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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by coastalchick

  1. coastalchick

    Heavy, cement feeling in body

    This surgery can cause neurological issues for some people, especialy drop foot.... look up some peer reviewed articles on it, it might apply to you.
  2. coastalchick


    Genepro is what I use daily, and it's not a huge scoop, more like a tablespoon.
  3. I am almost 5 weeks out from a dec. 18th surgery date, and down 30 lbs since my surgery day, 40 including start of nutritional program. I have only dumped once (on a protein bar), and it was wicked horrible. I am doing pretty good most days, still have cravings but holding strong. Dining out, I just keep it clean with baked or grilled chicken and veggie dish. Great to hear everyone else is doing so well :-)
  4. coastalchick

    Someone Said To Me...

    It's a compliment, life's too short to be offended all the time. Take the compliment and let it roll off your shoulders.
  5. coastalchick

    Scale Victory

    Whoop whoop!
  6. coastalchick

    Weight loss stalls

    I'm in The same boat, lost 24 lbs in the two weeks post op, then stalled for a few days and lost 3 more. I am 4 weeks post op also. I can get my protein in, but I can't seem to get more than 40-50 ounces of water each day. I am dog tired, and while I have been blessed not to have vomited yet, I am nauseous after every meal... no matter how slow I eat. I'm not complaining, just concerned... I can't get past my anxiety that this won't work for me, or I will somehow screw it up.
  7. coastalchick

    Hunger Pains

    Sugar free Jello... it's a life saver and counts towards fluids.
  8. coastalchick

    where did you sleep?

    I was on the reclining couch for the first 3-4 days.... too much pain using my stomach muscles getting in and out of bed. Couldn't even lay on my side for about 10 days.
  9. coastalchick

    Can I refuse?

    I am a nurse , and I could tell you as a patient you always have the right to refuse. I should also caution you that your nutrition is nothing to mess with, I too think they may be dragging this out due to holidays, but the stomach is very delicate, and you should follow your doctor's advice or you could literally end up nauseous and sick again. Whatever you do, be very careful to listen to your body, and log everything. Wishing you the best.
  10. coastalchick

    "You took the easy way out"

    I shut folks down by answering "why yes, yes I did take the easy way out"... followed by an eye roll. I have yet to have a rebuttal to that....lol. I owe no one an explanation... period.
  11. coastalchick

    10 weeks out and no problems?

    I am two weeks out, on purees, though I don't puree, I just chew a thousand times. ..lol. Nothing I have ate has made me dump either. I haven't tried sweets, or high residue fats, because I'm way too scared. But so far, I'm doing surprisingly well. I am still craving sweets, and bad foods, and I have some foods that the smell or taste trigger an intense craving for Soda, but I am holding strong.
  12. coastalchick

    Liquid diet

    I stayed as busy as possible with household projects. Staying busy was my saving grace. You can do it, I even cheated a little the first week with veggies, and broiled chicken, but was steadfast the last week. I promise it gets easier.
  13. coastalchick

    Constipation Club

    Never, I say Never trust a fart!!! You've got a loaded gun with all that in you!
  14. coastalchick

    9 days out

    FYI- my first meat was rotisserie chicken, it is now my go to protein because it's so flavorful, and tender. I should note that I only eat the breast meat, 2 tablespoons a sitting.
  15. coastalchick

    9 days out

    I went on purees at 8 days out, we can do our stages in 1-2 week increments as tolerated. While I am on "puree", I don't actually puree most things, I just chew at least 15x, and my bites are baby spoon quantity. I eat no more than 1/4 C. At a time, and abide by drinking restrictions around meals.
  16. coastalchick

    9 days out

    Was right there with ya just a few days ago. Now that I'm on purees I'm doing much better, but nn I have to admit, each stage is a host of new challenges. I'm doing the best to acknowledge my emotions, and negotiate the fact that my relationship with food has changed. I can't just grab a snickers now to get me by, I have to seek out lean proteins, and it's a challenge. Best wishes to you on your journey, you got this.
  17. coastalchick

    Is everyone crazy? Lol

    Wow, this post really struck home for me. I am only five days out, and the head hunger really messed with me today. I am still sore, it takes me forever to get my shakes and Water in (but I am doing it), and I have no energy. I am soooo tired of liquids! Me arse hurts from sitting, my fibromyalgia is kicking in hard, and though I walk at least 30-45 min a day,I am both in pain, and bored out of my mind.... all of this makes for a perfect storm of "why the hell did I do this". I read all the posts, and I see that it does eventually pass, but man alive, the time is just slowly ticking by, and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, so it doesn't seem real to me that in time I will feel better. Jeez, after reading this, I am having a serious pitty party for myself....lol.
  18. coastalchick

    5 days post op

    Seriously, I feel the same way. All the good food smells, the holiday recipes I usually make, and head hunger is killing me. I'm 5 days post op, and I can't wait for some real food, even if it is pureed. Right now crystal lite shaved ice from my vita mix is saving me.
  19. Hey there, I am 5 days post op, and the pain is just now tolerable. Since I have back issues, the majority of my pain is in my back since I am still too sore to turn side to side. The day of surgery my weight was 261 and as of now I am 256. It's crazy how some of my taste buds have changed already, I really enjoyed my ujury shake prior to surgery, now I hate the taste of them. Vanilla premier protein, with SF flavorings has been my saving grace. I have to admit, up to this point the gas pains have been the worst. My life in a nutshell right now is walk, sip, walks, sip, walks, sip.
  20. coastalchick

    Constipation Club

    Mirlax is an osmotic that pulls water into the intestines, it is safe, and effective.
  21. Your own pillow, slippers, robe, and gas ex melts.
  22. I am two days post op, and being discharged from the hospital today. Other than incisional pain, and generalized abdominal pain, I am doing g great. No nausea, praise the lord! Praying it stays that way. Scared about getting home and starting protein.
  23. I will be packing tomorrow, for my surgery this Thursday. So far some of the things I have packed are lotion, face lotion, gas ex strips, burts bee's lip balm, a tablet, PJ's, and some books. Am I missing anything crucial that will help to increase my comfort. Doc said I will be staying at least two days at the hospital due to the fact that I live an hour and a half away from it. Input on any other essentials would be awesomesauce!
  24. coastalchick

    No Flavor Protein Powder

    It's 15 grams of powder product, that contains 30 grams of protein, and it absorbs at three times the rate of average whey powders because it is a peptide, which is basically a much smaller granulated powder... It's fine almost like talc.
  25. Lot's of inspiration here!!! My surgery is in two days, and I was feeling the same way as the user who started this thread. You all have lifted my spirits tremendously..... THANK YOU ALL!!!

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