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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyJules

  1. I find most if not all takout foods have extremely high levels of sodium and preservatives. Not what I would call "healthy". Remember healthy is not just not being fat anymore..What you stated may be a better alternative than the alternatives on the menu, sure. But not the best choices, but thats just my opinion. After going through this, I dont plan on touching take out food ever again.. And FWIW the OP is less than 2 months out of surgery, is it really recommended to be eating take out/processed foods already? Isn't that what got us all in trouble in the first place?
  2. Still doesnt change my advice. I have yet to see a healthy take out place...
  3. JerseyJules

    Calves hurt

    I recently had shoulder surgery and 4 days later my calves hurt. I went to the ER and turns out I had DVT or Blood clots in my calves. VERY dangerous..Please let your doctor know, the feeling was similar to sore calves and if i didnt just have surgery I probably would have just let it go..
  4. I wouldn't be ordering out to begin with..There is not a fast food takeout out there that will do your body good.
  5. JerseyJules

    36 Hours Post Sleeve

    Watch the Starbucks drinks. They have massive amounts of calories...
  6. JerseyJules

    No! Not the booty!

    Get to the gym and do squats..
  7. JerseyJules

    Question for the Men...

    Im not a committed weight lifter by any means, i just kinda work with what god gave me. I have been big my whole life, extremely obese as a child, 250lbs in grammar school. I work out with weights, boxing, martial arts, mountain biking, ect..But i have to work out like a mad man to maintain 280-290 lbs with 33-36% body fat and Im tired of it. The older I get the harder it is to move and my weight is becoming a big factor at 305 right now. I dont expect to be 250lbs of solid muscle by any means after the surgery, but I dont want to get to a sickly looking 175lbs. I want to just maintain a manly looking athletic body. I dont want to get weak or sick and be miserable, I just want to be a normal, healthy guy..Im tired of being huge and squeezing in my sports car or theater seats.. BTW those pictures was the best I looked in the past 12 years, I look horrible now with 30-40lbs added since that. I actually look slightly fatter than this picture from LAST Christmas..
  8. JerseyJules

    Question for the Men...

    Reason i am asking is, this is me at 275lbs a few years back. Right now I am at 305, I put on some weight with my shoulder surgery and not working out. But to even be 275 I had to eat ridiculously, all Protein and zero carbohydrates. I couldnt stick to it. But my point being is as you can see I am a large frame guy that would probably not get below 200lbs no matter what I did. I would like to keep some of my muscle structure in tact the way it is, but dont want to struggle in the gym anymore just to not hit 305 lbs. I want to get to comfortable 220-215 lbs and live a normal life, no longer a slave to food and living in the gym as a result.
  9. JerseyJules

    Question for the Men...

    Did you notice a significant strength loss?
  10. JerseyJules

    Breast augmentation: What size?

    Thanks, they will look a bit funny and fake at first. I have some pictures of when she just got them done I can send you privately if you wish so you know what to expect. But they will look fake,and very much like a stripper I would say for 6 month to a year before they settle in to what you see in that picture. The also seem to feel softer now, right after the surgery for a while they are rock solid and you have to massage them,or have your hubby massage them for you, this was my favorite part of the whole ordeal!! I have before and after pictures of her in a bathing suit somewhere, all I can say is before they looked deflated after the kids and kind of looked flat. I have never much been a "boob" man and was more off an "ass and thigh" man, so when my wife wanted to do these I wasnt really excited. But when I saw them afterwards, WOW!! Im super happy that she did it and is happy..send me a PM with your email, I can send you some before and afters...
  11. That was evident when I began researching it, and my surgeon confirmed it for me.. As nice of a guy that he is,I only want to see him in the operating room ready to slice in to me one time and only one time.... I think a 60% average weight loss is the target area I would shoot for. Im currently 305lbd after my shoulder surgery and sitting around and not working out for over 4 weeks. I know once I get active again I will snap back to 290 without any adjustments to my diet. So lets assume I'm 300lbs at surgery, the BMI says I should weigh 175 but I assure you I could never be 175 with my frame. At 240lbs I looked dead sexy...If I hit 220, I will be the stud muffin I was in High school..lol...So anywhere in that window of 60% puts me in my 230-220 goal weight...Keep in mind I am already much more active than the average bypass candidate so dropping down and staying there will not be an issue I know it..
  12. The ironic part is as I was in his waiting room there was a woman who was very obese and was scheduling the removal of the Lap Band...LOL..So it was sort of an omen to me..I need the initial appetite control to get me back on track and in the game..
  13. Well after doing some more research and speaking with my surgeon I have decided that the gastric sleeve is my personal best option. I weighed the complications VS end results and overall effectiveness with the fact that the Lap Band does not restrict appetite which is really what I need. The slippage and potential for needed removal of the lap band and the life time readjustments are just not what I want. I want to do this once and start my new life...Surgery rescheduled for Jan 12th..
  14. After doing some research and weighing my options I think I am going to go with the LapBand instead. Im going to speak with my doctor tomorrow and go over my options, as I kind of feel I am way to healthy to cut 3/4's of my stomach out and feel I will get better regulation with the LapBand. I will post up what I choose.
  15. JerseyJules

    Breast augmentation: What size?

    These are my wife's 400cc's about 5 years post surgery. they are under the muscle and look very natural. For the first year or so they kind of stood up on their own, but eventually drop into a more natural position. The only way you can visually tell they are implants is some ripple on the sides if she bends over in certain positions. Other than that they look natural..
  16. Oh dont get me wrong, I am miserable and disgusted with myself for the fact that I simply cant control this one little god damn thing in my life..I cant stop overeating and eating bad, I have absolutely ZERO willpower right now.This disgusts me,the way I feel in my clothes disgust me..Im just disgusted with myself right now and have absolutely made up my mind that I absofuckinglutely NEED this to make me change my behavior. I cant get where I want to be by myself. I'm tired of being a big guy, I just want to be a normal sized guy that can walk into any store and buy clothes that fit. im tired of being a 2XL and a 44 waist...Trust me, Im ready for this, I just want to get it done before it gets way too late in life and Im not only overweight but unhealthy and overweight.. Im also tired of working out hard with no results cause I eat them away...
  17. JerseyJules

    Breast augmentation: What size?

    I am a man and will comment on this thread and let you know bigger isnt always better. You really have to look at your frame as a whole and decide if you want to look like an average woman with a nice shape, or basically a pole dancer... Several years back, my wife who is small framed 5-4 120lbs got breast augmentation cause she felt they were a bit deflated after 2 kids and breastfeeding. She was always a small B cup and I didnt mind or care about the size, but she was always self conscious. When she was pregnant they plumped up and she like the way they looked, so she got the idea after they deflated to get breast implants. I did not argue with her cause after all, if mamma is happy then daddy is happy.. So she went ahead and did it and wanted to go with stripper boobs. Her plastic surgeon refused to go that big on her and talked her into a much smaller size,I cant recall the CC she went with, I wanna say 400CC. But the plastic surgeon had some ethics and refused to make her look ridiculous. At first they kind of stood straight up for about a year or so,but they do settle in nicely. Right now she is a large C cup borderline D cup and looks VERY NATURAL and that is what is most important in my opinion... I will tell you this,my wife who is great with pain and never takes pain killers, took them for this and was fairly uncomfortable for about 7-10 days.. Good luck with whatever you choose to do but remember YOU have to be happy with what you choose.
  18. JerseyJules

    No energy

    Perhaps take in some carbs as you work out. Your body has not yet started to tap the fat reserves for energy,it may take several weeks to start metabolizing fat for energy.
  19. JerseyJules

    I Have No Motivation That Pushes Me

    I will say this about motivation. It never comes looking for you,ever. I have worked out most of my adult life and battled my weight my entire life. Not one time have I ever been motivated to work out,ever. But I got my ass up and did it anyway,and continue to do so cause I simply know I HAVE to keep moving, my life literally depends on it. When I sit, I get lazy,tired and depressed and that is 3 of my triggers to eat..Food makes me feel better, but exercise makes me feel even better in the long run. The more you move,the more you want to move. Another motivating factor for me is a bit more morbid. I tell myself "do I really want to spend the rest of my days like this? Or do I want to experience all life has to offer for the next 20-30-40 years?". I can tell you if it weren't for me moving and being so active my eating related health issues would be compounded ten fold. Start small like everyone suggested, then work you way up each day,each week. Join a gym or if you dont like that atmosphere,buy a treadmill and just start walking during a favorite TV show ,before you know it you'll feel better and look better. But you HAVE to get up and move, you simply have to... The motivation comes from within, it never comes looking for you and gets you out of bed, you really do have to make it yourself.
  20. I understand. I just need a kick start undoing 40 years of abuse to my eating habits. Like a reset button. And realistically I just want to lose about 60-70 lbs. My BMI should be about 175. I know I don't have the frame for that low of a weight.
  21. You pretty much nailed it..I eat with my mind,not my gut. I eat larger than normal portions cause i was never given portion control as a child. I also eat when Im not even hungry simply because my mind is telling me Im supposed to be eating something right now. I eat out of boredom, stress and depression. The vicious cycle is when you start eating like crap, it is very hard to get out of that rut. I often get frustrated and discourage and figure,what's the point of eating right since I don't see any progress,Then it goes back to eating like crap. I'm tired of being a slave to food, I just want to have a normal eating pattern. I have been to nutritionists and told them exactly what I know I should be eating, but just cant bring myself to stick with it due to lack of motivation. I also crave sweets, thats my big downfall sweets and carbs..Hell,Im surprised I dont have diabetes yet, I dont know how I dont honestly.. Im just afraid of ruining myself where I cant eat anything and I get depressed from that.... This is one of the scariest things I ever decided to do and honestly hope Im doing the right thing. I guess Im trying to decide if Im fat enough to do this drastic of a step in my life, cause honestly I can hold a bodyweight of 240lbs and look and feel fantastic I would just look a little out of shape. When I was down to 215 in my life, I looked a little to thin for my frame,IMHO. On the same hand, I know I will not stick with any diet plan any nutritionist gives me right now and be happy. My general attitude is "Been there done that,whats the point"... I almost feel the surgery will be a sort of "human shock collar" to force me to maintain healthy habits with results that will make me want to maintain it.
  22. No insurance is covering it 100% my BMI (body mass index) is 42% I posted my actual body fat % there is a difference.

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