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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by abby1

  1. My weight has been stable for about 2 months, with non scale victories. I've found it difficult to lose while I travel because I am not able to eat only when I am hungry. For example, sometimes, I have to eat between planes because I will be in starvation mode if I wait until I get off the next plane (not to mention the shift in time zones) or eat when I need to take lunch at a trade show. I am back on track, but what tips do you have for getting back in the groove.
  2. abby1

    PB liquids at night?

    I had the same problem last week after a fill. I went from 2.7 to 3.2. I went back to the doctor and he reduced me to 3.0. Call your doctor.
  3. abby1

    Help me eat breakfast!

    My doctor is fine with me having a Slim Fast Shake for breakfast.
  4. abby1

    ONE exlanation for hair loss

    I was banded in November and have not had any hair loss. Hair loss in not an automatic side effect. I personally prefer not to take more medication and/or supplements than I need and you might want to adopt a wait and see attitude.
  5. abby1

    Am I overfilled?

    I don't burp, I do hiccup and a little more than before. I do not have gas. I have been able to eat full liquids and a bit of solids. I will stay with liquids tomorrow and then move to solids.
  6. I had a fill this afternoon going from 2.7 to 3.2. I had no problems after the fill, had about 1/4C juice about 6:30, and nothing after that. When I went to bed I started having a problems. My mouth is filling up with liquid, I assume from my stomach and I have mild hiccups. Is this normal after a fill? I assume my body is adjusting to the new restriction. How long should I give it before calling the doctor and unfilling a bit? I've just gotten out of bed and I am going to give it about 30 minutes to see if my body calms down a bit and then try extra pillows in bed. Any other suggestions?
  7. abby1

    Am I overfilled?

    First let me thank all of you who replied. When you are sitting at the computer after midnight because you can not sleep, it is comforting to have friends out here with support. I saw my doctor today. He feels it was just my body's reaction to the fill. Because he and his office will be out of town next week, he decided to unfil me just a tad. I went from 2.7 to 3.2 and now down to 3.0. I was able to drink a protein shake and hold it down and I will stay on liquids for a few more days.
  8. In the just over 6 months I've been banded, I've lost 60 pounds. I am, 2/3 the way to my goal. I am wearing clothing I saved from skinnier days and buying clothes in much smaller sizes. But when I look at myself, I still see that I am fat. I've always seen myself as fat even when I was in high school and a size 9. How do you learn to change your image of yourself?
  9. abby1

    Body Image issues

    Having looked at the Mayo Clinic website and Wikapedia, I do not have the clinical version of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. This is a serious condition and I do not see myself as seriously deluded. I can see the difference in my body 213 pounds to 149 pounds. I can see the difference in my clothes. There is a rational side of me that is saying I look good and I see it. There is another side that is just seeing fat. Not fat thighs or stomach or singling out a body part, but fat. Now I see the problem area and can address them, but not the overall FAT.
  10. abby1

    Am I overfilled?

    Decided to sleep sitting up last night and that did help. Didn't get much sleep but felt better; it took about 90 minutes to stop getting the water in my mouth. Called the doctor this morning. I am going to see him tomorrow. It could be I am swollen from the fill or I could be overfilled. We will see how I do today. I am able to drink clear liquids but I am still getting a little back splash (not sure what to call it), not as bad as when I was lying down. I will keep you posted. Thank you all for your comments.
  11. abby1

    Am I overfilled?

    I do in fact have a bit of heartburn and I am able to swallow but it comes back up. When I am up the symptoms subside and I did not have a problem until I went to bed. I was sipping water all afternoon after the fill without a problem. This is only my second fill and I did not have this problem after surgery or with the first fill.
  12. abby1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    I will not reach my June 1 goal of 140. I am currently 152, the weight is coming of slowly and steadily, so I am not complaining. I started at 213 in November so a 60 pound loss is very good. I was hoping to lose 2 pounds a week, but it has been closer to 1.5 pounds per week. I have had some non weight related physical problems and I have not been able to excercise the way I should.
  13. Please keep posting about the convention and once you have a hotel and details worked out let us know. I will consider coming in from Florida.
  14. I sometimes drink with my meal but usually if I do it is under 1/4 Cup and is water. Occasionally I will have wine, but again it is a small amount.
  15. I have been shopping in my closet wearing and altering older clothes to fit as I lose weight; I hate the idea of spending a lot of money on temporary clothing. So yesterday I went to the outlet mall to find some cheap but nice clothing to wear. I bought one top in large and two in medium:thumbup: My pants are all size 14:thumbup:. Yea! Still have not done the ticker but I am down 60 pounds with 24 to my first goal weight. I have 44 pounds to my final goal but depending how I look and feel I will stop between my first and final goal.
  16. abby1

    clothes don't fit like they used to?

    I am both a custom clothier and alterations specialist. How long ago were you 270? I was banded in November and I am down almost 60 pounds. I am finding that as I get to weights I was years ago, my body is not the same shape it was the last time I was that weight. There are normal changes to our body as we age regardless of weight and that may be part of the issue. Also, I found it took a while for me to have non scale victories with regard to my body shrinking to the new weight. I still have clothing I can not get into and will probably have to be down another 20 pounds before they fit. But I am waiting and looking forward to getting into them.
  17. abby1

    How did you decide on a goal weight?

    I picked the weight I was in high school and college which is 120. I've shrunk an inch so I am now 5'3". However, I also decided that when I reach 140, I will take a close look at myself and decide if I want to continue losing weight. If I chose to continue, I will re-evaluate my goals every five pounds. I want to look and be healthy and if 120 is too low, then I will will make those adjustments.
  18. abby1

    Constipation SOS

    My gastroenterologist suggests small dosages of Miralax and building up to what works for regularity but does not cause diarriha. Miralax is now available over the counter.
  19. abby1

    "Difficult" foods

    I have problems with eggs in the morning but not any other time. I have been able to eat small amounts of both pasta and rice, but I have not tried oriental sticky rice as in sushi. Again, I do not eat these often. I avoid soft bread and that is about it.
  20. abby1

    weight chart

    Is there a good website with a height/weight chart taking age into account? I am beginning to have doubts on my goal and want to confirm where I should be based on my height and age.
  21. abby1

    body not keeping up

    I do work out and what concerns me a the moment is not sagging skin or big tummy, although if I were to go to the plastic surgeon now I would talk about my upper arms and thighs. I was a 40C before my lapband surgery and I am now a 38D, not much of a difference. The last time I was this weight I was a 36C. I am having the same lack of loss in the waist and hips. A plastic surgeon can not turn me into a skinny person and my concern is I will get to my healthy goal weight and still be larger than I want. My concern is that while a plastic surgeon can contour me, if my body is going to continue to shrink (is my body going to continue to shrink?) once I reach my goal, when do I look at doing the surgery for the best results? I do not want to have plastic surgery and then my body continue to shrink and have the contours not look right. Does that make sense?
  22. I was banded in November and I've lost 50 pounds with another 40ish to my goal of 120. My body is not keeping up with the loss. Clothing I wore the last time I was this weight is still too tight. My bra size has not gone down. My thought was to wait until I was about 10 pounds from my goal before consulting with plastic surgeons. However, I can not see myself 40 pounds lighter my body majorly smaller. Does it take time for the body to shrink to the new weight? Should I reach my goal and then wait a period of time for plastic surgery?:thumbup:
  23. I picked up a bug from one of my grandchildren and vomited nothing every half hour all Monday night. I did call my lap band doctor who did not seem overly concerned about my having done anything to my band. I am able to drink without a problem but I am having problems eating and my entire chest aches. Anyone had something like this before? How long does it last? Should I pretend I just had a fill and do that diet?:tongue_smilie:
  24. I am just over half way to my goal. I am shopping in my closet wearing clothes that have not seen the light of day in about 10 years and altering clothing I currently have, so I am seeing myself getting smaller. However, I am not the same size I was at this weight 10 years ago and my bra size is not really going down much. I am concerned that when I reach my healthy weight goal, I will still be too large. How long does it take the body to shrink to the weight loss?
  25. abby1

    Body not keeping up

    As someone involved in the garment industy, today's size 8 is yesterdays 12 so I am well aware of that. I am just wondering how long it takes for the body to "shrink" to the weight?

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