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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyJules

  1. Thats from the stable blood sugar without spikes and dips in it from processed foods and sugars.
  2. I was craving hummus and salmon at about 2 weeks post op, I couldnt wait to eat soft foods. Funny thing is, I dont even like salmon or hummus..lol
  3. JerseyJules

    I got my surgery date!

    Keep thinking about the long term end game if you get a case of cold feet.
  4. JerseyJules

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    August of last year vs August of this year 6 months post op and 2.5 lbs from goal weight!!!
  5. JerseyJules

    My Friend's Weird Rumour About WLS

    Well not to be too perverted, but things really do look bigger in proportion...lol
  6. check out a few of my videos, specifically the first few weeks post op.
  7. JerseyJules


    55lbs since almost February is actually pretty good for a female since females tend to lose slower than males. Dont resort back to full liquids, its not sustainable long term. Simply start noticing the bad habbits that got you into the situation in the first place, Eating C.R.A.P. Carbonated Drinks , Refined Sugars, Artificial flavorings and Alcohol, Processed foods.. Get back to eating 5 or 6 smaller meals a day of good, real food.
  8. JerseyJules

    My Friend's Weird Rumour About WLS

    I have heard the opposite where they call it "lollipop head" meaning your head looks bigger with the smaller body.
  9. JerseyJules

    I got my surgery date!

    Oh and the best advice i can give you is, as soon as you can get up and walk around the hospital, do it!!! Walk walk walk..
  10. JerseyJules

    I got my surgery date!

    Check out my youtube channel I have a few videos of what to expect and some progress. Youll do just fine, and in a few months it will be like nothing was ever done to you, trust me..
  11. OMG the first 21 days were the worst being on full liquids..Then another 7 days on soft puree...Ugg...It seems like forever ago but it was so worth it and I wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again.
  12. Youll be fine, I had some regrets the first few days, but it passes. Look at your ultimate goal/goals. Youll eat everything you ate before, just much less of it like a normal human being. Look at my picture, does it look like I regret it?
  13. JerseyJules

    Feel so weak!

    You will be weak for about 2 weeks, trust me it gets better day by day. Get in what you physically can without hurting yourself, it gets easier as the internal swelling goes down. Try the ready made "Premier protien" shakes they are 11 oz and easy to drink I like the banana and strawberry flavor. check out my videos on my Youtube channel for some good advice and what you can expect.
  14. JerseyJules

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    In the first AFTER pic you kinda look like Maggie from the Walking Dead. Great job!!
  15. JerseyJules

    3 months post of with pics

    Did you have your surgery yet? How did it go? Check out my youtube channel , Jersey Jules
  16. Im almost 6 months out, think of the big picture!!! You're gonna love the results!!! For me the first 21 days of full liquid was the worst but you make it through and never look back.
  17. JerseyJules

    9 months post op :-) before/after pics

    Keep up the great work!!
  18. JerseyJules

    I failed myself yet again...

    I feel like Im in my 20's all over again!!!!
  19. I am ashamed of myself..After sitting in the hospital for hours with an IV in me ready for my Gastric sleeve, I backed out of the surgery..Sitting there waiting for someone to remove part of me forever got me thinking that I did not really think this whole procedure through.. I realized Im simply not mentally ready for it. Perhaps if they rolled me right in and took me to the OR I would have done it, but sitting there for 4 hours left me way too much time to think stuff over.. Perhaps I will regret my decision perhaps I will revisit the surgery, but I want to explore a few more options as of right now. Yeah Im overweight, but Im healthy for now and just couldnt bring myself to pull the trigger..I have been crying all morning and afternoon and am ashamed of myself cause once again I quit myself. But it just didnt FEEL right...
  20. JerseyJules

    im feaking out

    The Bypass makes a big difference..
  21. JerseyJules

    im feaking out

    Yup, I love a good slice of pizza. I can eat a whole normal slice now, barely. I used to do 4 easy. Pizza was one food that I told my doctor if i could never eat again I wasnt doing the surgery. I was serious... PS California pizza is TRASH...I ordered when we were in LA and the guy at the hotel recommended the place as the best around and I couldnt believe that called that crap pizza.
  22. JerseyJules

    Anyone in Los Angeles

    Stay away from the processed deli meats. They are loaded with sodium and preservatives that will make you retain water. And take it slow with the alcohol at first, nothing to sweet and go slow cause your tolerance will be a fraction of what it once was.
  23. JerseyJules

    Anyone in Los Angeles

    Its all a learning cuve...You have to learn your body and what it likes and what it doesnt. I have had no problem with much of anything so far, I guess Im lucky. Actually Sangria makes me feel a little bad, but oh so good..
  24. JerseyJules

    im feaking out

    yup...Basically...I think all the walking I did combined with the slight spike in calories forced my body to let go of the stall. You can eat whatever you want, just not much of it thats for sure.

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