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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    JerseyJules got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Feeling like you're getting no where   
    What in the world are you talking about?? Did I miss something here?
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    JerseyJules got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Feeling like you're getting no where   
    Ok, maybe pizza....
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    JerseyJules reacted to MichiganChic in Breast augmentation: What size?   
    Thank you for posting this! Your wife is lovely, and I hope to look that good, too. It's good to see what 400 cc's look like on a real human, not provided by the physician doing the work.
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    JerseyJules got a reaction from MichiganChic in Breast augmentation: What size?   
    These are my wife's 400cc's about 5 years post surgery. they are under the muscle and look very natural. For the first year or so they kind of stood up on their own, but eventually drop into a more natural position. The only way you can visually tell they are implants is some ripple on the sides if she bends over in certain positions. Other than that they look natural..

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    JerseyJules got a reaction from MichiganChic in Breast augmentation: What size?   
    I am a man and will comment on this thread and let you know bigger isnt always better. You really have to look at your frame as a whole and decide if you want to look like an average woman with a nice shape, or basically a pole dancer...
    Several years back, my wife who is small framed 5-4 120lbs got breast augmentation cause she felt they were a bit deflated after 2 kids and breastfeeding. She was always a small B cup and I didnt mind or care about the size, but she was always self conscious. When she was pregnant they plumped up and she like the way they looked, so she got the idea after they deflated to get breast implants.
    I did not argue with her cause after all, if mamma is happy then daddy is happy.. So she went ahead and did it and wanted to go with stripper boobs. Her plastic surgeon refused to go that big on her and talked her into a much smaller size,I cant recall the CC she went with, I wanna say 400CC. But the plastic surgeon had some ethics and refused to make her look ridiculous.
    At first they kind of stood straight up for about a year or so,but they do settle in nicely. Right now she is a large C cup borderline D cup and looks VERY NATURAL and that is what is most important in my opinion...
    I will tell you this,my wife who is great with pain and never takes pain killers, took them for this and was fairly uncomfortable for about 7-10 days..
    Good luck with whatever you choose to do but remember YOU have to be happy with what you choose.
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    JerseyJules got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in I Have No Motivation That Pushes Me   
    I will say this about motivation. It never comes looking for you,ever. I have worked out most of my adult life and battled my weight my entire life. Not one time have I ever been motivated to work out,ever. But I got my ass up and did it anyway,and continue to do so cause I simply know I HAVE to keep moving, my life literally depends on it.
    When I sit, I get lazy,tired and depressed and that is 3 of my triggers to eat..Food makes me feel better, but exercise makes me feel even better in the long run. The more you move,the more you want to move.
    Another motivating factor for me is a bit more morbid. I tell myself "do I really want to spend the rest of my days like this? Or do I want to experience all life has to offer for the next 20-30-40 years?". I can tell you if it weren't for me moving and being so active my eating related health issues would be compounded ten fold.
    Start small like everyone suggested, then work you way up each day,each week. Join a gym or if you dont like that atmosphere,buy a treadmill and just start walking during a favorite TV show ,before you know it you'll feel better and look better. But you HAVE to get up and move, you simply have to...
    The motivation comes from within, it never comes looking for you and gets you out of bed, you really do have to make it yourself.
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    JerseyJules got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in I Have No Motivation That Pushes Me   
    I will say this about motivation. It never comes looking for you,ever. I have worked out most of my adult life and battled my weight my entire life. Not one time have I ever been motivated to work out,ever. But I got my ass up and did it anyway,and continue to do so cause I simply know I HAVE to keep moving, my life literally depends on it.
    When I sit, I get lazy,tired and depressed and that is 3 of my triggers to eat..Food makes me feel better, but exercise makes me feel even better in the long run. The more you move,the more you want to move.
    Another motivating factor for me is a bit more morbid. I tell myself "do I really want to spend the rest of my days like this? Or do I want to experience all life has to offer for the next 20-30-40 years?". I can tell you if it weren't for me moving and being so active my eating related health issues would be compounded ten fold.
    Start small like everyone suggested, then work you way up each day,each week. Join a gym or if you dont like that atmosphere,buy a treadmill and just start walking during a favorite TV show ,before you know it you'll feel better and look better. But you HAVE to get up and move, you simply have to...
    The motivation comes from within, it never comes looking for you and gets you out of bed, you really do have to make it yourself.
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    JerseyJules got a reaction from Kindle in What to expect after Gastric Sleeve?   
    I understand. I just need a kick start undoing 40 years of abuse to my eating habits. Like a reset button. And realistically I just want to lose about 60-70 lbs. My BMI should be about 175. I know I don't have the frame for that low of a weight.
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    JerseyJules got a reaction from BeagleLover in What to expect after Gastric Sleeve?   
    I have decided to do a gastric sleeve surgery to assist me in getting to a healthy weight. I am a 40 year old male and I currently weight about 295 at 5-10. However I have zero weight related health issues right now, as I am a very athletic 290. I exercise a good amount, lift weights,cardio,martial arts,boxing mountain biking, ect ect.. But I carry an excessive amount of body fat, some where in the 33-35% range.
    I have has an issue with my weight all my life and work out just to maintain what I am now, I simply can not control the addiction to food that I know I have. I know HOW to eat, and I know WHAT Im supposed to be eating, I just dont do it. I will get on health kicks and eat right for several weeks at a time and see zero change in the scale and get frustrated and go right back to bad habits that have been developed over 40 years.
    My mothers side is extremely obese, in fact her brother was 680lbs when he died of stage 4 stomach cancer at 53 years old. My fathers side is normal, so I have been teetering on the fence all my life. Most of my childhood I was EXTREMELY obese. I graduated grammar school at 13 years of age at 250lbs. I graduated high school at 218 lbs after discovering exercise and eating better. I maintained 225-245 lbs most of my adult life until my kids came along at 33 years of age where I ballooned up to 320lbs and stopped working out due to back injuries.
    Several years ago I went on a no carb diet with excessive amounts of Protein and dropped to 270lbs and looked and felt pretty good, but it was an impossible diet to maintain and triggers like my uncle passing away and my father passing away set me back into a downward spiral of bad eating.
    I decided after seeing many friends do the surgery and have weight loss of 100+lbs, that I need to do this for myself and my kids...My reasoning is this, YOU SIMPLY DO NOT SEE ANY 300 LB 80 YEAR OLDS.
    I met with 2 doctors and chose Dr. Bertha out of New Brunswick. I really like his personality, and approach and something he said in the seminar really sold me on it. He said " I feel as if I have the cure for cancer and no one will listen to me".. This really hit me on so many levels, cause for a long time I did believe obesity was not a disease and I simply had bad habits, but now I know with my genetics combined with my upbringing and lack of healthy choices in the kitchen I didnt stand a chance. This is why I praise my wife on a daily basis for keeping our kids fit and healthy with their foods and exercise. I really wish my mother pushed me to participate in a healthy lifestyle from a young age.
    Recently my workouts have gotten less aggressive due to an injury that ultimately was gonna require surgery and I notice my weight creeping from 280's-290's, so I planned to have both surgeries within a 6 week period so as to minimize my down time form work and inactivity.
    I just underwent shoulder surgery on Nov13 th and was scheduled for the gastric sleeve surgery on Dec 8th, but a post operative blood clot caused me to postpone until Jan 12th.
    My big fears of doing this are the unknown of how my body will react to it. Im a big solid guy with a lot of muscle and strength and fear I might get too thin where I look malnourished or sickly. I have been to the seminars and asked questions of the Doctors, I just want some real world perspective and stories of what to REALLY expect after this procedure? I dont want to feel as if I ruined myself for life,yet I also dont want to fail at this. Im convinced that if I shed my excess weight I can and will maintain it, I just need a drastic jump start to help me get in the right mindset.
    My ideal weight is around 215-225lbs long term, as I said I have a muscular frame.
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    JerseyJules reacted to latinmami0511 in Before and After Pics   
    Sleeved 07/02/2012.... Lost 88 lbs. recently gained back 10 but I don't mind because I went way below my goal weight of 150. Started at 213 now I am 135

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