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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by maggie0210

  1. maggie0210

    Hubby isn't behind my choice

    You will be exhausted from surgery and pain meds. Have him in the room with you when they give you the discharge instructions. Hopefully this will make him see that you will hardly be able to take care of yourself, never mind a child! Maybe he will come around when he sees how out of it you are. Good luck.
  2. maggie0210

    First day of foods...

    I don't think you are doing anything wrong. Only thing is to eat your protein first. Make sure you get all your protein and liquids first. Helps you stay healthy and recover fully. They had me eat small amounts every 3 hours. Good luck on your journey.
  3. Congratulations on your revision. From what I know, a friend told me, the gastric bypass works faster. Welcome to the group, a lot of good information here.
  4. maggie0210

    Going Home Today

    When your'e on this site, you are not alone. Keep us updated on your recovery. There will be a lot less of you!
  5. No, I met my whole team before surgery, no surprises.
  6. maggie0210

    cookbooks...Just got a new one!

    Sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to go check that one out. Thanks
  7. The best answer to your question is under "rants & raves". Go to post titled by"lipsticklady" she has the best information I have read on this subject. And one I wish I had read before I opened my big mouth. Can't remember exact title but go to one started by lipstick lady. She's brilliant.
  8. maggie0210

    Creeps at the gym

    Most gyms have rules about proper conduct when there. I go to the YMCA and they have rules posted in the gym area, also they have trainers there that you can report this kind of behavior to. There is no reason to put up with this. I would make a complaint to management. Most people that go to gyms are there to stay healthy and this kind of crap make the rest of us look bad.
  9. maggie0210

    Surgery was a breeze but......

    Blerdgirl, No antibiotics for flu, but they have antivirals, like tamiflu. They just have to catch it early. And antibiotics for respiratory infections or sinus infections. Really, go see your primary care doc. Makes suffering a lot shorter. Did for me. And chicken soup!
  10. maggie0210

    Surgery was a breeze but......

    Iv'e just recovered from the flu myself. Iv'e been taking amoxicillen and had no issues with it. I also took codeine cough syrup, and other than sleeping all the time, no bad effects. That really sucks, sounds like you were doing great. Go to the doctor quick, it can shorten the length of time you have symptoms. They even have a test to see if it's the flu or a respritory infection. Then prescribe the meds. Just tell them when you had your surgery. Hope you feel better soon! Take care.
  11. maggie0210

    Newbie on board with questions!

    The fact that you have been through so much yet want to go on this journey attests to how strong you are. Your husband and son are lucky to have you! My health issues are what compelled me to have surgery as well. I had type 2 diabetes, which is resolved now. Arthritis and a herniated disc in my back, which was very painful. Losing the weight has mostly stopped the pain. I have hypothyroidism which did not get in the way of weight loss. And a myriad of more issues. My asthma hardly bothers me now. I can go for walks, run up the stairs, cross my legs when I sit! All kinds of things people take for granted. You will not have to mourn your love of food. Just control the portions. It's difficult at first, but such a wonderful outcome. Best of luck to you and your family.
  12. I can sympathize with you. I have bipolar also. I had my surgery in December of 2013. By 7 months out I had lost almost all that I wanted. Now I have gone down to 117lbs. I was doing fine. Then I found out my mother has altzheimers. So the emotional eating habits came back. I started snacking when not hungry. Buying all kinds of bad foods, chips, chocolate, sweets etc... You get the idea. But I talked all this out with my therapist. And I don't want to ruin all my progress. So from now on I will read a book, watch a movie, do my scrapbooking, crochet. Whatever keeps me busy. You have made incredible progress. All the hard work you have done, you can't let it be for nothing. We have more than most people to deal with. And we can stop any backsliding. We have to remember that this is a new life for us, nobody deserves it more. So do what I did, throw all the junk out and don't buy it anymore. Write in a journal instead. Go for a walk. Whatever brings you joy. Think of how far you have come, and going back is not an option. Lean on me if you want. My email is emmafiona0926@gmail.com Please learn to help yourself. Lynn
  13. The pain between your shoulder blades could still be from the gas. The only way that will improve is by walking. A heating pad might help as well. The heartburn should be treated with antacids. My doctor prescribed them to me before I left the hospital. If your'e concerned, I would talk to your doctor. All situations are different.
  14. Lipsticklady, I wish I had read your post much earlier. I have actually had neighbors ask me if I'm sick! One "friend" told everyone about my surgery. So people I don't even know ask me about it.
  15. maggie0210

    Can you see your body the way others do?

    Gingersnaps, I find myself looking at extra large clothes. I am now a size 6 but feel like I need the extra room for the skin. I still see myself as overweight in the mirror. But I look too thin when dressed. All these bones I haven't seen in years. I was wondering if anyone else felt this way. By the way, you look fabulous in your picture.
  16. maggie0210

    Judge not, lest ye be Judged

    Your an inspiration, your weight issues sound like mine. It took years for me to do anything about it. I had a hard beginning but am happy with my decision. I also wish you well in your journey. The surgery is only the start. What comes after is for the rest of our lives! I think men and women can benefit from the good advice iv'e found here. Maggie0210
  17. maggie0210

    Hours away....

    I wish you sweet dreams tonight. Tomorrow will be the start of your whole new life. God bless and best of luck.
  18. maggie0210

    Drainage Tube

    I have not heard of anyone with a drainage tube for weight loss surgery. But I guess that would depend on your case and how the surgery goes. You definiatly get drainage tubes for plastic surgery I'm told.
  19. Kaylamarie, Forgot to say that I think the five day pouch test is a book sold on this site and also on amazon.
  20. Kaylamarie, I have been told by my nutrionist that peanut butter in moderation is an excellent source of protein and that the fats in it are healthy. You have already met your goal so I don't think anything your'e doing is wrong. Also, I have been told little snacks during the day are good for you. They want me to have 3 meals and 2 snacks. Snacking on protein is good for you. You are not expected to be hungry because then you might "binge". Snacks I was told to eat include yogurt, seeds, nuts, peanut butter, cheese on crackers. The laughing cow low fat cheese is great on wheat crackers. There you get protein and grains. All of this info is from my nutrionist. I know everyone gets different advice. But you are doing great, so I don't see a problem. Maggie
  21. maggie0210

    Tired Days

    Anne, I don't know about other folks, but I could barely stay awake for the first two months. I think it was my fault, hardly getting protein in. So it took longer to recover than usual. They kept me in the hospital for 4 days because I wasn't drinking anything. As a rule, I don't hear much about tiredness lasting as long as mine. Maybe since you are still recovering from major surgery, you are pushing yourself too hard. Try to let up on yourself until you are more fully recovered. You don't need to lose it all in one month you know!
  22. maggie0210


    Susan, Sounds like you have your hands full. There is no family for support? I only had my sister, she was a lifesaver. She was my caregiver as I recovered. I hope you have a close friend or someone. Recovery really takes some help when you first come home. I was so tired and slept most of the time. I didn't get much protein in so was compleatly drained. But now I can't imagine not having done this. You will not mess this up because you are ready for change! And if you need some help I can give just message me. More than happy to help. Remember, you are strong and deserve this new way of life.
  23. maggie0210

    3 week post op

    Marie, I was still eating softer foods. Sugar free applesauce, pudding, Popsicles. Cottage cheese, yogurts. Milk has protein, protein shakes, fruit smoothies with protein powder. Hot or iced decaf tea, sugar free hot cocoa. Injury makes a chicken soup that's decent. Also things that you can puree. I didn't eat any meat yet as that is difficult to digest just yet. Only on the final stage did I start reintroducing things one at a time. I would follow what your nutrionist reccomends.
  24. Only 4 weeks is only the beginning. It is going to get so much better. You will need time to recover, you had major surgery. Once on the permanent stage, you can introduce new foods back in. Your strength will return soon. Try to get lots of sleep too, it helps to recover. At least it did for me. I was exhausted for 2 months. Don't focus on weight loss, it will happen.

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