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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by A2artgrl

  1. I just hit my four month mark, and I have been exhausted for the past few days. I didn't have any issues with it until recently, so maybe my body is just catching up...I think I slept 12-14 hours both days this weekend, and could have slept even more. It's so hard to function when it hits :)

  2. Don't worry...3 weeks seems to be a magical stall number. I've seen a ton of posts on here about people that have the 3 week stall (myself included). It will pass, just give it time. I know the desire to want the weight gone is large, but it's healthier and more realistic for it to come off in smaller numbers, and stalls will continually happen. Stay focused on what you are doing and stay away from the scale during those times...take your measurements, a lot of times if the number on the scale is stuck, the numbers on your measurements will go down. Good luck :-)

  3. When I initially went in for my first consult, I was 100% skeptical of the whole process. I was semi-interested in information on the band, because there was no way in hell I was going to let anyone cut 80% of my stomach out. The doctor was very open to my concerns, but also gave me the stats for all of the procedures. He does very few bands anymore, because the post-surgery complications that occur 2-3 years post op (band slippage, total weight gain, etc) were happening more and more frequently. Long story short, I have 80% less of my stomach, and could not be happier with that decision (even though I was freaking out about it until the day of surgery). I was also worried that I would be hungry and unable to eat - rest assured, that doesn't happen. I have to remind myself to eat because I'm rarely hungry (I've felt physical hunger pains 2 times so far, 2.5 months out), and my life doesn't revolve around what I'm going to eat next. Make no mistake, it's a lot of work, but absolutely worth it in my eyes. Way to do your research - weigh out the pro's and con's of each, and make the decision based on what you are most comfortable with, because in the end, that's what is the most important. Good luck to you!

  4. I'm not a huge fan of the Protein shake either...prior to surgery, I drank them all the time and didn't mind the taste...but I guess having no choice about it, and the weird thing with some foods tasting differently now, the Protein shakes didn't make the cut! I'll still choke them down if need be, but what really helped me was discovering the bariatric hot chocolate (I go through bariatric direct, best prices)...they are around 15 grams of Protein and I don't notice the protein taste. I'm not big on using stuff that I can't find around here, but I'm sold on it!

  5. I have the nausea too...mostly with Water, which makes it really hard to even *want* to drink it. I'm still struggling with knowing when the last bite is...I usually have one more bite and then get mad at myself lol I hit a stall last week, but started going to the gym, which seemed to shake it loose. My caloric intake has been high (around 900), but I was trying to get all my Protein from food - I started having a Protein Shake every day, so the calories have gone down, and now I can have fruit or other things that I didn't have the non-protein room for...more variety = happier me!

  6. 2 1/2 months out, and Water still makes me nauseous, almost daily. A couple of things that have helped; putting lemon (fresh or out of the bottle) in room temp Water, and plain room temp water :) I can't drink water first thing in the morning, either, so I start with either Protein or iced (enough to cool down, not enough to make it cold) Decaf tea. Frankensleeve is so temperamental over the weirdest things some days!

  7. I don't care whether people know or not. I don't open a conversation with it, but I don't have a problem talking about it (but if they are ballsy enough to ask, I'm giving them a complete education, whether they want it or not lol). A couple of coworkers know, and one of them made such an excellent point; the sleeve was only 1 hour of your journey - a tool - the rest of the work YOU are doing, and it's not easy...it requires discipline and lifestyle changes forever...the sleeve isn't doing that, YOU are :) I think there is far more to say about that, than there is to say about the little frankenstomach you have.

  8. Grateful every day that I made the decision to do this! Dec 15th, weight loss has been good, but more importantly, I feel great! I don't find myself tied to the scale anymore, and I'm finally starting to figure out that, "This needs to be your last bite or you're going to regret it" means stop eating now lol. Cold Water makes me nauseous, plain Water makes me nauseous, so I have to drink room temp w/ either lemon or flavor drops of some sort. I feel extremely lucky, because other than that, it's been smooth sailing. I've also hit a plateau, so I just stopped getting on the scale at all, and think long-term...even thought I'm the same weight I was last week, it's still less than it was 2 months ago :)

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