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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by aclinton16

  1. @ kimmiethomason1, Don't make the mistake I did. I wish My doctor would have told me to wait 6 months but instead he said 6 weeks. Since I have started drinking the wine my weight is not falling off. At a point now where I have to limit to once per week, or every other week. NOT 3 times per week as I do now.

    Sad I started drinking ..empty calories, adding sugar & carbs not losing weight!!!! i'm 5 mo out. If you can wait hold out as LONG as possible.

  2. My Surgery was December 23, 2014. I lost 15 pounds by my 3 week visit and doc said I was ahead of schedule. Well since I've only lost another 30. I do know most times I don't eat enough.. I simply can't so I have started back to 1 Protein shake a day.

    Also Doc told me at week 6 I can drink wine, and I've been drinking it ever since.Advice please.anyone experiencing this sloooooooowww pace?

    I'm afraid doc will have a few choice words for me next month on my 6 moth visit....

  3. Hi everyone.. Can you tell me if you get cravings when it gets close to your time of the month? If so did you prior to the surgery as well? I have ALWAYS gotten cravings close to my period. I want to eat everything but nothing is what I imagined. Then I have to do the sweet/salt thing...

    SO I am only 4 months out losing very slow..well I think i'm losing very slow already went thru a 5 week stall.

    I normally am not a sweets eater but every month close to that time i have to eat sweets. I have been fighting the feelin all week and broke down and had a cookie from Panera today and then my salt was about 10 lays plain potato chips!!! UGH...

    Anyhow was just talking with one of my gf abt this who has been sleeved now for 1 yr. She states that with the sleeve we are not supposed to crave any sweets. Has ANYONE ever heard of this? I surely had not. I know they say the part of stomach that controls hunger is removed, but at my first Doc visit his nurse says that it doesn't work for everyone. I know it didn't work for me because I can sure feel when I am hungry. The cravings though are only associated with my period as they always have been.

    Anyone hear this or have cravings too?

  4. I was sleeved on 12/23 and am down 32 lbs. I'm having trouble lately with excessive air in my stomach! Not sure if its gas or what.... but it interferes with my eating and drinking because it makes me feel full, when indeed i'm not. I can rarely ever do 4oz. at a sitting.

    It's getting annoying can anyone help with this?

  5. Hello I'm 7 weeks post-op and have soooo much air in my stomach. Don't really thinks it is gas just emptiness?? I'm not sure but it is super annoying. I try to drink Water to push it out but because its sooo much air it makes me feel full. Heck maybe it is gas?? I just don't know

    Has anyone been thru this? Can you tell me what it is and how to get rid of it? PLEASE

  6. It amazes me that so many get their panties in a wad when they post their opinion on a public discussion board and someone else disagrees or posts a counter opinion.

    Seriously! It's OK. In most cases, that counter opinion is just that -- opinion. While I do take issue with those who take themselves very seriously and post their opinion as fact, I am happy to say they are few and far between.

    We, for the most part, have different surgeons, different NUTs, different metabolisms, different builds, different backgrounds, different thought processes, different psychosis... (JOKING! Kind of.)

    There are very few doctors or therapists here. There are NO experts on YOU here, with the exception of yourself. No one is qualified to give you *absolute do or die* advice. No one is in a position to tell you that you are !!!WRONG!!! or that everyone else is. ;)

    Relax. Breathe. Discuss. Share. Vent. Listen. Learn.

    We all have our hot buttons, we are human. We all have topics we are passionate about. Debate is fun! It's healthy. It's how we learn and grow. It's a positive form of interaction until someone takes it personally. (I'm guilty at times -- I know it!) As long as it's respectful, there is no name calling involved, and there are no personal attacks, there is nothing wrong with it.

    I'll tell you a few things about me that are "wrong" and I don't give a rat's patoot if you want to tell me so:

    I drink soda. GASP! Even worse, I drink it through a straw! I would never tell anyone else to do the same. That's between you and your doctor.

    I graze all day. My sleeve is small, my restriction is fierce. I graze to keep myself from getting too hungry, eating too fast and then vomiting it all back up.

    I eat while I work, when I drive, when I watch TV. I find that when I do this, I get distracted and I eat slower. Weird, I know.

    I weigh myself 2-4 times a day. First thing in the morning (usually fully dressed in my PJs as I get up at a ridiculously early time of day to get my kids out of the door.) I weigh myself buck naked after kissing them goodbye when it's time to get myself dressed. I weigh myself before and after a poo (giggle) because I have a middle school boy sense of humor. I weigh myself at night, again buck nekky, just before I get in the shower. I call it my step aerobics. It works for me. I don't get frustrated or upset. I never have, even at my fattest.

    I eat real chocolate every day. Just a few Hershey Kisses or a Dove Promise (dark!). It quiets the sweet tooth I didn't have pre-op and keeps me from thinking about sweets all day. It's better to feed the beast a nibble and shut it up. FOR ME.

    I eat full fat everything except the things I don't. :D

    I am choosing not to be a WLS advocate. I don't care HOW people think I am losing weight, I don't care who supports me. I don't tell my business to everyone and it's not up to me to save the world from obesity one fatty at a time. I'm not embarrassed, ashamed or a liar. :D

    Your personal experience, your advice from your NUT/surgeon/NP may differ completely. You may be of the opinion that I will be the size of a small whale in 5 year's time. You may think that I am failing myself and my surgery. You may think I am a hypocrite. It's OK.

    You do you, I'll do me. We can talk and share and be opinionated together, even when our opinions don't match.

    This is a public DISCUSSION board. It's ok to discuss, it's ok to be opinionated. Just expect the same in return. :D

    OMG! Didn't you just hit the nail on the head. I seriously had someone go off on me for stating my opinions and had to let her know hold on sweetie, we are all in this together. Like you said not right nor wrong. It simply is what it is, now let's discuss.... Lol some folk..smh

  7. EXACTLY, like what the heck was I thinking.. Well I do know WHY, but its not an excuse. Prior to surgery was always going out with the girls for drinks. bingo, lunches etc. as I am a social butterfly

    Post-op I've just been hanging in the house getting used to the new rules etc and I think I was just really ready to get out and see some old familiar faces and places and made the decision to have 2 drinks!!!!!

    Thoug I'm not an introvert AT ALL, I'm going to have to resume my introverted activities if I can't go out and not drink. Doc told me I could have wine starting Feb 3rd. That's around the corner... I could have just waited!!!!!!! UGH

    I know the purpose of eating slow as I have always been a slow eater... this is just excessively SLOWWWWWWWW... Lol but yes much smaller plates is a wonderful idea. I usually only put 2/3 oz anyway because I can never do 4 oz in one sitting unless it's Soup or yogurt.... weird I guess.

    Thanks for the advice

  8. Hi Everyone, 1st time posting!

    I had sleeve surgery 1/07/15 and aside from a couple if blips everything went well. No nausea, very little pain, went thru 1 week of Clear Liquids then a week of "full" liquids and now am on what I think are called "mushies". Anyway, while on liquids I was full of energy and feeling great. I returned to work on 1/21/15 and feel extremely drained and totally lacking in energy. I've been getting approximately 50-65 gr of Protein a day (combo of Protein shakes and actual food) and also trying to get in 64 oz of Water but not getting near that target yet.

    Any suggestions on what might be causing me to feel so awful? I feel achy all over and vague pain in my lower back. I wonder if I should have stayed on full liquids awhile longer, I felt really good then. Has this happened to anyone else? This newbie would love some advice!

    thanks so much!

    Yes, make sure to take B-12 for energy.... but this may pass soon as everyone else said please take your Vitamins

  9. Please tell me I'm not alone in this. First let me preference by saying I was never a huge eater pre-op, but when I craved something I generally ate it.

    I'm only 4 1/2 weeks post op this week-end I had two drinks and ate 7 bugle potato chips. Now I KNOW I should not have done that and wondering why I did....

    Second, did anyone ever get tired of taking SUPER LONG to eat? I was always a slow eater prob why I have never gotten sick or nausea post-op BUT as I told my doc I find 30/45 minutes too long and boring. Especially when u r ready to eat.

    I made some yummy salmon with ginger and sesame oil along with some bok choy this week-end and its so good i dont want to wait forever to eat my meal. My Salmon kept getting cold... UGH I could scream!!!!

    Has or is anyone gone or going thru this and will it get better?? PLEASE HELP!!!!!

  10. Ok, so I am 1 year out and have now lost 107 lbs (Yay me!!!!) But along with all the loose skin I've noticed I've been queefing lately, and not during sex. ... am I alone?

    What is "queefing?" I'm only 4 weeks out.. is this something I should know about?

  11. I'm having problems with Constipation again Omg I need help

    OMG, this happened to me on Tuesday... I was in soooo much pain I had to leave work. Mind you I have not been constipated in over 10 years. I had not pooped in 4 days versus my norm 2/3 times everyday.!!!!!

    I started taking stool softeners 2 days prior but obviously they were not working. Good ole EPSOM SALT to the rescue... I feel for you it was really the worse pain I had had in years!!!!!

  12. Hi. I had my gastric sleeve on December 29th. I would love to be a part of this group. I have a question. I am at the soft foods and can now have tuna and baked fish. Is anyone experiencing stomach pain when eating. I think I am having stomach spasms. Thanks!

    I was sleeved on 12/23 and yes I experienced stomach spasms for about 5 days. I called doc office they phoned in an anti spasmodic. Took it 2 days and went away for good. I'm still on soft food stage for 2 more weeks. My doc recommended it for 4 weeks.. so its been fish, shrimp, tuna, eggs, etc ..well heck u already know... Lol How are you feeling besides that issue?

  13. Like everyone else I am cold most of the time.. but when doing regular things like walking getting in and out of car walking into store or mall or anywhere the sweat just starts running... UGH.. I can't wait for that to CEASE!!!!!!!! it's sooooo unattractive..and makes you just feel fat and out of shape!!!!

  14. I guess patience is a virtue. Plus this time gives up the ability to learn to eat properly and adapt to the changes.... I know its a tool and not a quick fix. I guess i'm just waiting to feel and look better... Knees still crack... hmmm energy level does not seemed to have changed yet. But maybe after 15/20 more pounds.

    One thing I need to move more. Ever since I've been back at work I move less and these chairs are not ergonomically friendly. Everything hurts when I get up out of the chairs. It was not like that when I was home...smh

  15. I avoid the scale by all means the only time I weigh myself is at my Docters appointment I feel like that is better for me. Doing good so far I lost 25 pounds and I'm 1 month post-op as of today.

    Yes, the last time I weighed was at doc appt on 1/12 24 lbs down. Have no idea whats going on now... Lol I just know I still wear the same size clothes... LMAO ok they have gotten a little loose! :-)

  16. WOW! @ beachgurl84 u sound so disgruntled. My statement was to answer is that why doctor says do not drink. Not to u specifically. And we ALL POST what we think, knowing that none of us are medical professionals. I don't THINK docs are telling their patients not to drink due to brain damage issues. Of course alcohol and sooo many other drugs can cause these and many more sever issues. Do I think that why ur doc says x amount of time and others doc say 6 months, some say 3, some say 6 weeks. No I don't THINK so...

    But common sense says we should ALL follow our own doc orders... no one else.

    Hope you have calmed down. This forum is to help and everyone provides their opinion. It is NOT to be hostile towards one another since we are all in this together.

    Good luck to you.

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