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Posts posted by gigim84

  1. When I say dating...I mean serious long term relationships. Of course lots of men like big women...but in my experience its only for sex and nothing more. New Yorkers can be very vain...here its all about looks. Ive actually heard men admit to only liking big women because they thought they were easier.

    And usually the ones who like me are not my type. I've tried online dating and it just never seems to work out. The guys are either crazy, too old or just wanna have sex.

    I hate to admit this but my thin friends get the better quality guys. I have a vibrant personality, totally cute, confident, and socially active. But at the end of the day Im always getting over-looked.

    That's sad I hate that you haven't found any good ones. I have had some great long term relationships. My boyfriend now will most likely be my husband he is wonderful and loves me for me big or lil. Hopefully after your surgery you will find what your looking for :)

  2. I hope you feel better quickly and try not to get discouraged. Everyone is different I had a surgery years ago cut from one side to the other a 10 in incision it barely hurt then got my gallbladder out with two tiny wholes and thought I was going to die. Each surgery is different I will keep you in my prayers and take all offered pain medication.

  3. Besides my husband and my kids. I have decided not to tell anyone in my family. I have been really upset that they have badgered me about my weight gain and have made it very difficult for my to even want to be around them. What I find so insulting is that they are all extremely overweight but because my parents were both thin they assumed I should be as well. I hate also when people say that getting wls is the "easy" way out. How is it easy? I have give up almost everything and learn to re-eat and get treatment for learning how to stop overeating and go through the pain and struggle of doing without any support. If that is easy, what is hard?

    my family is the same way thankfully my boyfriend and mom are extremely understanding everyone else will not no!

  4. This is a really difficult one for me,i am a widow with just one surviving son.My precious younger son commited suicide by hanging himself 4 years ago and my older treasured son was the person who found him.I remember us clinging together on that dreadful day and i promised him and he promised me that we would never do anything that would take us away from each other.Shortly after my gastric band slipped and i had to have emergency surgery and was in intensive care.I will never forget my son`s distraught face when he came to see me.We have gone through so much together and though we miss my other son and always will we have found some joy in life through my grandsons and my son is getting married after Christmas to a girl that i can only describe as the daughter i never had.

    My weight has got out of control and my mobility was suffering and i knew i had to do something,i want to be around to share my life with my son and his wife and grandchildren.So though i would never lie to my lovely son i just haven`t told him yet.He would never judge me but i couldn`t tell him till i came out the other side.I am 5days out of surgery and i am going to stay at his house on 6th Dec.I shall tell him then.Lpve to you all and best wishes.pippinleicester x

    I am so glad that your doing well and I understand not wanting to scare your son. My mother just lost her son at 39 to a massive stroke he was obese also it is a very very scary situation! Congrats on your surgery! !!!

  5. I am telling my mom boyfriend and two teenage daughter's. Mostly because I need them to help with my youngest son and they have no judgment and won't tell anyone. I had planned on getting surgery two years ago and things happened ppl were very rude to me said it's easy way out. My sister in law had it done and ppl still three yr latee say she could have lost if she wasn't lazy. It's just not something I will put myself thru. I am going to tell ppl if they ask that I stopped soda bread and eat less with exercise. All is very true I am working on my weight now because I have 6 months to go before surgery can be approved by insurance

  6. I am not telling anyone but my mom boyfriend and two teenage daughter's they all know not to tell. I had planned on this a long time ago and ppl were very rude said it's easy way out grr I am currently working hard to lose this weight not just sitting back till my surgery date. It bothers me my family won't support me but as long as my mom and man I love will help me and my girls will keep it quiet then I think I will do better. No room for negative ppl during this time. My boyfriend and I are talking about marriage so I can always use it as an excuse for my weight loss :)

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