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Posts posted by 2BHealthE!

  1. Hi all - Whew! Thanks for starting this thread.

    What I'd have to say is redundant to everyone else. Feeling like I'm the only LB failure out there...mentally beating myself up about. :tongue2: Anyway, I do want to get on track. Knowing that you all are out there doing the same thing helps.

    How did you get the courage to head back to the doc? Haven't been in about a year. Shame, shame, shame...that feeling is not a friend, is it?


  2. Hi all! Thanks, Traci, for your note, gave me the energy to MAKE time to sign on!

    Working hard just to keep my head above Water this fall. Haven't been on the bike in about 2 weeks. Arrggghhh! I have been walking, about 4-5 miles 5 times per week. Helps with stress management, but it's not biking. :(

    I usually am the one reminding people not to wish their life away...but...I can hardly wait till May when I can finish with this double duty of work and school! Yippee!!

    Keep on ridin' Mary K.

  3. Thread CPR here....

    C - Cycle

    P - Post

    R - Reply

    Don't make me get the defibrillator becuz the thread is "flat lining". :confused:

    Speaking for myself, I am just so darn busy that posting doesn't make it to the top of my list. I keep putting sleep ahead of it - LOL! :blink: Benn lurking every once in a while. Good to see what's up.

    Love to ride in the fall - anybody else feel that way? There is just something about the fall air.... Need to get more miles in (and update my tickers)....Oh No!! I just added 2 things to my overloaded "to do" list. :)

    Take care everyone.

    Mary K.

  4. Hi all! I..am..so..darn..busy..that..I..can't..even..breathe (seems like).

    D - I am so envious, part of my busyness is trying to juggle a 120 hour internship with teaching full-time + taking a class. I would positively kill to give one of the three "jobs" up. Well..not really kill, after all that's pretty bad form for a nurse, but..you know what I mean. Good job on continuing to run. I am impressed.

    HP - Happy Dance time!! :biggrin: Your NSVs over the past 2 weeks are so motivating! Pix are great and I love, love, love your purple jersey. What awesome weather for riding!!

    Going to use the bike as my transportation this week. Pray for no rain during commuting time. I can't do a thing with my hair on a good day - let alone after an outdoor shower! Take care all, have a great week - full of wheels, sunshine and tailwinds! KY

  5. Hi All - Ike certainly has left his mark on us all, hasn't he? We were lucky here in South-central KY. Some strong winds, some tree limbs down. As far as I know, no major damage or injuries.

    Unfortunately, one of my nursing students wasn't as lucky. Her younger brother was injured when a tree crashed into the family home near Louisville KY. He is in Kosair Childrens Hospital in critical condition. Pray for the family.

    Juli - My daughter goes to school in Steubenville, OH and it sounds like that community took a hit too. Franciscan University didn't lose power, but it sounds as if alot of the city did. She spent Saturday in Columbus with a friend. I am so glad that their trip was Sat instead of Sunday!

    TLill - Been taking Zumba classes at the university fitness center. How long before it won't totally kick my heinie??!! Also, when will my feet reconnect with my brain? I swear that music comes on and I have no control over what my feet do. Everyone else is zigging and I seem to be zagging! LOL! I also realize that I have many years before I turn into the cute eccentric little old lady that college students get a kick out of in their exercise classes. Presently they just seem to look horrified when I show up!

    Haven't been on my bike in 5 days. I'm wanna ride!!

    Take care all. KY

  6. Hey Angelsma! We are band-date twins! :) I had my surgery in Nashville TN on July 10th. I see we are also close to the same age. My DD goes to school in Ohio, and is headed to Columbus tomorrow to meet a friend and go to the zoo (small world, isn't it??)

    Had my second fill today (Sept. 12th). On liquids until Sunday, so I'm not sure how much or how little restriction I have after this second fill. Tummy is growling!!

    Mary K.

  7. HP - Love your photo with your bike. Happiness is....a yellow jersey and a 2-wheeled friend. Beautiful you are.

    OH - thanks for the comment on my blog. Always tickles me when someone reads it. Hope your travel is productive...or at least not too painful!

    Turl - Congratulations!!!! Whoeeeee! :sad:

    Mike - don't know ya' I'm sorta new on the Bycyler thread. But, I'm impressed with what you've written already. You go!

    Finally, a lean Protein joke told to me by one of my students:

    Two cannibals are dining on a clown

    One turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?"

    :) Yeah...it might take a lot of sauce to get that groaner down! Take care all! KY

  8. HP, Turler and anyone else who is interested. Here is a ride that might be great to meet up and do in 09. Most routes have rolling hills at the most, shorter routes are flat, flat, flat.


    Paducah would probably be about the same distance from your place, HP, as it is from where I am in KY (but definitely not between). But, for anyone interested it is a fun, casual ride.

    I think we need "Bycyling" jerseys whenever 2 or more are gathered in the same ride (sounds vaguely biblical - LOL!).

    For me, training for a organized ride (with t-shirts!) keeps me on track.

    Turler - I HATE those kind of comments! But, as I am uncomfortable thinking that someone just noticed that my a$$ is "above average" I try to think "yeah, but if I wasn't in FRONT of you, you wouldn't see it! Eat my dust, loser!" Doesn't entirely stop the sting, but dissin' the disser (even if just mentally) sure helps me smile inside. :shades_smile:


  9. I feel as though I should needlepoint that onto a pillow...Just be beautiful! Amen!

    Another bander who posts frequently has a wonderful blog, and on it she raised the challenge of doing 101 things to "stretch" yourself, over the course of 1001 days. So, I decided to take that challenge. Two of my items are:

    #58 Tell Steve thank-you when he says I’m beautiful instead of making a negative comment about myself, 20 times.

    #43 Don’t make a joke about my size, or other physical feature, for one week.

    We are all so much alike in that our internal voice can be so negative. We need to turn off that "tape" (and stomp on it!). We do need to just be beautiful. We ARE. :lol:

  10. Weighed yesterday and had the pleasure of gaining 2# despite working hard last week. :sad: TL - don't you feel better about staying the same?! :smile:

    Here are my excuses:

    - I put my deodorant on pretty heavy before I weighed. :smile:

    - Boy-oh-boy do I need to shave my legs! :party:

    - I didn't talk nice to the scale before I got on :smile:

    - I went to the dentist and got a filling this past week. That has to add on some weight, doesn't it?? :w00t:

    - I was thinking "fat" thoughts (power of mind over matter) :thumbup:

    - My fat cells are having too much fun with all this lovely start-of-fall bicycling? They don't want to be exterminated! :tt2:

    Oh well, keep riding, walking, and eating well. It HAS to come off if I persist!! KY

  11. I actually FORGOT to weigh today. Just as I have never been able to understand people who forget to eat, I never thought I'd see the day that I would forget to weigh! Yowsa. :cool2:

    Will weigh tomorrow. Planning a dawn ride in am - love it, love it!!

    HP - you will get going again! I think the first step is to get on the bike!! I know that when I ride I am much more motivated to eat right, drink right. After all, every pound lost is one less pound to haul up that hill. :thumbup:

    TL - I have never been aqble to figure out that phenomenon either. But, I figure in my lifetime it has evened out with the week's that I have lost and not really "deserved" it. :laugh: Keep on keepin' on and it will show up on the scale. As for how D managed that 8# loss, here is my theory: she got a haircut, flossed her teeth, shaved her legs and pits, inhaled some helium (so she'd be lighter and sound like Truman Capote), wore "Daisy Duke" shorts and a cut off tank (and no undies), removed all jewelry (including her navel ring), and last (but not least) plucked her eyebrows. :tt2:

    D - I hope you don't mind my piece of fiction as to your 8# loss, just trying to cheer up TL! :w00t:

    Have a good week everyone! KY

  12. _____Name______Start Weight____Current Weight____Goal________Lbs lost



































    I just had to fix my #'s - my goal said "79". Eek!

  13. It can be sticky when you're asked personal questions by folks who aren't close enough to share personal info with. Here is my script -

    Q: "How much have you lost?" A: "Some of what I want to."

    Q: "How much more do you want to lose?" A: "Until I feel healthy and ready to stop losing."

    Q: "You're getting so skinny." (ugh) A: "Thank you."

    Q: "How are you losing?" A: "Eating less and lots of exercise."

    Q: "I can really see your weight loss in your _____." (fill in the blank: neck, face, chest) A. "Thank you."

    Q: "I'm glad you decided to do something about your weight. I was worried about you." A: "Thank you."

    Q: "Are you worried about having saggy skin?" A: "There is so much that I could worry about in life. What do you think about the presidential race?"

    It also helps to mentally think "idiot" after I say thank you to a somewhat rude statement or question. :)

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