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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by coastalchick

  1. Your body will need extra nutrition, as babies do not feed off of mothers fat. As a nurse, I can tell you that you may have a very hard time, or even have a LBW (low birth weight baby), which also has it's own set of issues. My biggest fear would be how you are going to provide enough nutrition for both you and the baby, and if you can provide enough nutrition, will you be undoing everything you worked for with the surgery. Wishing you luck on your journey.
  2. coastalchick

    RNY December 2014

    December the 18th for me! Can't wait, nervous, but optimistic.
  3. coastalchick

    Help! Developed peripheral neuro palsy !

    @ BypassKrista I've got my fingers crossed for you. Sometimes in surgeries like this the vagus nerve is inervated accidentally which can cause issues of a unpredictable nature. I'm a nurse, so I have seen this happen. I will keep you in my prayers, and I'm hoping things get better for you soon.
  4. @brandyjune.... right back at ya girl, we will do great!
  5. coastalchick

    Help! Developed peripheral neuro palsy !

    http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F44848650_Developed_foot_drop_as_a_complication_of_bariatric_surgery_case_reports%2Flinks%2F0deec522f3fd876105000000&ei=9TNwVKKqLbbCsATT3oLYCw&usg=AFQjCNFZ9jdy3UO1wMDuwxDa3_rXuWCb0g&bvm=bv.80185997,d.cWc Hope this link helps, I had a friend who had the same thing happen, and she is now almost a year out of surgery with little improvement, but mostly do to doctors shuffling her from specialist to specialist. You need to see an orthopedist, he would be best able to help you.
  6. There's really nothing you can do to pre surgery to prevent, other than the pre surgery drugs your surgical team will give you. What ever you do, don't massage your legs post op while in the hospital, especially if you suspect a clot, it can dislodge it, which means bad news if you do. Your surgical team will have all of it under control, just follow my advice on moving as soon as possible, wearing your SCD's, and pumping your feet while in bed. Movement=bloodflow. Your gonna do great, don't worry. I'm really excited too, I just looked at my husband tonight and said, "can you believe a year from now, I may be about 80-100lbs lighter.... seems unreal, but so happy for the opportunity to live the life I want again. Unfortunatley for me, my weight came in my mid 30's after a bad car accident, spinal injections, and loads of steroids. I can't wait to get back to my fighting weight, so to speak :-)
  7. Hey Brandyjune, I'm a nurse who is going to have mine in December also. Clots are tricky things, first off, let me tell you about prevention. As soon as you can, get up and start moving, pump your legs when you are in bed, wear the SC (sequental compression) hose they give you or the SCD's (a device that wrap around your lower legs and fill and release inflated air to help to keep your circulation good) they give you as much as possible when in bed. Most clots come from your blood pooling somewhere, from decreased circualtion, and movement. Some can come from surgical sites. Sometimes you can feel a warmth, or pain/ache in your legs where a clot has lodged, shortness of breath, and extreem anxiety that something is wrong due to alterations in blood pressure, breathing and heart rate can also be a sign, but the unfortunate side is that sometimes when throwing a clot, no warning signs are given. This is not to scare you, but it's just the truth. Your doctor will most likely have you on lovenox, a blood thinner, that will help to prevent clotting. I'm sure you will be fine, think positive thoughts, and get this part of your life behind you. You got this!
  8. I was totally convinced I was going with the sleeve, and then at my pre-op my surgeon cautioned against it do to my acid reflux, so here I am in the Gastric Bypass forum <3. I will be having my bypass on Dec.18th. Happy to be joining you December peeps! I'm so nervous...lol.

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