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Posts posted by MarylandCrab

  1. I just had surgery Tuesday and I know exactly what you mean. I have never been a self-hatred person, so I genuinely like myself and my body. I was worried and a little scared of what this will do to me. But what I did hate were some of my behaviors, some of my inhibitions, and all of my health problems. I won't miss them. I think our behaviors will change, but not who we are. We are always the first people to tell others that you should love people for what's on the inside and not on the outside.....I think we should do that for ourselves :). Hang in there, friend. Doubts and a little sadness and second guessing are normal!

  2. Hi DJMohr!

    Sorry to hear about your 2nd surgery. I saw "spine surgery through the throat" and immediately shuddered! You're a brave lady.

    Have you taken a look at theworldaccordingtoeggface? I tried to grab the website for you but I'm at work and they block blogs. She's a bariatric patient and has a ton of recipes. She has a baked ricotta recipe on there that looks delicious!

    Hope that helps!

  3. Oh my gosh! Where were you last Thursday! I went through this exact same line of thought. I have finished all of my pre-op clearances, and was heading to my final nutritionist appointment. I have lost a total of THREE pounds in the last 6 months. That's it. I was so upset with myself. I felt like a total failure and was in tears most of the day.

    My nutritionist said that since I am hoping to have surgery in July, that I should start the pre-op diet now. She said I need to lose 20lbs and that the doc would look at my weight last Thursday and compare it to my weight for my doc appointment before the surgery and if no weight loss, no surgery.

    I guess that was the switch I needed flipped. Sorry to turn this around on myself, but I just wanted you to know, you are not alone! If this was easy, none of us would be in this situation. I wish I had great advice to help you make all of the changes that you need to make. I know that I started reading a book about why I self-sabotage and how to start making the changes I need to make....I also called a psychologist to get some help and some support for my emotional problems that are causing me to rely on food.

    I hope you can find your switch. Keep posting!

  4. Hi all.....

    i haven't been on here for a bit. I got a little frustrated back in March when I finally met with my surgeon and he told me that he would try and do my surgery but that because I had previous abdominal surgery for a different issue (benign pancreatic tumor) that he wasn't sure he would be able to do it. Basically, I could go in, have them put me under, have him make some incisions, look around, and then not be able to do anything because of adhesions and scar tissue. I really appreciate that he's being honest and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me -- I mean, safety first, right?

    Has anyone successfully had bariatric surgery after having previous abdominal surgeries? Is he just being cautious and not trying to get my hopes up or is this a real possibility? I have finished all of my clearances and am just finishing the required nutritionist appointments.

  5. Hi there! I started my 6 month journey last month and am hoping to have surgery in June. I was told the vertical sleeve was a no-go for me because I have a terrible time with acid reflux and the sleeve can really exacerbate that. My surgeon doesn't really do the lapband too much anymore. He says he takes more out then he puts in -- that was the one I really thought I wanted but when I heard that.....well, bypass it is for me.

    My husband seems more concerned with me losing "the girls" than I am.....I've usually been pretty proportional. But as kyrickchick64 said, I don't think you know until you lose what you lose.

    This forum has been so helpful for me.....even though I routinely check facts before I believe what I read, the emotional support has been amazing. Most of the info is good here, too.

    Good luck! I have my psych eval today.

  6. Oh @Elizabeth21I'm sorry you have to go through this pain. I'm studying massage therapy and am familiar with the location of the phrenic nerve. That has to be excruciating. I'm glad some of the meds are starting to help and I'm glad they don't have to remove the spleen. Nine years ago they found a cyst on my pancreas that was so large it was crushing my splenic artery.....while I don't think I felt any pain in my spleen, I know there is a very specific pain when an organ is lacerated or traumatized with injury or growths. That's why I jumped when I saw your post. I can sort of relate!!

    Hope you're continuing to feel better!

  7. @@anaxila Thank you. That all resonates me. I have a good friend who had the DS surgery and has said much the same to me -- it's a process, you can't just do it all at once. If you could, you wouldn't be having surgery. Same with the "all or nothing" thinking. I fall into that one, too. I haven't accomplished all that the nutritionist suggested for me this month -- chewing everything 20 times and not drinking while I eat, etc. Once again, I have to remember that this is only my first month of 6. I was pretty bummed about it, thinking "how am I ever going to change all of my ways".....but I guess what everyone is saying to me is that I need to give it time. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday! Good luck!

    @@ocque2000 welcome! I hope you are finding this forum. I have months ahead of me (June) and I'm hoping to learn as much as I can from people who have surgery before me -- like you! So keep me posted!

  8. Thanks for the responses. Hematology is because I had my spleen removed and have elevated platelet and white count. I also had part of my pancreas removed at the same time so I know that'll turn up in the ultrasound. They didn't seem concerned at the office but I haven't had an official meeting with my surgeon. I hope that doesn't deter my surgeon. I can't find anything online about that particular condition and WLS. Nothing I can do until I meet with the doc. I am going to try not mot borrow trouble in the meantime.

    Otherwise I have scheduled everything from head to toe (well, legs).

  9. @@drmeow I have CareFirst BCBS and they just upped the requirement for a managed weight loss program to 7 months prior to surgery. So if your doc has you seeing a NUT that should do it. Or if you have prior documented weight management attempts that would work.

  10. Hi everyone! I was hoping to get some questions answered. I have set up all of my pre-tests and have received all of the health history questionnaires in the mail. I was wondering what kinds of tests I can expect to go through. I figure that at the cardiologist I will have to do an EKG, but is there a cardiac stress test? Also, I have to do a pulmonary test. What is that? And at the abdominal ultrasound, will I have to drink barium?

    I've done a sleep study before, so I know about that. I also have to have a hematology consult, but I think that's unusual so I don't expect most people to know about that one. But any answers would be greatly helpful. Thank you so much!

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