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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Proud2BMe

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  2. Proud2BMe

    I am having potty problems

    It only happened once to me. I was at work but luckily it was after business hours and I was with friends helping to decorate my office. I ended up just having to throw my boxers away and go commando. Now for the bad news? After the diarrhea stage there comes the constipation stage. You may go weeks without a bowl movement. I once went 3 1/2 weeks without one and when it finally happened it felt like my entire digestive tract was cramping. I actually threw up while on the pot. My solution? I've found that if I take gentil laxatives once a week then I can go without the pain and cramping.
  3. Proud2BMe

    How soon after surgery...

    You should be okay but just know that you won't have the energy to exert yourself. You may still feel dizzy or faint. But you shouldn't be in any physical pain. Just take it slow.
  4. Proud2BMe

    Weight Gain 3 years out!

    You probably let those sneaky carbs back in. Give them the boot! You might want to redo a 2 week pre-op diet. I have been in a similar situation, no weight gain but louse eating.
  5. Proud2BMe

    Surgical gas question

    I think that it's a myth that it passes through your intestines. Any gas would dissolve into your bloodstream and then be exhaled through your lungs. Don't stress the gas. I was so paranoid about it but didn't have any gas pains at all. Most doctors today try to remove as much gas as possible when the surgery is done.
  6. Proud2BMe

    Beware Peanuts!

    I was told that my body may try to trick me into ingesting extra calories, such as craving liquid treats like milkshakes but thankfully I don't crave sweet things as I don't eat sugar and carbs. However, my body found a weakness and that weakness is peanuts and other nuts! If they are in my presence I scarf them down. It seems that I can eat a ton of them without my sleeve kicking into gear and stopping me. In the past couple of weeks I estimate I've been eating an extra 600-800 calories of nuts each day. I know I have to stop. Thankfully no weight gain but no weight loss either. So be warned! Nuts are great in small quantities but even a small package of nuts packs of whopper with regard to calories. For example, one small package of peanuts that I eat is 290 calories. I've been eating like 2 or 3 of them a day.
  7. Proud2BMe

    Lots of lbs flying off, is this much normal?

    I lost 136 lbs in less than 6 months. However, that period of fast loss does not last forever. Eventually you will hit stalls and then simply stop losing weight altogether. At that point you will have to increase your physical activity and exercise to lose weight.
  8. Proud2BMe

    Can VSG work with coffee?

    Yes, you can still drink coffee. You may experience some burning sensations the first couple of times you drink it but you will soon get over it. On a side note, the first time I drank alcohol after the sleeve, about month 5, I had this horrible burning sensation. I thought I really messed up. But it was fine. I'm only a social drinker but am fine with it now.
  9. Proud2BMe

    how fast?

    I lost 136 pounds in less than 6 months. However, please realize that this sudden weight loss phase will come to an end. You will hit stalls that can last for months and then you will simply stop losing weight altogether. At that point if you are not at goal you will have to increase your physical activity and exercise in order to lose weight again.
  10. Proud2BMe

    This Hair Loss is Horrific

    There's nothing you can do to stop it. If you use rogaine or the likes then a side effect is increased shedding at first and when you stop using it your hair will continue to shed. Just cut your hair short and don't fuss with it. When your weight stabilizes then your hair will grow back.
  11. Proud2BMe

    Tummy tuck prior to sleeve

    You can still have the sleeve. It's just you made need another tummy tuck after losing the weight. My friend is having the surgery and she too had a tummy tuck before losing any weight. I told her she will probably have to have another tummy tuck and she she snapped at me, but hey, a friend is there to be honest.
  12. Proud2BMe

    Almost 1yr and still my is not happy

    Lean Protein, non-starchy vegetables, Soups, salads, limited fruits, dairy, nuts, etc. Basically it's a low-carb diet. Avoid fried food.
  13. My flight was fine. I didn't use a pillow either. My flight was about 4 hours to and back and I flew first class, which I strongly recommend. The only concern I had was feeling of faint on the return flight because I was only able to drink less than half a small bottle of Gatorade for the whole day. I remember I had to walk slow and was not able to walk fast in the airport. Other than that it was great.
  14. Usually 1 night but now more places are moving toward outpatient and so some go home same day. The surgery is not that bad at all.
  15. So far I've only talked to two people with regard to recommending the surgery to them. One person decided to go for it and had the surgery. The other person had the opposite reaction and instead of viewing it as a potential blessing went on this high strung emotional tirade against me on Facebook claiming I called him "fat" and was rude. He went on to state that it's society that needed to change and not him. In reality I merely told him that I believed that weight loss surgery would do wonders for his self-esteem and that it would greatly improve his health. I then went on to explain how I've lost over a 130 lbs from the gastric sleeve. It's funny how people react to things. The first person I talked to realized that this was the answer to her problem while the second guy is a drama queen who believes that society needs to change to accept him.
  16. Great News! My best friend told me this past weekend that she has decided to get the surgery. She was the one who recommended that I get it. I took her advice and began to research it myself. I went through with surgery in May. However, she herself decided not to do it with the excuse that she can't go without carbs because it would kill her and the fact that she is on her feet for about 10 hours a day at work. I tried explaining to her that going without carbs is not deadly but she is stubborn. Well, she saw my weight loss and now has changed her mind. Her first appointment is next month. I even told her that if she denied by insurance that I would even go with her to Tijuana, where I had my surgery, and she is open to the idea. I'm so proud of her!
  17. Proud2BMe

    Thanksgiving Tips

    My plan is to eat as much turkey as I can take and then only get one bite of mashed potatoes and gravy, one bite of stuffing and one bite of pecan pie. If I can I'll try one bite of cranberry sauce. Sweet potatoes aren't a problem for me as I think they are disgusting. lol
  18. Proud2BMe

    Still Losing

    Start snacking on nuts. They are high and fat and Protein. You can also increase your carbs. I know you said you have no room after protein but keep in mind that it's okay not to get enough protein in a day. In the wild we didn't get all the protein we needed each day and so that's how we evolved. So skip some protein and eat carbs instead. Then once your weight loss slows monitor to find the balance of carbs so that you don't gain weight.
  19. I had mine done in Tijuana. It was great. Just do your research in advance.
  20. Proud2BMe

    "Dog Ear" After Tummy Tuck?

    That is associated with the typical tummy tuck. If you had gotten the 360 then it would not have been an issue. If any one can afford it, go with the 360 as most seem far more happier with the results than compared to a standard tummy tuck.
  21. Proud2BMe

    Can this really happen?

    Technically no. The surgery permanently shrinks the stomach. However, what happens is that over time if you constantly stuff more food than you should into your sleeve that your body will adapt to it and that will become your new "set point" for when you feel full. Thus you will be training yourself to eat more. Also, food will spend less time in your sleeve which means you will not feel full for long and will quickly want to eat again. So eat slowly and stop as soon as you feel the first signs of feeling full.
  22. They initiated the conversation by commenting on my weight loss. With the man, I really got sick of him bitching about his health problems and why he can't ever find a mate. He's the type that constantly chases after people who are like a perfect 10 but can't understand why they don't want to be with a morbidly obese person. I'm never judgemental with weight issues and I merely suggested that I know he has low self esteem and that the surgery would help him with both his self esteem and health issues. They may have initiated a conversation, but did they solicit your advice? Big difference. Suggesting someone has low self esteem and your thoughts on how to correct that could be construed as highly offensive in my book. He admits he has low self esteem. And he's not a stranger. Look, this is your opinion, and that's fine. But it's your opinion. Do you realize that if it wasn't for a friend suggesting that I get the surgery that I never would have? I thought weight loss surgery was for losers who don't have will power. So I'm not shy when recommending it to people who I believe may benefit from it. Someone has to. Most people don't care about people enough to be honest and upfront like that. All you have to do is mention it once. Whether or not they climb onboard and begin to look into it is up to them.
  23. I think you misunderstood. This is the type of guy who constantly complains about his health problems caused by his morbid obesity. I'm quite frankly tired of hearing about it and so I finally told him that I know he suffers from low self-esteem and health problems and that weight loss surgery would help him on both matters. I then told him that I lost over 130 lbs through gastric sleeve and showed him before pics. At no time did I make fun of him for his obesity. Yet he turned it into such and began spouting crap about me on facebook saying I made fun of him for being fat. Honestly, he's stuck in the point where he believes that he is perfect as is and that society has to change. Hopefully he will hit rock bottom and realize that he has to be the one to change for his own health and well being.
  24. They initiated the conversation by commenting on my weight loss. With the man, I really got sick of him bitching about his health problems and why he can't ever find a mate. He's the type that constantly chases after people who are like a perfect 10 but can't understand why they don't want to be with a morbidly obese person. I'm never judgemental with weight issues and I merely suggested that I know he has low self esteem and that the surgery would help him with both his self esteem and health issues.

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