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Posts posted by MisR

  1. Hi ,

    I started having similar pains about a week ago. It was so bad I had my husband take me to the ER. My surgeon is out of state for awhile so one of the others from the office came & checked me. My heart checked out fine thankfully. Wish I could say the same for my stomach treating it as a ulcer. My husband is concerned cause I'm still having a lot of pain but mostly at night. I haven't been eating very much but then again I not suppose to are we lol. Like I told him it'll take a little while for meds to work. I have to trust the Dr cause he's been doing this long than I've been living with this so here's hoping the meds work

  2. Hi everyone,

    I think what your feeling is 100% normal. If you didn't have some anxiety I'd be concerned. Ladies & Gentlemen you have made a choice to change your life forever & very much for the better. My husband is 5 yrs out from his rny. He lost 180 (current weight is 181 lbs) has kept it off ????????????????????????needles to say I'm proud of him

    BUT I'm more proud on myself right now 8 months ago I began my new life after RNY bypass & i'm down 96 lbs (I started at 242 lbs) Yes I still have some to go but I'll get there!! Only thing I wish is I had done this sooner... Fear is normal, yes there will be some pain & discomfort but once your 6 months post surgery you'll see ... The fear wasn't worth all the stress & anxiety you put yourself threw... Ladies & Gentleman take the time before your surgery to relax & enjoy your family & friends .... Cause once you have the surgery your going to want to be busy ALL THE TIME!!! I've missed to many times with my family to want to sit around and miss a single opportunity to live my life to the fullest and I'm dragging them kicking & screaming with me every step of the way now days if I have to (LOL) & so far their all in ... Wish you all the best & please know it's not nearly as bad as you think it will be ... You've picked a doctor that over the last year (possibly years) that you feel you can trust ... And now it's his turn to show you how good he/ she really is ... Keep your eyes on the prize !!! Your health & a life worthy of YOU .. You've always been beautiful/ handsome ... But due to our weight we haven't really been the full US but by god WE WILL BE SOON!!! Best wishes

  3. I'm 6 months post op & I'm addicted to lemon heads candy omg... I could've cared less about this mess before my surgery and now it's like. If I go 3 days with out any of them I'm going nuts .... I need HELP. My nut tells me it's my Protein levels dropping that's causing the craving BUT I can't help but buy a little box and a lot them out 4 little yellow terrors at a time ... I need a intervention I think .. It sounds fun but like many I WISH SUGAR made me deathly SICK that way my body wouldn't want it... I'm losing weight well but I know if I didn't eat any sugar Id be so much better ... Please any tips / advise is very much welcomed ‼️I feel like a ???? head over here

  4. I started having this problem at almost my 3 month mark as well as the Hair loss. I thought it was to be expected but found out from my primary care that my thyroid panels were out of whack. The primary care isn't pushing doing anything at this point as far as medication. cause the gland is enlarged and both him & surgeon seem to agree this will correct its self in time.... But until something gives I only average about 3 to 3 1/2 hrs sleep a day .. I take 3mg melatonin & that's the best I'm getting ... Hope this soon corrects its self or something

  5. I went bra shopping this pass weekend. Yes I want some nice ones with support was explains to the sales lady that was sizing me what was going on & that I didn't want to spend a fortune on bras since in a couple weeks they may not fit correctly. She recommend buy one really nice one, hand wash it air dry it use a sports bra or the one I'm not fitting so well around the house ... But do the one really good one for work, outings ect ... Cause she said as little as a 5lb weight loss will change everything about your bra. She also turned me on to the store web site cause the have coupons & sales there... Got to say I was really impressed that she didn't try to up sale everything & TRUELY wanted to help me save some on this process.I bought 2 one really sexy one (bring sexy back ladies) one for just great comfort .. Yes I plan on going back in a couple of weeks and repeating the process again.

  6. Thanks Green*eyed*girl. unfortunately I've been on night shift most of my career (over 8yrs with this job) But I'm trying to get a position on days. It would be nice to spend time with family, friends and not feel like a total zombie all the time.

  7. Hi... I've had PCOS for years & that pain is worse than the pain you'll have from gastric bypass .. The more you walk the easier the recovery. Well I'm 8 weeks post surgery. My surgery was the week of Thanksgiving (lol.. I know the one day of the year we are all trying to eat & I just want Water .. Of all things) I went in to pre op at 11:30 .. Surgery around 2pm on 11/25... Came out of recovery & in my room around 6:30-7'ish. My nurses were awesome!!! Couldn't have asked for any better nurses. It was close to 9-10 pm when I started waking up enough to want outta bed lol...I sat on the side of the bed & got use to the idea of getting up ... My nurse told me "no fast movements ... Slow & easy!"

    I walked for I know about 20 minutes. At shift change I got a new nurse (I mean new & scared to death but he was awesome & funny) Fyi " no laughing", not hard any way that sh*t hurts early on. We walked off & on all night (I'm a night worker) ... I used the pain meds one time more so to sleep than anything. At 7am 11/26 my catheter was removed (thank goodness) my doctor came & checked me & I asked when I could go home & was told after I went to the bathroom for #1 & drank 4 oz of water .. If I still felt like going home he would sign off on it. Needless to say I left the hospital before 10:00 am 11/26 yes I was there just under 24 hrs start/finish. I had very little gas pain thanks to the walking. I had lost 14 lbs on my 2week liquid diet before surgery (required by my doctor of all his gastric by pass patients) since the surgery I'm down another 36 lbs for a grand total of 50 lbs ... Yes I've had my up & downs but over all I would do it again in a heartbeat it's so worth it ... Please keep us posted on how you are & know that if you have question about the surgery or progress I'm sure you'll find a lot of help here & don't be scared to call your dr for anything!! ... I'm sure you'll do great & can't wait to hear how your doing

  8. Sorry to hear about this. I'll be 2months next week . I haven't thrown up I get nauseous my Dr sent me to hospital last week for iv's but that's been my only really hiccup so far. Have a friend who had surgery almost 6 yrs ago. They developed a ulcer about 4 weeks after their surgery. They had a very ruff time cause they ended up with a pic line to feed them for about 2 weeks .. Be very careful the ulcer they can set you back very quickly. Are you able to eat or drink anything with out pain??

  9. Wow... From the sounds of it your All doing GREAT!! I had my bypass 11/25/14 ... I'm open to any pointers that any of you might have .. I'd love to be as far along at 4 months as everyone here is .. Your all smoking threw this & dropping some serious pounds!!!!

  10. Ok .. I'm 7weeks post op from gastric bypass my Dr isn't really happy with my weight lose since I returned to work. I work 12hour night shifts on 2 to 3 days off 2 to 3days. I'm averaging 1.5 to 2 lbs a week. My problem so far is staying with a schedule. I'm trying to but it's hard just wonder if there's any one who's got any pointers that can help please.

  11. I had my rny bypass .. It was funny cause it the first Thanksgiving I've never wanted to eat lol.. My surgery went well I went into surgery @ 1:40pm 11/25/14discharged from the hospital 11/26/14 @ 11:20 am...I was up & walking the halls before 8pm the night of the surgery. They will have you up & in those halls as soon as your awake good lol.... But trust it's a good thing the sooner your moving the sooner you'll feel like yourself

  12. Zedqueen - my Doctors office required a 2 week liquid diet before surgery in order to shrink the "fatty liver" .. This is required for all his rny & gastric sleeve patients. As bad as it sounds the first 3 to 4 days are the hardest..????lol..but worth it . Once your past those days it's really pretty simple. I would mix up 4 to 5 Protein Shakes the night before so the next day my meals were ready. Can't complain cause I lost weight doing it. Plus it really got me ready for the week clear liquid diet following my surgery (as so required by Doctor). The hardest thing right now is after 2 weeks of Protein shakes the last thing I want is another one lol... But I do my best .. I have to take care of me!! In order to take care of my family

  13. Enjoy your sushi if that's what your after .. I was going to do steak at one point then it was Chinese, I changed my mind so much that the last day before my 2week liquid diet started... I decide that I would let my family decide what was for dinner. Needless to say it wasn't steak, Chinese, or any of the things I'd mentioned .... It was pulled pork bbq, lol.. Wasn't as good as my husbands but Damn it was nice & my family TRUELY enjoyed it .. Keep us posted on how you are!! & relax I'm 6 week post op & yes I've had a few low point but keep your goals in mind & Remember why your taking this step .... It'll be worth it when it's all over & done !!

  14. I just saw my doctor for my 6 week check up . One of my questions was about this very thing. Cause I have eaten a chocolate kiss (yes, it was only one lol) I stopped my self cause I'm scared to get the foamies or dump... My doctor did say that in the first few months a lot of patients aren't having food problems that we (the patients) were expecting. This is due to advances in the surgery & the medications that they are placing patients on after to protect the stomach during this time of healing. However he did warn me that once I'm off my stomach medication I'm subject not to tolerate sweets (with natural sugars) of any kind at all. Not sure if this is the case with anyone else but thought that I'd share what I've been told.

  15. I have taken the pain meds for it BUT I'm really trying to stay away from any medication at this point that I really don't have to have. Spoke with my nurse about this, this morning .. She said it's not uncommon to still have some pain . She said problem is there's still a bruised area that's slowing the healing process. It's was noted at my 2week check up. But bruise isn't seen around the top of stomach but almost at my hip. When I told her the bruise is no longer on my stomach & now on my hip. She said that's still coming from my stomach and this is normal.... Ok this hadn't been a problem till this last week or so I kinda feel like I was just blowed off. I don't want to sound like a over reacting patient but this is painful. As far as working out.. Walking is about as much working out as I'm doing . Not cause I don't want to do more but my doctor has so many limits on my activities ... But even doing that I have to keep my clothing from touching 3 out of the 5 incision due to the pain .... Thank everyone for responding it's really helped.. Guess I'll keep trying ice packs & hope this eases off soon. If I find out anything else I'll pass on the information

  16. Ok I had my surgery 4 weeks ago tomorrow. Now I'm having pain in my right side around my incision areas. It's uncomfortable and seems to be becoming more noticeable daily. At fist it started just when my clothing would touch the areas but now nothing has to be in contact with this area for it to become painful. I'm just curious if there's anyone else having these same issues & how you're handling it???

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