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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by maggie0210

  1. maggie0210


    One year post op. Honestly, I did have regrets for a month or two. I think because I'm an emotional person. But I would never look back now. Everything is so much better now. Off of three meds. Diabetes gone. Can move around without running out of breath. So, look forward to Friday. It's all easier after that. Even if you feel a little sad, remember how much your life will change for the better. Best of luck to you.
  2. Nurse rosemary, You are not eating enough protein. And exercising too much. Need to increase caloric intake. And maybe change doctors! You should be treated with respect. What you have gone through is a trauma to your body, and you need support. A stall is quite common, just introduce new foods and it will help get you going again. Let me know how you are doing. Good luck.
  3. maggie0210

    Today is my day.

    Best of wishes to you. You will feel so much better when you are on your way!
  4. maggie0210

    Protein help

    Turtle friend, I had my surgery one year ago on December fifth. Still having some trouble with protein. There are some ideas I have to help. On line go to bariatricchoice.com they have something called Pro-Stat sugar free liquid protein. The good thing is you only have to drink one ounce, and it has 18 grams of protein. Doesn't taste great, but a very small amount, so it's not that bad. Comes in cherry, grape, and lemon lime. Cherry is the best one. There are other things there, but I must warn you, cookies and meals are very heavy, don't reccomend them. But have other things you might like. Also something called protein to go. Kind of like crystal light. They have their own site. Also in some stores. Some people told me to try Isopure Unflavored, has 30 grams of protein. Sold at GNC I believe. But the best bet is the one ounce I think. I hope I helped you some. You are doing great, so keep up the good work.
  5. maggie0210

    Did I lose enough weight?

    You are doing wonderful. Keep up the good work. And don't forget everyone is different. Some lose faster or slower. I personally never had a stall. You might not either. Just keep hydrated and with the protein.
  6. Its so good you have made it this far. Seems like forever with all the testing and doctor appointments. But you will be so happy with the results. I bet you can't wait for your surgery date. My one year anniversary this week. I had almost given up, but I have now lost a lot of weight and so happy I had it done. Let me know your surgery date. Great news.
  7. I did not have family support either, except for my younger sister. It makes it very complicated. Do you go to support group meetings? They can really help. You hear everyone's story and questions. But to cheer you up, I met my 1 year anniversary this week. Lost over 100 pounds. Also corrected many health problems. I feel so much better now. For years I went on so many diets, none of them worked long term. My surgeon said its like a switch in you is broken. Its not your fault, has nothing to do with willpower. I had no complications, but some do. Its all different for different people. If you go in with a positive attitude, you will do just fine. Do you have any supportive friends? Talk to them. I found my family more supportive after surgery. Email me if you want at emmafiona0926@gmail.com. If I can help, I will. Best of luck to you. It is the right decision if you really want to change.
  8. maggie0210

    TA DA!

    Great pics, you have done a great job! The dress is fabulous!
  9. maggie0210

    Surgery tomorrow

    You should be home by now and very happy to be out of the hospital. I hope all went well. Soon you will begin losing the weight. How happy you will be. Take good care of yourself and best of luck to you.
  10. maggie0210

    "You took the easy way out"

    I know exactly what you mean. Easy? Why don't they try it? It's a lot harder than the "old fashioned way". And it's for life, no do over. My family, except for Lisa, was not supportive at all. My friend actually showed me a video of how it's done to gross me out. Surgery is dangerous, don't do it. Yet when she needs support, there I am. I now just ignore all of them. I weigh what I did in junior high, reversed diabetes, and just all around healthier. So I made the right decision. And so will you! Take care.
  11. maggie0210

    Sugar vs Sugar Free

    My dietician told me not to consume sugar alcohols. Splenda is okay to use. But I use real sugar in small amounts. So far no problems and one year out this week. I make iced tea at home so you can use the amount you want. And of course water is good for staying hydrated. Fruit juice is really sweet and could cause problems. But the sugar alcohols really makeme sick. You have to find what works for you as we are all different. Good luck.
  12. I was told it was for life. If they tell you something else let me know, okay?
  13. I understand how you feel. My insurance company denied the first time. Then they wouldn't approve the gastric sleeve. Finally I was approved, but only for the bypass. They don't care how long you wait. Or what your doctors reccomend. But it will finally happen and you will feel so much better. So hang in there. Call them 5 times a day if you have to.
  14. maggie0210

    Why did I do this?

    I am sorry that you are feeling this way. It's especially sad that you are sick. I regretted this surgery for at least 3 months or so. Sometimes I still do. But I am 1 year out this month and have some amazing changes. My diabetes is gone, arthritis not bothering me, can walk longer, not out of breath when I exercise etc... You have lots of good things to look forward to. Hopefully your cold will go away soon and you can try a more positive outlook. I have lost over 100 pounds and so can you. There will be times when you are tempted, but be strong and you will prevail! Best of luck to you. Email me if you like at emmafiona0926@gmail.com. I will try to help you.
  15. maggie0210

    Where do you find comfort?

    You have gotten a lot of really great advice here. I think you are doing a fantastic job of taking care of yourself by seeing a therapist about your habits. I am in therapy now for years because I am bipolar. She was against this surgery at the start. But after working towards it and seeing that I was serious about changing my habits she came around. I'm one year out this month and have cravings once in awhile. But so far not letting it get the best of me. Keeping busy with other things, like painting, which I suck at, crochet, scrapbooking, walking etc.... Not paying attention to all those ads on TV for fast food. Keep up your great work and remember, you can do anything you put your mind to. Email me if you want to. Emmafiona0926@gmail.com.
  16. I do not actually keep track of anything except my daily weigh in. I try not to eat sugar, but sometimes I cave in. Have not had dumping syndrome yet, so doing it right I guess. One year anniversary as of this month. Saw surgeon just yesterday. Everything going well. I know you wanted someone who tracks everything, but thought I could learn from you. So contact me if you want. Email is emmafiona0926@gmail.com.
  17. maggie0210

    Many questions

    I hope this helps. My bmi was at 43. I am 54. I am also bipolar type 2. I have problems with my feet, lower back pain, arthritis, high cholesterol, yoyo dieting, hypothyroid, etc. The fact that I was on lithium long term has caused stage 3 kidney disease. Since the gastric bypass my diabetes has resolved, back and foot pain gone, kidneys stabilized. Arthritis also not bad anymore.. Feet compleatly better. Cholesterol normal. Some bipolar meds lessened. Trust me, the less meds you take the better for your organs. These things could be in your future if you don't get some help soon. As you age, everything goes to h---. I wish I had done this long ago. I had my surgery a year ago this month. Now I can go on walks, go up stairs without running out of breath, even my bipolar is better because I have a better frame of mind. Maybe you can go to a group meeting about the surgeries. That is what I did, the hospital near me had a comprehensive weight loss program. They will check your health from all sides. Please get some help before your health declines. I wish I had. I would have been having better health so much sooner. At least check with your doctors, it's worth it. Please don't wait much longer.
  18. I didn't know there was a difference. I'm kind of scared about this. Would like to hear more about these procedures. Anyone else have stories to share?
  19. maggie0210

    Need help!

    I just got inspired by your story. I too have been eating things I know are emttpty calories. I received bad news about my mom and it seems to have made me emotionally eat like I used to. You are very brave and I hope you can find some help here. You have already helped me enormously. I am going to get back on track because of you. Thanks!
  20. maggie0210

    Is My pouch stretched?

    I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just try to stay away from a lot of carbs and sugar. I am one year out and I eat some pasta or even a slice of pizza once in awhile. You just have to keep track of eating habits. Don't eat out of boredom or emotional situations. Call your dietician if your worried, that will make you feel better.
  21. This is a great idea for you. I bought one soon after surgery and use it for making my unjury shakes. Also good for plain yogurt and berries. You can use frozen berries of any type. Just don't add sugar. Good luck.
  22. maggie0210

    Dr. Pepper craving hardcore

    I am addicted to coke. Used to drink 2 liters a day. Didn't want it at first, but then I tried one. The carbonation really bothers me. And the sugar isn't to good either. Stay strong, don't try it or the craving will get worse. Good luck.
  23. I have had trouble stabilizing my weight. My goal was 140 and now at 117. So I understand your question. I guess the best advice would be to get ideas from your dietician. That's what I'm going to do. Getting to thin for my height. Good luck and don't worry.
  24. maggie0210

    Tailbone problems anyone?

    I never heard of this pillow, sounds like a great idea. My tailbone has been killing me. Is anyone feeling colder than before also? I have been using my winter coat since late October. Thought it was just me.
  25. maggie0210

    Anyone on loads of meds

    I also have a lot of meds and it took a long time to be able to swallow them without discomfort. Hang in there, it will work out for you. Try crushing them up in applesauce. That might help you.

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