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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by samcl1

  1. I keep seeing people post about going back to work after a few days up to a couple of weeks. This scares me. I wasn't allowed to go back to work for a month after having my gallbladder out. I'm older than a lot and I am a critical care nurse where heavy lifting is not an option. I am half of a small two nurse ccu.....together my coworker and I move 200-350# patients on a 6-10 time a night routine (or more). Does anyone else have any idea realistically, that I should plan to be off.

  2. I need it and I want it. I have always been a failure are dieting but my health is now so affected......I detailed this on another thread. My husband is supportive but scared, my daughter's are also, but one is not as sure as the other....she's afraid it will "ruin my life"...hello......it's already ruined. I'm am being worked up for the bypass because I have terrible reflux. I have been researching and there are do many "possible" complications. It's very scary.....I don't want to sound foolish....I have been a nurse for 35 years and have had many other surgeries myself, so why am I so afraid of this one??

  3. My insurance makes me wait 3 months and do supervised dieting by and...I go see them on May 19....then I have to lose 5 % of my body weight. I am 5'1 1/2 and weight 200#, but before you judge.....like I hear every time I mention it to someone...

    I am diabetic, have sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, small vessel heart disease, degenerative back and knees, ruptured discussion in lower back and neck. I am 61 years old and want a bit of quality life left.

    Back to the point I was going to make before defending myself.....lol....I am having my bypass at Swedish in Seattle. My daughter is having a baby in Norfolk Va in early November....if the baby adheres to its schedule.. from others experience, would it be unreasonable to try to have the surgery the second week of October hang around for two weeks then go to va, to finish my recuperatio? I certainly don't want to miss the birth of my grandchild.

  4. My name is Sharon. I will start out by saying I never really had a weight problem till my early 40's and then it was only 20 pounds or so. Well, I am now 60 and have developed diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, bad knees and I also have 4 or 5 bad discs in my back. My BMI is 37 and with all my comorbitities I do qualify for a bypass..I say bypass because that is the only surgery my insurance will pay for. My cardiologist and my neurosurgeon both agree that I should have the surgery..I cannot exercise or even walk much because of my back pain. Also, any exercise that gets my heart rate past 100 causes angina. My pcp says I just need to diet....gee why didn't I think of that?? My biggest issue, I think.....is that I had a friend die from complications if malabsorption.syndrome after her bypass. (Ten years after it), so I have that image stuck in my mind. My cardiologist says if I have the surgery it could quite possibly give me 10 more years of quality life than if I dont.

    I would appreciate any thoughts on the matter.... looking for positive feedback I suppose. I have gotten plenty of negative from some friends and family.

    Thank you

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