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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Salonboi

  1. I use it every meal, and no vomiting or discomfort because of it.
  2. I'm so sorry for your pain. I hope it passes soon ????????
  3. Yes, this is exactly what I have! My vitamin D 5000 units capsule is so tiny that it's totally swallowable. If I can stay away from anything chewable I will because I get so sick of things so quickly and they make me gag. My mom is the same way, so I blame her. I'm so grossed out by my sublingual B12 that I might have to go to the Nascobal, which is a $25 copay every month, whereas the SL B12 from costco is so much more economical. I might get to the point where I'll give myself the shots. Now Foods Vitamin D-3 5000 Iu Chewable, Mint, 120-Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003UEJATK/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_ACLAvb1PNXTPFIt's so small and tastes like a minty breath mint. Very very pleasant and not chalky at all.????
  4. I'm so sorry ???? you definitely will be in my thoughts and prayers ???????? you are strong and have made it this far, so here's to looking forward, and life being pain free for ya ????
  5. And I just take a vitamin D chewable that's minty and small. BulkSupplements Pure Calcium Citrate Powder (250 grams) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F8I5XQU/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_RxpAvb1AYNAFG
  6. How are you doing, and welcome to the other side, those thinking of surgery and those now on the losers bench ????Thanks @nancynew. I'm doing ok. My surgeon doesn't believe in pain meds except for IV Tylenol and needless to say that wasn't cutting it after surgery so I was in a lot of pain. I stayed an extra day because I wasn't about to go home and be told to suck it up with Tylenol. So I'm home now with just Tylenol. It's been a rough start but I hope things get better from here on out.I can't believe he doesn't believe in pain meds. Very odd. I would of demanded them. The first few days were rough, but get better each day. I should have walked more than I did. I was just to weak from no calories going in lol. Good luck to ya ????????????
  7. Man alive, I hope you don't have to have more surgery.. Maybe it is the gas. You couldn't of pushed that hard.. If anything hemroids would be the issue ???? but obviously I'm no doc. Please keep us posted and prayers are sent up for ya ????????????
  8. Today I'm missing my old friend food again ???? I'm ready for that part to be gone. Normally Friday was our little families night to go out to eat. I looked forward to it a lot, as we all can't be together as much as we want with our schedules. I know I could go out and order a salad, but I really don't wanna spend $10 bucks on something so cheaply made at home. Ya know? Pool time has started here for us in the south east kinda. It's been a bit rainy and a little to cool at night, keeping pool water a bit chilly. Pool time was one of my get out of the house things, just to keep my mind off food. It'll get there, heat wise I know. Then I'll be Bi#*hing it's to hot lol. I guess I feel like I'm failing with my diet some too. I'm really not though.. Sounds crazy I know. I found a ham lunch meat I like, and I wrap it around a low fat cheese stick. Definitely good. Some of my feelings are coming from not having convenient food to grab anymore. The snack, get ya fat crap.. Maybe my laziness is trying to take over again. I've not done as well with meal planning this week. I did have stuff still on hand, just not enough variety I guess. It's all a mind set at this point, and I'm trying to win right now. My partner is doing slightly better, as he's trying to lose a little weight himself. But it would really be nice for us to establish more family fun night stuff, to take up that emptiness. Maybe that's what it is, Emptiness!!! And I'm just trying to fill that hole. It's been empty awhile, so I guess it'll take time to fill it!!! Thanks again for letting me just write out my feelings. I hope nobody minds. It really helps me getting it out. I usually bottle it all up. ❤️????
  9. Gosh man I hope it's nothing serious. Maybe it's just some gas still trapped in ya!? Keep us posted and my thoughts and prayers will be with ya ????????????
  10. For me it was the combination of gas in my abdomen, the grogginess from anesthetic and pain meds. I didn't walk much the first few days, but when I did it did seem to help so much.
  11. Hey ???? I wish you a speedy recovery and welcome to the May Peeps Thread ????
  12. Yay!!! How exciting for you ❤️???????? that had to be so amazingly wonderful!!!!
  13. So happy you are doing well ????❤️ and congratulations on being on the Losers Bench now. It's an amazing feeling, but know the work begins now. I never had the expectation of it being a miracle right away, and knew it required me to do my part, but damn, this is a lot of work lol. Work that is so challenging emotionally and physically. The head hunger has been a monster to me a few times recently. I'm working on that with professional help. But I find old food comfort thoughts trying to make me think about them. And that scares me, hence the professional help. I chose this week, to get on anxiety and antidepressant meds. Just to take the edge off some. I don't want it to affect my family life or professional life with my clients. They all mean the world to me, and don't deserve my sour attitude lol. I'm not trying to scare you, don't think that please, I'm just keeping it real, for your after hospital life. And I do not for one second regret this surgery. I know I'm trying to better myself and it's gonna take time to tear down those walls of fat I built around my head/heart. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, and welcome to the May Peeps post. You will absolutely love everyone here. No negative Nancy's here. But truthful with info . And please vent away if need be. I sure did last night on here, and Damn it felt friggin good. ❤️???? Yep yep yep! Walk as much as you can! That gas pain gets YA!Omg yes, WALK WALK WALK. So true...
  14. Rest up and feel better!Thanks JennHow is it going with you. Of course, I hAve never had diverticulitis but I've heard it's painful!As for me, I am doing pretty well. Had my two week post op and was cleared for soft foods! Although the way my CNP was talking, she basically said I could have whatever as long as it's well chewed. I haven't had much weight loss the past 4 days but I credit that to my period because I haven't done anything that I haven't been doing before! I'm hoping you get to feeling better soon! Yeah, I heard it was awful ????. Congrats on graduating to next level with food. I'm finding still that my tastes have really changed, and nothing has been comforting to reintroduce lol. I guess that's good lol
  15. Omg I'm so sorry you are in pain ???? so glad it's not surgery related. Rest and take care of yourself. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers ????????????Thanks I need those prayers right now. Much more painful then the surgery, go figure. I'm supposed to go back to work in one week and my manager wouldn't be pleased. Yikes. And I want to get back to work. Again thanks. I'm hoping that it helped ❤️????????????
  16. You know salonboi, your posts is exactly why I enjoy / need this thread. Need to know that others are feeling and experiencing some of the same things. And yes , feels good to get it off your chest. It sucks to say good bye to one of the things that brought you the most comfort. I think your on the right track you now need to find other things for comfort and enjoyment. Do you think your true hunger is head hunger ? And you do know will be able to eat more variety in time. Taste changing , you hit the nail on the head , everything is too sweet for me. As for protein powders or drinks, I am searching for the one I can tolerate as far as taste. As you said you knew this wouldn't be easy but until your in and get the real reality of it , you can't possibly know the amount of changes that will need to be made. The life adjustments. I think it's great your walking trails and finding crafts and hobbies. Keep it up , your partner will get on board and if he doesn't , he will enjoy the new you ???? My thoughts are with you and all the gastric peeps out there. Oh and don't apologize for potty mouth, sometimes ya just gotta say it the way it is. ???? You are so right on all fronts. We just all have to keep on keeping on. And yes it's been head hunger for sure. It really is a B*#ch sometimes.
  17. Im slowly trying to find interest in my old hobbies. I'm a crafter. I love decorating and making my home fabulous to be in. I'm thinking about taking lessons, to relearn playing my viola, from my grade school years. I went and bought one 2 years ago, to start, but never followed through.. As usual ???? And sorry for being all over the place tonight. I swear no wine was involved lol
  18. I just need to go to the grocery store and make some of my Pinterest food ideas. I suck at consistently planning ahead. But I have no choice now. I just have nothing food wise to turn to tonight that'll work. My taste for certain things have changed a lot. I used to love lunch meat, but now it's not really that good. Eggs used to taste good, but not so much. Even cheese isn't that appealing. So basically everything isn't doing it for me. I'm basically living on Popsicles, yogurt and salads, these last few days. I know this will all change. I know the weight won't drop off right away, meaning for all of this to go back to new normal. Whatever that is. I'm still trying to recreate foods I loved from my past, and it's just not working. I'm trying to get that comfort from it I used to. But no luck. My mind knows it's not gonna be the same. I'm working with a Dr to change my thinking about all this. It's still to early for her to know me. So nothing is being achieved yet. I have so many hormone highs and lows going on, and it overwhelming today. These damn antidepressants and Xanax better start kicking in soon. I've had two moments today I felt a sudden burst of happiness with meds. But sh*t I want it all the time. Food was my everything. It was my time with my family on Friday, to go out and eat at restaurant, or summer time grill sessions with my little family. It was comfort when my plans on something isn't going the way I wanted it to. It was a friend to cozy up to, when I needed to veg in front of tv alone to recharge. It was a friend. And now this friend has been banished sorta. Not forever I know. All of those things I said are not healthy ways to feel. Not all bad with family stuff, but that food was the center of the enjoyment. I've been a couch potato with my partner for 12 years now, and I want/need him to not be one with me anymore. And he's not really wanting to change much. He did go hiking once recently, which was awesome. But I need more of that. And it's looking like I'm gonna have to do it on my own. It makes me sad. Maybe he'll see my motivation, and he'll catch the bug to try more. But I can't count on that. Being a new person is really F*#king hard. I knew this going into it and was totally willing cause of all the benefits. I still have no regrets at all. And even writing this has eased some of the hangry mode. I think my hormone changes are all over the place. I had 2 clients tell me I seem different today. I was like, not in a bad way right? The said just more humbug or mellon collie. I'm thinking to myself, I just decided to change my life and have 42 pounds gone, why the humbug, Mellon collie outer appearance? I should be on cloud friggin 9 right now. I think I have some Man Mensies going on lol. Sorry again for getting this off my chest. I'm always a very positive person, it was just my time to gripe for a moment, and I'll be back to me before you know it ????????????❤️
  19. I feel like I want cut a b***h today. I want some food damnit lol.. That is all. I've been hangry all day. Sorry for potty mouth.
  20. Omg I'm so sorry you are in pain ???? so glad it's not surgery related. Rest and take care of yourself. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers ????????????
  21. Nature's Bounty Vitamin B Complex Sublingual Liquid, 2 Ounce (Pack of 4) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001G7QPC8/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_fWJzvb0CZHS3B
  22. I follow the directions on package, as it follows my docs instructions.
  23. I went to my support group last night, and was glad I did. There were only 2 of us that were post-op, and boy did they have questions lol. I only stayed out 9 days, so I know what you mean by being tired. I noticed getting up and moving really and truly made it so much better. It got my mind out of recovery mode to being a new me. I also use a sublingual B complex. That B12 helps a lot. Good luck ???? Good luck.... if you figure out something for energy please let me know!!Moving more helps so much. Truly does..
  24. This is the app I use. Very easy to use.
  25. So sorry you are having pain!! Are you going to call your surgeon? Maybe you need to do liquid diet for a day or two. Maybe your body needs more healing time.

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