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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by saj54539@yahoo.com

  1. I have yet to read anything from anyone regarding the "bad habits". I was a smoker all my life and quit. My surgery is next month. I am wondering if anyone started smoking after your surgery and if so what were the results? I am not saying I would resume smoking cigarettes but I am saying I find myself thinking that sometimes. Any help with this would be appreciated

  2. Hi,

    I am exactly in the same frame of mind that you are. My surgery is next, having completed all of the requirements thus far. I am doubting the same things you are also. I am afraid of the surgery and the ever-after lifestyle. I read everything I can get my hands on...all the pros and cons. I am afraid I will be one of those people that throw-up daily, that I will test the rules of eating, smoking and diet coke, that I can't eat from a baby spoon, that most of all, that I will never enjoy food again. food and smoking has been my comfort zone for years, I panic at the loss of control over what and how much I can eat. I ask myself if this surgery is really worth giving up the only things I draw comfort from. Then... I think how I wheeze and loose my breath walking more than 10 feet, how when I sit and try to get up and it hurts, how I clean my home with a continuous backache, continuous sweating, my borderline diabetic problems, how people look at me and how I feel about how I look and all my meds for high blood pressure, wheezing, and pain. Sooooo....is the trade off worth it??? Today I think so. :)

  3. Thank you all for your support and sharing your experiences. It really does build my confidence. It has been so long since I have felt anything good about myself that just the fact that you were all willing to respond to my despair is greatly appreciated and I believe does give me hope to do what I need to do to get through this.

  4. I have been following this site for quite some time and am wondering why I haven't come across anyone who has struggled with giving up the "comfort zone." Sweets, cigarettes and diet coke have been my best friends for a very long time I have managed to give up the diet coke, sweets most of the time but still struggle with the cigarettes. I have cut back from 2 packs a day to 3 cigarettes a day, but find that I get very nervous and feel lost without these things. If anyone has the "magic" replacements please help me. I also go back and forth about the surgery as I am close to getting a surgery date, having completed all the requirements. I get afraid of it but weigh the benefits and push forward. My health sucks because of my weight and I wish I were more stable emotionally as most of you sound to be. Any help would be appreciated.

  5. I have been following this site for quite some time and am wondering why I haven't come across anyone who has struggled with giving up the "comfort zone." Sweets, cigarettes and diet coke have been my best friends for a very long time I have managed to give up the diet coke, sweets most of the time but still struggle with the cigarettes. I have cut back from 2 packs a day to 3 cigarettes a day, but find that I get very nervous and feel lost without these things. If anyone has the "magic" replacements please help me. I also go back and forth about the surgery as I am close to getting a surgery day, having completed all the requirements. I get afraid of it but weigh the benefits and push forward. My health sucks because of my weight and I wish I were more stable emotionally as most of you sound to be. Any help would be appreciated.

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