pre-op appt yesterday, I found I'd lost seven lbs. in 18 days - including Christmas. Man, oh man, those "one last time" temptations are really strong... What should I do??

  12. Mine is also scheduled for Jan. 5, 2015!! Twenty-one days to go... Isn't it a great way to REALLY begin the new year? New Year:NEW BEGINNINGS!! ‼️THIS IS THE YEAR‼️ No more "Ooooh, that looks/sounds delicious. I'll try one (or seven)..., followed by "Nah, I give up. I can't do it." Look how far we have all come in 2014!!

    Yet, I know my own anxieties are knocking on the door to that vault in the brain, because I haven't brought my * Goddess Sized* clothes to a consignment store, Salvation Army/Catholic Charities, or given them to friends.

    I keep telling myself *Yeah, keep this/that/the other (summer and fall clothes) to give her, and her, and her,* when that thought is really that old comfort-zone frenemy - "Giving In to Old Habits" - rumbling around back there. Those old, longtime learned behaviors are difficult to dispel, no matter how resistant some are to change.

    Congratulations, and I will be thinking of you on Jan. 5th.......pre anesthesia. Yay to all of us!!!

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