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Everything posted by Salonboi

  1. We know that when we opt for this surgery it's only a tool , have to have our heads on straight too. Ur doing so much better then OK , 90 lbs. amazing !!! U can and will achieve ur goals. Good days and bad, hang in. Thank u ❤️ its just part of the changing process, that's it!! I'm at the beginning and know it'll continue to get better!!
  2. 91lbs in 3 months is soooooo much better than not bad... I won't have my official 3 month weight until Friday but, I am at about 60 lbs (and I am ecstatic about it!!) I think the fact that you are analyzing what you are putting into your body means that you are on the right track, you are staying accountable and that counts for a lot! I've found recently that I need either a mid morning or late afternoon (planned) snack depending on when I take my lunch hour. But, I am prepared for that and keep healthy stuff in my desk and fridge. I just have to remind myself that this is a process and I am still new to it, I have to learn my limitations and not push them. Congratulations on your loss ???? and thank you for your response ???? it definitely is a process... And yes mid afternoon snacks are a good idea..
  3. I'm starting to wonder, how much have I really even changed, habits wise! I mean, I know I don't eat pizza, chips and all that other crap, but just the moments I need something, I want it fast, and my options are so limited, partly due to laziness and also convenience, which really are both in the same!!! I'm exercising 3-4 times a week, and I really do love that part! I'm seeing the changes in my body for sure! But I see how the 4 people I know, who've had RNY, have all put back on the pounds. Some more than others!! And I don't want to be that person! I guess the planning ahead part hasn't been going the way it should on my part! I guess I kinda know why I'm not feeling successful in that part of the change... Hey 91lbs in 3 months isn't bad so I'll just move on from here and start planning ahead again like I did in the beginning!!! I wish you all well and happiness on your journeys!!!
  4. Congrats on your loss!!!! My sugar addiction is gone to, and chips still do the same to me!! I've been doing Veggie Sticks.. ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1438688968.575938.jpgI still need to speak with my NUT about them. I use as a quick snack at work, when eating isn't optimal.. Kay's Naturals is a line of protein snacks , pretzels etc. taste pretty good. From AmazonI'll have to check them out!!! Thanks!! I just hope these snack type products aren't my trigger for bad stuff, creeping back in one day.. ????Salonboi. I hear that. I have tried a few pretzels but I will say , I am not routinely snacking. I haven't had bread , pasta, rice, etc since surgery. We do have to be careful. Past experience has shown bad habits creep back in easily. I've not done any of those mentioned either, and don't plan on it!!! But it does scare me at how my appetite has come back just recently. And it seems to be right around the same time I started to snack on the veggie straws. I wonder if they have anything to do with that? It's to early for my appetite to be back! It's only been 3 month as of tomorrow!!!! I'm getting up to the 1000ish calorie range now, and that makes me so nervous. I know I should be way above that maintenance, but at 3 months!!? I find myself eating a lot of cheese lately, it's what's convenient and easy on my stomach. I'm limiting myself again, like the old way of eating. And I've gotta get back on track I feel, but I'm not really off track is the problem lol. Cray Cray sounding I know lol.
  5. Congrats on your loss!!!! My sugar addiction is gone to, and chips still do the same to me!! I've been doing Veggie Sticks.. ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1438688968.575938.jpgI still need to speak with my NUT about them. I use as a quick snack at work, when eating isn't optimal.. Kay's Naturals is a line of protein snacks , pretzels etc. taste pretty good. From AmazonI'll have to check them out!!! Thanks!! I just hope these snack type products aren't my trigger for bad stuff, creeping back in one day.. ????
  6. Congrats on your loss!!!! My sugar addiction is gone to, and chips still do the same to me!! I've been doing Veggie Sticks.. I still need to speak with my NUT about them. I use as a quick snack at work, when eating isn't optimal..
  7. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job on your journey!!!!! It's so hard not to compare ourselves to one another, but our bodies are just so different, as you know, that there's no way any of us should entertain the comparison thought at all!!!! Keep up the great work, and so glad you found our May Peeps Thread ????
  8. Awesome job on the weight loss my friend!!!! I saw you pm to me, I responded right before I went to bed last night.. I tried saying something else and it said that the messaging area is having issues!!! I'll try again later, to see if you said anything else.. I just didn't want you thinking I was ignoring you ????
  9. It is amazing how much our tastes do change! My taste for things seems to have normalized quite a bit. I've actually been a bit more hungry already ???? I'm at 86lbs so far yay!! I had to break out the old skinny clothes today! It was so nice knowing my $hit would fit lol... I had a NSV today, I crossed my legs while waiting for my pre-op nose job surgery visit. I didn't even have to think about it, I just did it like I've been doing forever. I don't even know what crossed my mind to even do it, as it's been years since that's happened naturally lol.. I hope everyone is still staying strong ❤️????
  10. Sounds like you are doing amazing!!!!! I'm sure the calories you are burning in that hot kitchen is workout enough!!!! Once it slows you can get your routine going the way you want.. We are still at the very beginning of our journey, so don't think you are gonna miss out on anything.. It's coming soon. You know you gotta make that money when it comes. I'm a small business owner of a salon myself, and it's so time consuming, so I know what you mean.. Take care ok ❤️
  11. May Peeps, just stopping by to say hi and see how everyone is doing? Everything is progressing perfectly for me!! Yesterday was my 3 months in on new life, meaning start of pre-op diet.. So far I'm down 83lbs, including pre-op weight loss.. Clothes are really starting to get super big.... And I love it.. Well I hope everyone else's journey is as successful as mine ❤️????????????
  12. Hello all ???????? has anyone in Charlotte NC used Dr. Dimitrios Stefanidis? If so what is your experience please ????????
  13. So glad you finally found something ????
  14. Bell Plantation PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter and PB2 with Premium Chocolate, 6.5 Ounce (Pack of 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0098WV8F2/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_d39OvbY5P6N7V It's so yummy and way less calories and fat than regular peanut butter
  15. My experience has been super smooth ???? at every new stage, I progressed exactly as I was supposed to, tolerated everything I tried. I of course followed every rule to the letter, I used my Eat Slower app and chewed every bite 20-30 times and no drinks 30 mins before, during or after ???? I've had chicken give me trouble one time, but it was after many times of eating it with no issues. My partner put a little to much spice on it, hence the dumping. And my advice to you is, as soon as you feel that I'm full feeling, or a heaviness in stomach, no matter what, don't eat another bite. No matter how far into your meal you are in STOP EATING. It will make you throw up. Trust me ???? and some days I get more in than others. And yes I've wasted food, but hey I'm buying way less at store than before. Any other questions please ask ????That's great to know. I'm two weeks out today. Everything that I had this far has been smooth. I am now starting my soft diet today. Any suggestions on foods? Do you snack? If so what types of snack? Do you eat candy? Do you drink soda?Cottage cheese low fat of course was a great choice! I ate ricotta cheese bake, which you can find on Pinterest. It's basically ricotta cheese and spaghetti sauce mixed together and cooked in microwave or in oven. It's like the insides of lasagna but no noodles of course. It was the best thing is ever eaten, after being liquid only lol... I don't snack, because guess what, I'm not even hungry lol. I have to set timers on my phone to remind me to drink my premier Protein shake when at work, so I don't get sick feeling.... You seriously won't feel hungry at all for snacking!!! But everyone is different!!! I definitely don't eat candy or drink soda. I chew sugar free trident gum when I'm working on my clients hair!! I don't wanna have dragon breath because of being in Ketosis. I quit soda 3 yrs ago, it was giving me horrible heartburn. My main go to soft food was low fat cheese sticks and lunch meat roll ups. You really just have to find what your taste buds can tolerate. Everything changed taste wise so much. But at this point I'm finding it's going back to normal. But things will taste so different for sure. I also did greek yogurt with a spoonful of PB2 mixed in and it was so good.
  16. My experience has been super smooth ???? at every new stage, I progressed exactly as I was supposed to, tolerated everything I tried. I of course followed every rule to the letter, I used my Eat Slower app and chewed every bite 20-30 times and no drinks 30 mins before, during or after ???? I've had chicken give me trouble one time, but it was after many times of eating it with no issues. My partner put a little to much spice on it, hence the dumping. And my advice to you is, as soon as you feel that I'm full feeling, or a heaviness in stomach, no matter what, don't eat another bite. No matter how far into your meal you are in STOP EATING. It will make you throw up. Trust me ???? and some days I get more in than others. And yes I've wasted food, but hey I'm buying way less at store than before. Any other questions please ask ????
  17. I used Dr. Gersin as well, my surgery was May 5 th and I'm down 76 lbs, including my pre-op diet weight loss of 16lbs. Good luck on your journey ????
  18. I haven't tried those but your about the 3 rd person who has mentioned or suggested their nuggets. I will have to try them.How are they really prepared? That what I'd like to know! I thought I'd read something on Twitter feed saying they weren't as healthy as people think if I remember correctly. But don't take my word on it, do research obviously. I read so much and could have gotten facts mixed up lol. ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1436530399.335630.jpgI use the app Lose It to track and this is the nutrition info for the 4 piece. Pretty good if you are in a pinch, high on sodium though.Not bad at all ????
  19. Well yesterday everyone I hit 75lbs ❤️???????????? I'm still in shock it's come off so easy. I'm exercising about 4 days a week, a total body, circuit training type exercise I made for myself. And it seems to be doing the trick. Keep up the good work everyone ❤️ I hope you are all doing fabulous too!!?
  20. I haven't tried those but your about the 3 rd person who has mentioned or suggested their nuggets. I will have to try them.How are they really prepared? That what I'd like to know! I thought I'd read something on Twitter feed saying they weren't as healthy as people think if I remember correctly. But don't take my word on it, do research obviously. I read so much and could have gotten facts mixed up lol.
  21. Amazing progress ❤️ you look so fabulous!!!!! Congratulations on your success!!!! Keep up the good work!!! And yes it's our turn to share the fabulous before and afters!!!!!

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