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Everything posted by Slimsoon1988

  1. I'm only joking. I'll go through with it and deal with the results either way.
  2. Now my mind is running. The way to avoid taking the sleep this is to not fall asleep.. Hmm interesting...
  3. Yeah my bariatric program wouldn't let me get away with that. If I declined the sleep test they wouldn't operate.
  4. I'm going to bug them every day to give me the earliest appointment available. I'm still trying to get my surg by Feb.
  5. If I knew all of this my answer would have been very different. I don't understand why you would need to wait 3months to get a surgery that would help cure your sleep apnea. I would think they would be rushing you to the surgery room
  6. Slimsoon1988

    Just got my date!

    Nice turn around. That's what I'm trying to do! Congrats!
  7. Wow after reading some of the hurdles I really hope that my test comes back SA free. It seems sleep apnea would put a delay in the process. Ugh why did I have to mention my thirst issue.
  8. Ok great to know. I'm just going to ignore his comments on complication since he doesn't actually work in the bariatric dept. If this was coming from my bariatric unit I would be more concerned.. I was just so surprise that he said it.
  9. I asked the same thing, how does my thirst relate to sleep apnea. He said sleep apnea closes the airways at night and people get extremely thirsty. I told him I sleep with Water on my nightstand. And that was the nail in the coffin for him. I am 90% sure I don't have sleep apnea.
  10. That's what I thought. I figured if I did have sleep apnea it's more of a reason to get the surgery. Also it would give me less hurdles to climb with insurance. Maybe he meant time wise it would complicate things. I want the surgery in Feb sometime. Idk, I really wish I asked him.
  11. Slimsoon1988

    Need to lose 14pds to get VSG date

    So tomorrow I'm going shopping for some shakes. What are some favs out there? I'm looking for something that can keep me full as long as possible..
  12. Today was my first ever bariatric appointment and it was with the nutritionist. I told her that I would do whatever It takes in order for me to have the surgery before March. At the end of March, I am expected to take on a lot more responsibility at work and I don't want to take off. She told me that since I've scheduled all my required appointment in the month of December that I have a high chance of getting a Feb date. If all goes well with my appointments this month the only obstacle left in my way is losing the required 14pds. My next weigh in is Dec 29th. I know I am reaching high but I want to really go for it. I plan to up my protein and veggies and hit the gym hard. I would value any helpful suggestions. I want this so bad I can almost taste healthy/skinny.
  13. Slimsoon1988

    Need to lose 14pds to get VSG date

    I like the 2 shakes and light dinner idea. I just really hope I won't be starving throughout the work day.. But I guess I should practice for the pre op diet.
  14. Slimsoon1988

    Need to lose 14pds to get VSG date

    I'm on it! I want my Feb date!
  15. Slimsoon1988

    Need to lose 14pds to get VSG date

    Thanks. I plan to do grocery shopping and stock up on some protein sources.
  16. Totally placed this in the wrong place. Sorry everyone.

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