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Everything posted by Slimsoon1988

  1. Slimsoon1988

    Not telling my only family member

    Thanks. This is hard for me because I'm an open book kind of person so sitting on big news is not my expertise.
  2. Slimsoon1988

    Alcohol intake

    I also worry about this. I'm 26 years old and every Friday night my friends meet at the bar. I'm known to have a good time. I'm never going to be the drinking game champion again. But i do want to know if I'm able to have a drink or two once in a while?
  3. Slimsoon1988

    New York Sleevers

    Sounds like a good idea. My surgery is scheduled for 2/25
  4. Most of my friends I told worried more about the surgery and how it would affect my health afterwards. Even though I've explained this surgery will have more pros for me moving forward.. I think our friends care about us and are just worried. So I have decided not to tell anymore people because I don't need the added stress before surgery. Especially since I'm 100% committed to doing the surgery.
  5. So I went to my first pulm appointment today and he said based on the fact that I get thirsty often throughout the day and wake up twice in the night to use the bathroom he is going to order a sleep test. He told me if I do have sleep apnea it would complicate my path towards getting the sleeve. I was so shock that I didn't even ask how. Though I would never lie to a doctor I was thinking what's the point of being honest if this can screw me up moving forward. I really hope I don't have it. My BMI is 43 and I have good insurance.. Can someone please tell me how having sleep apnea could delay my journey?
  6. Slimsoon1988

    Any February Sleevers

    Thank goodness. I need everything perfect on the 25th!
  7. Slimsoon1988

    Any February Sleevers

    Lol I would like to know this too. My surgery is the 25th.
  8. I just did my final weigh in yesterday and was able to lose the final 5 pds by doing an atkin protein shake for breakfast and lunch and grilled chicken breast for dinner. For snacks I would have 2 cheese sticks a day. And of course I worked out 5 days a week for one hour each day.
  9. Slimsoon1988

    Any February Sleevers

    Surgery date, Feb 25th in NY!
  10. Today I finally got a surgery date, Feb 25th! I imagined I would be jumping around but today I was informed of an obstacle. Apparently my physician's letter is not all that supportive of the surgery. She crossed out the part where it said "I recommend surgery" and wrote I would like for him to meet with a nutritionist. My doctor said that it's not great that she did that but it's not all that bad either because i have met with the nutritionist and multiple times. He said if my insurance denies me he will work to fight on my behalf. I'm very upset that she would write that. She is the one who told me that due to my BMI I qualified for surgery so I thought she would have no problem supporting it. Does she not know I will see a nutritionist before I get to the operating table?? They are submitting my paperwork today and I should know in two weeks if I'm accepted. I still feel hopeful but I was not expecting this. Any thoughts out there?
  11. Today I finally got a surgery date, Feb 25th! I imagined I would be jumping around but today I was informed of an obstacle. Apparently my physician's letter is not all that supportive of the surgery. She crossed out the part where it said "I recommend surgery" and wrote I would like for him to meet with a nutritionist. My doctor said that it's not great that she did that but it's not all that bad either because i have met with the nutritionist and multiple times. He said if my insurance denies me he will work to fight on my behalf. I'm very upset that she would write that. She is the one who told me that due to my BMI I qualified for surgery so I thought she would have no problem supporting it. Does she not know I will see a nutritionist before I get to the operating table?? They are submitting my paperwork today and I should know in two weeks if I'm accepted. I still feel hopeful but I was not expecting this. Any thoughts out there?
  12. I hope to have my surgery within the next 8 weeks or so. I'm currently heading to the gym and it got me thinking about post op gym experiences. My favorite machine is the elliptical. I will also try to incorporate weights in my workout postop to aid with the sagging. When did some of you return to the gym?
  13. Slimsoon1988

    Reputable Plastic Surgeons in Mexico

    I'm also interested in getting plastic in Mexico a year from now but I have no idea how much to save. How much would it cost to get rid of the arm flaps?
  14. Slimsoon1988

    When did you return to the gym?

    This is great information. In my bariatric booklet it says that 6 weeks is an appropriate time. But for someone like me who loves the gym that seems entirely too long. I hope I'm cleared in 3 weeks.
  15. Update: I recieved my results today. I don't have sleep apnea. I'm super excited that my surg process will go smoothier.
  16. I like the 6 shakes idea. 3 shakes at this point is just not enough
  17. So when I went to the doctor earlier this month it was hinted that if I lost 14pds I would get a surgery date. My next doctor appt is Dec 29th so naturally I want to lose the weight by then. So far I've lost only 5 pounds. So I have 9 pounds to go in 2 weeks. I've decided to do a protein shake for breakfast and lunch with a sensible dinner. Today was my first day on the diet and I failed miserably. I went on a total binge, fried chicken and cookies..I think I'm just so stressed by the whole thing that I sabotage myself. Any tips or thoughts on how I can move forward would be extremely helpful.
  18. Thanks! If I'm ever looking for a stranger to judge me I know who to write. Goodnight, Hun!
  19. Your entire comment was judgmental. By bascially telling me that I can't handle a 'sensible' diet and telling me about my mindset. You don't know me or my journey. I had a slip up and wanted thoughts and tips on how I could modify my diet. Not to be schooled on the outcomes of surgery. As if i just woke up and thought this surgery was the magic pill.
  20. I binged because having a protein shake for breakfast and lunch basically put me in starvation mode. I always stop eating when i am full. Having the surgery will help me be full faster and help me eat less. Yes I did have a slip up today but I'm an extremely determined person.. To be honest I don't think you can judge my readiness for surgery based on my one little comment.
  21. Thanks. I need to hold strong. By 12pm I snapped. Tomorrow I'm going to fight through the hunger
  22. I'm not sure how many of you have sleep paralysis but I'm worried about it since I will be under anesthesia for surgery. So it happened to me last night. It always happen when I sleep on my back. For those who may not know, SP often occurs when you are in the middle of wake and sleep mode, when trying to wake up you find that you can't move. I often can hear (or think I hear) everything happening in my room but as hard as I try I can't speak or move. Sometimes my eyes are already open and sometime my eyes are shut and I can't open them. So naturally I am wondering about how this will impact me and my surgery. Or is this a non factor?
  23. I'm doing my sleep test on Friday so I will bring it up there. It just hit me because it happened this morning. I often avoid it by not sleeping on my back but last night I slipped up.
  24. Yes I see my Nut, hopefully for the last time, on the 29th. Starting next week I'm going on a protein shake diet.
  25. So here is a little update: I found out that if I'm diagnosed with sleep apnea I would need the mask and must be under full compliance for 6 weeks to get approved for surgery. The place the Pulm originally referred me to had a month and a half waiting period. I was able to call around and get an appointment scheduled for this week Friday! By early next week I'll know if I have sleep apnea. I'll keep everyone updated!

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