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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by maggie0210

  1. maggie0210

    3 weeks post op - Naps

    Is your profile correct that you just had your surgery this month and already lost 76 pounds? That is seriously way to fast. Does your doctor know, if not I would make an appointment to see him. I don't think you are getting enough protein. Also don't get dehydrated. As for the naps, that's all I wanted to do for at least three months. So take it easy. Merry Christmas.
  2. maggie0210

    I want to dye my hair

    You can dye your hair as long as you can stand up for awhile.
  3. maggie0210


    I am so sorry for all the problems with the lap band. I had the gastric bypass and other than the hospital stay have been doing well. What a great gift to yourself. You will do great. Have a merry Christmas and a thin new year. Best of luck to you.
  4. maggie0210

    Weird pain on upper right side

    As long as it's not really bad, you could not be able to eat this. Did you eat it slowly. Keep a check on it. If it gets worse, call your doctor. But I think it will resolve on it's own.
  5. maggie0210

    Honeymoon phase?

    To be honest, iv'e never heard this before. I wonder what it means.
  6. Did they give you any pain meds? When I had pain I used an Icebag for a little while. If it's severe, I would call your surgeons office tomorrow.
  7. maggie0210

    Shoulder pain.

    Are you feeling any better yet?
  8. maggie0210


    Are you feeling any better yet?
  9. I am going to try to answer your questions: 1. Post op you sometimes have to eat by the clock because you don't feel hungry. But you need to eat small amounts several times a day and get your Protein in. 2. I never had cravings and actually found that my tastes had changed. Did not want sweets at all. 3. Very different for everyone. It depends on what you can eat, protein intake and such. I had no appetite so started losing very fast. If I remember correctly, by my 2 week checkup with the surgeon I had lost over 20 pounds. By 7 months I passed my goal of 140 and have been holding steady at 117 or 120 ever since. 4. This also depends on diet and exercise. Also on age, as older skin has much less collagen. If your younger you have a better chance of less skin. 5. This one I have no answer for. Mine was totally covered by medicare and mass health. I am on disability, guess I was lucky for that. I'm sorry you have to pay so much. Just my opinion, not everyone's, I would not go to Mexico. I think our medical facilities are higher standards. I have no personal knowledge or experience though. 6. I really had no appetite, so I didn't care what they were eating. I live with my sister, so she did all her own cooking. When my appetite returned after several months, I cooked dinner and ate a small plate. It was very hard reintroducing ckicken or beef. Red meat was the worst. I know you didn't ask this but here goes. It's been a year on December 5th. Now I am starting to crave some sugar and other bad things. I have to make sure I don't slip. So it doesn't cure everything, but it is a great help. Medical issues resolve, and you can once again do things that had become difficult. I hope I was of some help. Email me anytime at emmafiona0926@gmail.com. I would be happy to help anyway I can. Happy holidays to you and your family. Maggie
  10. maggie0210

    Mental breakdown

    It is so difficult at first. I'm glad your mom was there. I can't concentrate halfthe time anyway! I'm getting old! I really wwish you a happy holiday. No friends close by that could visit you? Next year you will be so much happier, I promise you. Try to hang in there, okay?
  11. maggie0210


    Luckily I have never done that. I think I would call doctors office to check in. Probably just pulled a muscle. Better to check in though.
  12. maggie0210

    Shoulder pain.

    I have had issues with pain when I try eating too fast. It's hard when everyone else is done and your still sitting there! Eating to much is a different kind of feeling. Almost like a tummy ache and a sensation that you ate a whole lot of food. Sometimes backing up into your throat.
  13. maggie0210

    Mental breakdown

    I assume you have had your surgery recently? Do you have any hobbies that interest you? Is it possible for your parents to come to you? I know how boring it can be when all alone, especially this time of year. I really don't know what else could help you. Remember it won't always be like this. Next year you can probably do what you want. Try to stay upbeat and positive and enjoy Christmas. Maybe read a book or magazines. I don't know....... sorry!
  14. maggie0210

    I need your help/opinion

    Fernanda, It's hard when those around you don't understand why you want this surgery. My mom and sister were against it. So was my best friend. But you have to do what you think is right for you. Research all the types of surgery and see what you think is best for you. If your doctors are on board they must think it would be helpful to you. From my prospective I discussed it with my surgeon, went to dozens of classes at my hospital and decided I needed this tool. It resolved health problems that I had. It is hard at the beginning but well worth it. I have not been so healthy in a long, long time. You are the only one that can make the final decision. Have happy holidays.
  15. Bellabloom, I loved your post. I was really beginning to think I had the only long time healing process. My surgery was last December. I was in the hospital for four or five days. Couldn't drink anything. Couldn't go to the bathroom at all. Very emotional, sorry I went through with it. The gas pain was horrible, but I didn't want to walk. After I got home I was unable to function on my own for a month or two. Sleeping all the time. Low protein levels. Had to see the dietician 4 times in six weeks because they were concerned. But all that has passed and I don't regret anything. I am now happy and have lost a lot of weight. I appreciate your honesty. But I thought we were supposed to support each other here. So I don't understand any name calling. Just saying..... Anyway, happy holidays to everyone here. Thanks bellabloom
  16. maggie0210

    5 days post op

    The first stages are extreamly hard. Especially around the holidays. But, just think how next year you will be able to eat some of everything. And you will be thin! It's so hard, but you can do it. That's why we go through this. Hang tuff!
  17. I was in the hospital four to five days, can't really remember. I had issues with not drinking anything, not being able to go to the bathroom. So no protein intake at all. They would not discharge me until I could go to the bathroom, took days.
  18. maggie0210

    I can't believe I did that!

    I can actually go up the stairs without running out of breath, asthma not bothering me. Lower back pain almost nonexistent. Diabetes gone too. I found out I actually have a neck and collarbone! Actually I haven't seen these bones in over 30 years. You are quite inspirational. Your story is wonderful. I have no idea what planking is though. Sounds like torture. Well have a merry Christmas and happy new year. Keep going!
  19. maggie0210

    One week post-op

    Moving from one stage to another feels great, right? Just take it very slow. I noticed that my tastes have changed. So you might not like things that you did before. Also, chicken seems to fill me SO fast. All protein does. So go slow, but be very proud of your accomplishments. Happy holidays to you. Enjoy your coming new year of changes.
  20. maggie0210

    Smaller jeans already!

    Shannon, Doesn't that feel great? You are doing so good. Prepare for when these jeans are way to big! Have to go shopping. Happy holidays to you.
  21. I think you should follow James advice, sounds like has the most info on this. I was type 2 for almost 7 years. I only had to take avandia until they took it off the market. Then doctor didn't give me any more meds. Around 2 years ago a1c out of control. Started feeling a little tingling in my feet. Was one of many reasons I choose surgery. No diabetes anymore. But now have hypoglycemia. But I think I will try to do what James advised too. Happy holidays to you.
  22. maggie0210


    Depends on any other meds your'e on. I would call surgeons office in the am to ask that. Really, nobody else can answer that. You have to be careful of any meds even over the counter ones. I hope you feel better real soon. Happy holidays to you and your family.
  23. maggie0210

    Ideal protien shake

    Zero carbs and zero sugar. Lots of protein like in injury or other shakes. You can put unflavored protein powder in smoothies. My nutrionist okayed it for me to use fresh or frozen fruit in them. Bariatricchoice.com sells all kinds of protein things. Try them, fast delivery. Good luck!
  24. maggie0210

    In need of a mentor!

    Emily, I don't know what type of mentor I am, but feel free to contact me. How are you doing so far? I hope your'e feeling good. I had a gastric bypass December of 2013. I have lost a lot of weight. I believe I have leveled off now. I have been the same for awhile now. I can't believe no one has replied to you yet. If you like email me at emmafiona0925@gmail.com my name is Lynn. Hope you are doing well. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  25. maggie0210

    6 months out, nauseous for a week

    You should not be that sick. Any chance you have a cold or flu? If still sick on Monday, I advise calling your surgeons office. I'm so sorry you don't feel good. But I have to say you are doing a great job with weight loss. Curl up with a good book, warm blanket and cup of tea.(sorry)! I hope you are better by the holiday and this is just a bad memory. Take care.

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