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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Laydee_G

  1. Sweetie716 I really want to thank you for opening up this difficult topic. I was sleeved in Nov 2014 and was doing well - not as fast as some but making very steady progress then I went on holiday last year and it all started to unravel.

    My partner's behaviour was really horrible when we went away and that triggered me into drinking cocktails and eating sugary foods just to comfort myself.

    I always have been an emotional eater and as our relationship declined so did my good eating habits and I started to gain weight. Thankfully, since we broke up in April this year I have gone back to basics and have started to lose weight again.

    I met with my dietician yesterday who felt my night-time munchies were partly due to not eating enough good carbs during the day so I am factoring in small amounts of cous-cous, potatoes or corn/rye crackers into my meals. I always have to work on being an emotional eater which is why I am also part of a 12-step programme and have counselling to help support me.

    I realise this is not a race: this is a lifetime/lifestye way of being and I am proud of myself for coming as far as I have physically, emotionally and spiritually.

    it's been a long time since I've been on this forum so I thank you for inspring me to reply.

    Good luck to you and everyone with their journey xxx

  2. @@lilkim305

    I absolutely identified with everything you said and really appreciate your words of advice. My weight loss had stalled, a lot of the dynamics between me, my partner, family and some friends have changed and I found myself panicking and in the panic, started to eat things that were not in the plan.

    Emotional eating is still the biggest challenge.

    I have joined a slimming club to help me refocus on how and what I am eating but am also attending a 12-step fellowship to work through the emotional stuff, because I do not want the emotional hunger to sabotage getting and staying healthier.

    Best of success to all on their journey and I look forward to being in Onederland one day soon.

    You can do it, Liannatx!!! :D

  3. Sadly on the 7th September I had made no change and stayed at 250. :angry:

    But I did lose 7 pounds over all, so Yay!!!!!

    However I joined Slimming World to help me refocus and to support my daughter who wants to lose some extra pounds. I lost 3.5 pounds in the week leading up to my period which is when I normally put on a few!

    Well, that staggered me! But now I realise that even with a sleeve, I was slipping into habits that will work against the purpose of having surgery in the first place. I still have a long way to go on this journey so I need all the tools I can use to help me succeed.

    I look forward to the next challenge and a HUGE THANK YOU, STEPH: you are amazing for setting this up, keeping track of us all and helping us achieive our weight loss aims.

    Well done everyone!

    G xxx

  4. Back from my holiday weighing in at 257 which means I achieved half of my goal. Not too disappointed as I was really off program whilst I was away but I committed to exercising every day so I'm proud of myself for that.

    However now I'm back, it's full commitment and I look forward to the next challenge. Thank you Steph xx

  5. Have too had those problems and wanted to keep my uterus. About 7 years ago, I had an ablation and the cells grew back within 2 years. I had a second "Hydro-Derm" ablation almost 5 years ago and it has been WONDERFUL! You really have to figure out what works best for you. Talk to your doctor and get a list of options. Good luck!

    Thank you so much for that affirmation. I do feel it's right to try non-surgical first and then hysterectomy as a last resort (rather like being sleeved!)

  6. Full feels like if you take one more mouthful, you'll get 'the slimes' and possibly vomit. That feeling under your boobs is the gauge so keep listening to it.

    Of course, as you heal and get used to the way of eating you will feel hungrier and be able to eat more but, as with me this evening, I was full on half a side chicken Caesar salad - much to the waitress' amazement!

    Keep going and I hope all progresses well for you.

  7. Apart from fantastic good looks (ha ha), I have also inherited inter-uterine fibroids from my mother's side of the family. Every female in my immediate family suffers with this and it is likely I have passed it on to my daughter who is in her early 20s and who suffers excruciating pain during her period. Apart from three of us the other sufferers have had hysterectomies.

    At last check almost a year ago, I had three fibroids: one the size of an apple sitting on top of my cervix and the other two the size of plums in the back wall of my womb. I call it my uterine fruit bowl!

    Although they are benign, these fibroids cause a lot of trouble: chronic anaemia, Fluid retention, reduced bladder control, pre-menstrual bloating, chronic back and pelvic pain, embarrassingly heavy periods which go on forever and, worst of all WEIGHT GAIN!!!!!!!!

    It's a guarantee that halfway through my cycle I will feel my lower belly swelling up and the distention is clearly visible. The physical discomfort can affect my mood as can the tiredness from the anaemia (fibroids grow by being fed blood through the surrounding capillaries). Fibroids also thrive on high oestrogen levels, which according to my gynaecologist, is more likely to happen if you're overweight.

    Ironically the treatments available in the UK are not considered effective for overweight women unless through hysterectomy. One treatment I underwent last year was being fitted with an Inter-uterine Device (IUD) which caused me to bleed every day for 6 months. In fact it became dislodged and was removed five days before I was sleeved.

    My treatment of choice would be laser ablation because this does not involve surgery. I need to lose another 56 pounds before I'll be considered for that, but thankfully, since being sleeved this is a totally achievable goal.

    That being said, the monthly weight gains are sometimes really hard to deal with. I'm doing the July 4th challenge and had lost 7 pounds in two weeks. When I weighed yesterday I had gained 5 pounds! I was depressed all day ...even though I know when my period arrives I will lose 8-10 pounds straight away.

    However, staying upbeat and positive is the challenge with this condition and there are worse things I could be battling with, so onwards and upwards for Laydee G: I'm sticking with the challenge and am determined to reach my goal of 10 pounds lost by the last weigh-in on 6th July.

  8. Hi CharmedRyan

    Congratulations on your surgery and new beginning!

    In reality you're not going to prevent loose skin: the best you'll be able to do is minimise it. That being said, exercise is really going to help as is cocoa butter or bio oil for your skin. Both will keep your skin moisturized and reduce excessive stretch marks and skin puckering.

    Hope this helps, and do remember to focus on your health and well being. I have loose skin, but it really doesn't bother me because I feel fantastic and fitter than I have ever been in my adult life!

    Best of luck x

  9. Hello fellow Losers!

    I'm feeling very happy I have lost 7 pounds in two weeks as part of Stephh's 4th of July Challenge: thank you Stephh! It's helping me stay focused because I realise in the 'middle-earth' part of this weight loss journey, it could be very easy to get lost and find myself in trouble!

    One thing I still find challenging is dealing with tiredness. I woke at 5am today in order to be at work early and as it's my busiest time of the year so many days will be like this. Previously at this time, I pile on the pounds because I'd be too tired to cook and therefore eat sugar-laden, salt-infused, fat-heavy foods.

    Now, in order to maintain my better eating habits, I have to be organised and prepare the next day's meals in advance. Luckily, the freezer is full of prepared meals and I can certainly chop up a few salad vegetables so this is fine. However, how do I deal with the tired, child-like part of me who just wants chocolate to comfort herself with...?

    The head space is a little off-key tonight and I am food obsessing. This is the first time since I was sleeved that I will face the summer months without comfort eating. I stopped eating sugar almost a year ago and although I did well pre-sleeve, I was substituting sugar for thick slices of bread with low-fat Peanut Butter and sugar-free jam! Still comfort eating!!!

    So now, it's the real cold turkey and I know I will be fine: it just feels rough right now. Remedy: being here, writing it out, do my abs/squats, shower and blissful bed..... B)

    A restful night's sleep to one and all...xx

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