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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyJules

  1. JerseyJules

    Starting to doubt

    Watch them all It will be your guide for the first 5 weeks so far. I was so afraid of this surgery, now i cant believe I didnt do it sooner.
  2. JerseyJules

    Starting to doubt

    Check out my Youtube videos.. Hopefully they will make your research process a little easier.
  3. JerseyJules

    First time eating out 5 weeks post op

    The chicken was very moist, it was like a slow roasted rotisserie chicken. It didnt bother me at all, in fact I made chicken salad out of it today and had some for lunch. I literally have 3 or 4 meals out of it. :-) What amazes me is the first few weeks you really realize how much of our social lives revolve around food...
  4. JerseyJules

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    Week 5 update!!!
  5. JerseyJules

    I'll eventually be able to eat more, right?

    It depends on the food or time of day for me. Im 5 weeks out and I can eat yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast like its nobody's business. With more dense foods I can eat way less. I can barely finish a 1/2 wrap with 1 piece of cheese and 3 slices of turkey breast. Mornings are hit or miss Im either very hungry or not at all.
  6. JerseyJules

    Feeling sorry for myself

    I hope they meant 3 weeks, I dont even think 3 months on liquids is possible..
  7. JerseyJules

    Did you get cold feet before surgery?

    before you even consider backing out....Watch my youtube video explaining how i backed out 2 years ago, then wound up back here and eventually got the surgery. Im sure my story sounds familiar .
  8. JerseyJules

    Can't lose weight!

    Water water water water!!!! Drink way more water, trust me...Your body needs excess water to metabolize fat for energy.
  9. JerseyJules

    Feeling sorry for myself

    You need to come to terms with the fact that you ate your way to this point. You need to come to terms that this operation is a crossroad in your life. One path leads to sickness and early death, all for a few minutes of pleasure you get from eating. The other path leads to a path or a healthy and a longer and better quality of life. The first few weeks before and after surgery do suck, but you need to take responsibility that you did this to yourself, now you need to get yourself out of it. Suck it up, look to the future and tell yourself your not going down the wrong path and your not going back. The easy way out it is doing nothing at all.
  10. JerseyJules

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    I had no issues getting my requirements in. In fact the PA told me to slow down a little bit at first. My surgeon told me yesterday to fit as much fluid as I can through the pipes!! LOL
  11. JerseyJules

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    Just had my first month post op visit with my Surgeon and he said Im actually ahead of where he anticipated I would be. He expected a loss of 10% of my excess weight, Im closer to 30% !!!!! He cleared me for all foods and exercise. Im so glad I did this!!!!
  12. JerseyJules

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    Well Tomorrow marks my 4 week post operation date and I'm happy to announce that I'm down to 255.8 from 293. Ill post a video tomorrow sometime.
  13. JerseyJules

    Genepro. Stay away

    My NUT recommended Genepro and I think its just fine. Its plain unflavored protein powder without all the flavorings and additives in the other flavored brands. Which could lead to the smaller serving size delivering the same protein. Im not skeptical at all and there are no real scientific facts disproving their claim.
  14. JerseyJules

    Plantar fasciitis post op

    After a few sessions of laser therapy and taping, it has gone away thankfully. I also was fitted for new custom orthopedic inserts.
  15. Several years ago I developed a case of Plantar fasciitis that lasted a month or two and was alleviated with some physical therapy and inserts. It has not returned since until this week, 3 weeks after my VSG surgery. I find it very weird that Im losing weight and it came back. Anyone have this type of issue following surgery? I assume its from all the walking Im doing.
  16. I am over 2 weeks post op and down over 25lbs. The past 2 days I have been getting very lightheaded as I stand up. it gets to the point on 2 occasions I had to sit back down. Anyone have this issue and should I be concerned? Im getting plenty of fluids. Could this simply be from the rapid weight loss?
  17. JerseyJules

    Anyone get lightheaded?

    NO blood pressure meds, my blood pressure was always fine. I am on blood thinners for Leiden Factor 5 gene mutation.
  18. JerseyJules

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    The whole Gym and diet routine was frustrating to unimaginable levels. Work out and eat clean for 2 to 3 months to only see a small move on the scale and you get frustrated and go back to old habits. This surgery makes it so easy to lose weight.
  19. JerseyJules

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    Sometimes the truth is harsh. If we weren't so Politically correct as a society we might actually stand a chance fighting the epidemic that is obesity. The fact that doctors are afraid to even suggest their patients lose weight for their health, speaks volumes for the disservice were doing to ourselves.
  20. JerseyJules

    6 days post op and depressed

    I progressed to soft foods and have been eating tuna,salmon,yogurt,cottage cheese and my favorite now,Humus!! I havent had any issues with anything I have eaten yet, knock on wood. I even tried 2 shrimp the other day with my salmon. It is amazing how small of portions you can eat and how fast you feel full like you ate a huge meal. The soft foods phase has made me feel 100% normal again thankful.
  21. JerseyJules

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    3 week update. Warning, some fat shaming....Down 32 lbs so far.
  22. JerseyJules

    6 days post op and depressed

    My doctor had me on full liquids for 21 days.....THAT SUCKED!!!!
  23. JerseyJules

    6 days post op and depressed

    I can relate to your feelings, but I can say I never experienced an ounce of regret post op and just put it in my mind that this boring and restricted diet was only temporary. I would be able to eat all my favorite healthy foods in moderation and would lose the weight and be around many more years for my family. It is a big mental thing when you are a food addict, which Im sure I was. But I guess I just dealt with the transition better than most cause I tried for years to diet and lose weight and was finally ready and defeated.
  24. Try the 11 oz pre made Premier Protein drinks. 30 grams per 11oz and pretty thin. I was able to get 2 down on day 4. Walmart should sell them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
