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Posts posted by McQty

  1. Finally I cannot believe it! I have a date :) I am so excited and so nervous I feel as if I may throw up. I went to see my surgeon yesterday 12/5/07 and his assistant came in to go through some information. And then she said when would you like to schedule your surgery? And being anxious I say, as soon as possible. Then she says how about Dec 11th? I was like okay. Then my whole body went flush I was so super excited!! I cannot believe in less then 1 week I will "officially"be a bandster :) December 11th at 7:00 am is when the prep time begins. When yall had your surgery how long was the prep time before the actual surgery? Just curious. I have never had any major surgery before. I had a c-section w/ my daughter but I was awake w/ the epideral. And with my vena-cava filter implant I was still awake. LoL. So I have no idea what to expect. What was the pain like for yall :) Sorry for the questions. I am just super nervous and have so much to do :)

    Hugs to all




    Well being newly banded (1 week out) my prep time was not that long really, about 30 mins maybe and it was mostly relaxed time. I checked in, they gave me my nice gown, hat and bootie-socks to put on and then I went in and laid down while they took my vitals, asked me a few questions to confirm stuff and did my IV. Then my anest. guy came in and visited, asked if I had any questions and told some jokes. I visited with my mom and boyfriend until they took me back. I don't remember a thing after leaving that room. Funny I just now thought of that. I remember them starting to wheel me back and getting in the hall and I don't remember anything after the hall. Then I woke up and they wanted to take me to walk... CRAZY !!!

    But it was easy. Very calm and relaxed. I actually wasn't even nervous. Just anxious and ready to go :)

    GOOD LUCK and congrats on getting a fast date.

  2. I'm 8 days post-op and saw my surgeon today. I've lost 10 lbs since surgery!!

    I've been following the full liquids/pureed foods diet post op without incidence. I'm not getting hungry at all, in fact, for the first time in my life I have to FORCE MYSELF TO EAT, what a blessing!

    I think I heard angels sing when I heard my surgeon tell me to advance to soft diet for 4 more days and then to ease into a full diet by slowly introducing foods!!! I was prepared to go the 6 weeks of full liquid/soft foods and he moved me right up!

    Also I am cleared for exercise including going to the gym and swimming.

    Wahoooo!!!!! The Band is the best Christmas present I have ever given myself! :whoo:

    Have a Great Week everyone!


    Loveland, Colorado



    11.27.07: Banded


    AWESOME !! Lucky girl your up to mushies and then real food... OHHHH I so can't wait for some mushies. I would love some refried Beans and cheese... that just sounds sooo good. The craziest things I never would of even thought about sound so good to me during this liquid stage. I know what you mean about making yourself eat. I am having to make myself drink more and more and to be sure to do my yogurt and puddin...

    Crazy how this works... but it's a working baby!!

    Congrats again.

  3. I made it through surgery. My Mom and best friend were both there for me. Honestly, it was somewhat worse than I thought it would be. My stomach hurt really bad yesterday after the surgery and I still have some significant pain today. Thank God, I have not been nauseous at all! They did give me one of those Patches to put behind my ear so I think that saved me. I have been sleeping a lot and I slept pretty good last night considering what I went through. I am actually off to bed for another nap. I feel much better today than I did yesterday so I am hoping I will continue to feel better as the days go by. Now it is mostly when I stand up and my stomach hangs, it kind of pulls on everything. Also, when I try to take deep breaths, I feel pain. Anyway, just wanted everyone to know I did ok. I will write more when I am up to it. Trisha

    Congrats on your surgery and it going well. I can tell you being 1 week out today, it gets better each day. I was lucky enough not to be nausious after surgery, didn't have to use anything for that... Thank goodness. I know what you mean about the pulling feeling too... But that's getting better too! GOOD LUCK !

  4. Just had my One week post op visit this morning. Down 15 lbs from my PRE op visit! That puts me at 365!!!! Down from 400 max!!!! 35 lbs Baby!!!

    Yes I am a born and bred Pure TEXAN! I currently live in Waco, but I grew up just SW of Ft. Worth. Love Texas, but hate the summers here! Maybe once I don't have all this insulation, the summers here won't be so bad...

    gotta do some work now, I just had to share!!!!

    Congrats on being a Loser... who would of ever thought so many of us out there wanted to be Losers ?? HA !! Can't wait to be a bigger LOSER !!! WOO HOO. Feeling so much better each day. Just super excited. Can't wait for mushies !! I did try the chinese Soups... that was a life savor the other day. I just needed something with flavor and that hit the spot.

    Congrats again... True Texan here. Residing in Lewisville !

  5. Wow! McQty! I am so happy for you!

    I get to weigh in on Wednesday at my one week post op visit to my surgeon. They have a calibrated digital scale there and I am just going to keep using that one. This will force me not to be obsessive about the scale! (i refuse to buy one) I can't wait to see what I have lost!

    Congrats Congrats !!! on the 25 off in the 2 weeks. That's awesome. I love the idea of the chinese soups... didn't think about that. I wonder if some of those strained would be just fine for the 2 weeks of liquids we have to do now? I haven't tried the variety of Soups you mention, but I am on a new path of trying new things and not being so closed minded.

    I totally agree about the scale thing too, I never owned one, why bother?? It wouldn't please me if I stepped on it in the past. I don't want to get obsessive about it either, so I promised myslef that I will only weigh once a week. Once I get a scale at home, I will have to keep it out of view so I am not always stepping on it :(

    Congrats again.... by the way are you a Texan, or just know a good team when you see one?

  6. I am looking at using Dr. Frank Felts thru True Results/Lap Band Solutions. He works out of Dallas and Houston. Does anyone have any experience with him in either office?

    If you have used him for the Houston office, how was your experience with the staff and aftercare? How did it seem to work with him having a practice in both cities?

    If you used him in Dallas, how was your experience with dealing with him personally as a doctor?

    I have been in for a seminar that he talked at, and I've had my medical evaluation, and am awaiting insurance approval. If everything goes as planned, I will be having surgery Dec 21st, so I can recuperate over my Christmas vacation before returning to work.

    Thanks for your help.

    Dr. Felts is my Dr. I had my band on Thursday (11-29) I actually never met him until my pre op visit which was last monday. He is awesome. Very personable. I know he likes someone that really researches the procedure and has lots of questions for him. So if you have question, I would suggest writing them down in a little notebook and just jot them down as you go. I did that, the closer to surgery the more questions I had. Got alot of good ones from this site too.


  7. thanks so much McQty!

    I guess the positive vibes ...well...worked...I loved the seminar. As a matter of fact the seminar was given by the surgeon I choose which was even better got to hear his personality a bit. I had my 1st consult, met him personally. And I am on my way to gather all insurance requirements.

    I am really excited now....today I have my psych eval!


    How is your band doing? How was your surgery experience?

    My experience was good from what I can tell from others. I had a little trouble after the surgery b/c I was too tight. The Dr had put in 3cc in my band and before you can leave, they make you do a barium shot and then take an xray to make sure they see it's all going down okay. Well mine wasn't moving, so they had my surgeon come back and remove 2cc and leave 1cc in my band. After that it went down w/o a problem. The port pain gets better everyday. Getting up and walking around made me feel better. I went to my reg care physician today just to check in with her and update some of my regualar meds, and I have lost 11 lbs since the day of my surgery. I cannot believe that. Having a little trouble getting in all the Water and Protein I need in a day. Seem to be full all the time. I am going to have to work at that right away. Don't want to lose my hair to to little Protein.< /p>

    I am so thrilled and excited to go back to work tomorrow. Being cooped up at home isn't so much fun :(

    GOOD LUCK ON THE INSURANCE APPROVAL--will have my fingers crossed that it goes smooth and quickly for you.

  8. Hi McQty, I was banded by Dr Felts as well!. When I went back a month later for follow up and first fill he told me to wait till wk 6 to start working out (outside of walking which I began immediately)....

    Walk when you can, and be sure to take care of yourself the first 4 wks Big Time:)

    Good Luck,


    Did you not just love Dr. Felts. He is so nice and personable. I am excited to get back to exercising, but going to take it slow. I am doing my walking. Having 2 dogs helps, have to keep up with their pee pee schedules. We take the scenic route.

    Soooo anxious, excited, delighted !!!

  9. Howdy to all my fellow super-size bandsters. I am officially a bandster now! I was banded on wed. Nov. 28th. My highest bmi was like 52.8. I guess I am 4 days out now and am feeling pretty good. I am not having to use the pain meds. as much now. I was getting my 3 yr. old son dressed for church this morning and he accidentally kicked me on my port incision. I went and popped a Hydrocodone and we walked out the door for church. Well about 10 min. into the service the med decided to kick in... I was all kinds of loopy in church this morning!

    I am already fitting into my clothes better than I did just a week ago. My out of the dryer jeans slip right on... no straining and pulling, fighting or swearing! I even had to put a belt on this morning with them because they were about to fall down if I didn't. I can't wait for the BIG changes to take place and I really get more energy and stamina for exercise and playing with my boy! I will be 30 in 6 days... What a way to Celebrate being 30! A start to a whole new life!

    Well, the pain med has me nodding off now, so I must get some zzzzz's. Isn't that what Sunday afternoons are for anyway?

    Congrats on joining the band, new band member here too !!! Had mine on the 29th. I think if I make it through these 2 weeks of liquids only then I will be able to do anything. My mom has been here visiting and between her and my boyfriends cooking and grilling, I thought I was going to go mad :P Smelling that good stuff and looking at the water bottle in front of me, just didn't seem fair... but I managed to ignore them.

    Never thought I would be so excited to eat some mushy foods :) haha

    Congrats again.

  10. Yep that's right. I am an official band member now. Had my surgery Thursday morning. Everything went well. I am home recovering now. Getting better each day. Muscles in stomach are still sore, but not as bad.

    Had a little bit of trouble right after surgery with my bloodsugars being too high, but that's all better now.

    My band was also a little to full after surgery. Dr had put in 3cc and when I took the barium shot and X-ray, it was not going down. So they had to call the Dr to come back and remove some fluids. He took out 2cc and left 1 cc in. After that it went through just fine and they let me go home.

    Sooo now on to liquids...... can't wait until I can have something flavorful.

  11. YEP THAT'S RIGHT !!!

    I survived. Was banded Thurs. morning. It all went well. I was told by all that I was a very cooperative patient. Boy was I sleepy. They doped me up pretty good :smokin:

    Had a little trouble getting my blood sugars under control after surgery, they were higher than normal, guess due to the pain of surgery. But they are back under control today, thank goodness.

    The pain is getting better. Feeling much better today. The muscles in the top of my stomach are still sore. I feel like I have been doing sit ups for days and days. But I can tell it's getting better.

    Sooo how did everyone survive the 2 weeks of liquids? ?? Right now I am in the other room smelling my mom and boyfriend in the kitchen grilling chicken........ TORTURE I tell ya. It smells so good. I just want to lick the chicken, just want some flavor :confused: I promise not to eat it, just let me taste something... GOSH!!!

    My mom found me some great juice from Wal-Mart last night that has pomegranate and some other juices in it. That's pretty tasty, but don't want that all the time.

    Soooo I'm doing good I suppose, doing my walking which is great. Feels good to sit up and to walk around.

    I'm on a new path !!! WHOOO HOOO

  12. I am in Lewisville. My surgery is schedule next Thursday the 29th with Dr. Feltz in Richardson. I went through AIGB and things have just seemed to fly by in the last month or so with insurance getting approved and setting my date and starting my shakes. I only have 9 days to go, not that I am counting or anything :)

    I am so anxious now, and the time seems to be crawling. I am just hoping it goes by super fast. I think it might. Heading home for the holiday tomorrow, super excited to see my family and old friends from back home. Back to work on monday-wed and then up bright and early next thursday to be checked in by 630 am. I hope it's a great sign that I will be his first surgery of the day, hope is is as bright eyed and bushy tailed as I will be... well I don't know about the bushy tail, but you know what I mean !!!

    Hope everyone has a wondeful and safe holiday !!

  13. That is sooo true. She is funny too... she plays all rough with my others and kinda bullys them around a bit and then when we go out for a walk, she sees another dog and she freaks out. She is sooo snooty sometimes, she gets set in her ways and just actually throws a fit sometimes. I have a little pink harness and pink leash for her and when we go walking she will sometimes just plop down on the sidewalk and just look at me like I'm crazy for making her walk. When I tug at her she starts to whine... it's hilarious. She just makes me laugh so hard. Guess it's my fault she has become accustomed to her posh girlie lifestyle. She is my princess and she knows it. It's to funny.

  14. Well I got my letter from my insurance that my surgery was approved, but was still waiting :) to hear back from the surgery center to see just what my part was going to be. She finally called :phone: me back. She then tells me she just got off the phone with my insurance and that I have GREAT insurance!! :whoo: She then tells me that I am 100% covered and all I will be responsible for is the Surgery Co-pay of $100.:wow2: I was excited to hear that.

    I wasn't worried about it, but I have this money saved on my flexible spending account that I need to use up by the end of the year. I certainly don't want to lose it.

    Soooo now I am :car: raring to go. Only 9 day's and counting, I just wish the time :clock:would move a little faster !:cheer2:

  15. Thanks, they are my lovies ;) They each have their own personality and just so much fun to be with.

    Here is an updated picture of Priss, was trying to show just how small she is. She is sitting in the computer chair next to a business card.



  16. I started my pre-op liquid diet today. It is not fun! My surgery isn't until 12/04 and it seems sooo far from now. My doctor told me I have to drink 4 Protein Shakes a day, I can have a small amount of crunchy veggies once a day and lots of Water. This until December 4th?! I am determined to do it but it has already been a real challenge. I don't really like the shakes (muscle milk) and ordered Unjury powder. Passing lunchtime at work has been hard. Someone just walked by my desk with a Burger King bag :). Believe me, I won't wimp out, I just need some encouragement. Anyway, can anyone on this thread relate?

    OMG YES !!! I RELATE, I RELATE !! I work in one of those work environments where everyone around has a candy dish or snack goodies out to share with everyone. The cravings suck. I am not as resticted as you are. My dr has be doing 2 shakes a day and 2 healthy meals. Interesting how dr's are so different in the instructions they give. I found some pretty good sugar free fruit juice bars at Kroger's the other night and they are pretty good for a sweet tooth. I am 10 days and counting, can't you tell :D I am so anxious to get to that day, I just am beside myself. I don't even care that this week is Thanksgiving. I am going home to visit family and friends for Thanksgiving and I have already set up a few meet ups with some old friends, that way I am outta the house and not smelling the cooking and such. I think that will do me well not to smell that good stuff cooking all day. I have been really good not to cheat since I started my shakes, but boy I'm missing stuff already.

    I wish you well, and hope the time goes by fast for you too !!

  17. :help:I want to have surgery, but my other half it totally against it. He says to try to loose it the way I gained, slowly w/exercise. Although he sees me diet, exerciese & fail for the last 15yrs, he still says no. He says he would rather have me the way I am than have surgery & complications. He says we are fine, which I disagree with. We have not had an intimate relationship for years. We very seldom go anywhere together & I think it is because of my weight. He would argue & say that has nothing to do with it. I want the surgery so I can keep up with him & our 7yr old. My dad died at the age of 54, I don't want that to be me. I tried to talk him into coming to the dr w/me, but he won't. What do I do now?

    I totally agree with some of the other comments people have made. When I first looked at LBS options, my husband was not so keen on the idea, he actually told me one day that I was going to lose alot of weight and then leave him. I was somewhat insulted by that accusation. I told him flat out, that I was NOT with him because I settled and because I couldn't do better and that weight loss wouldnt have changed that. Well he is now my ex-husband.. not for that reason, but I do think men get worried that we will leave them.

    I agree that there is a communication gap there with you and your hubby. You might want to list out some of the health risks that you might incounter or already have encountered and show him how that road is much more dangerous and might not allow you to stay with him and your child for a long road ahead... with the LBS you have a better chance of becoming happier, healthier for yourself and for your family.

    You might want to ask him what exactly his fears are, and then address them. Let him know that if he is scared of the possible complications then he should attend a seminar or dr visit with you. He has to be willing to compromise as well.

    You ultimately have to do what is best for yourself or you won't be able to do what's best for your family.

    Just my .02 cents :scared:

  18. OH my gosh... love the puppy pics..... huge dog fan here. Sorry, alergic to the kitties... but like to look at them from afar :scared:

    Here are my babies... Goober is my Pomeranian, Stormy is my jack russell, and Priss ("Miss Priss") is my new little miniture chi chi.






  19. Well, I had a visit to my primary doctor today and got the results of my blood work. Total cholesterol down from 210 to 95, and no more chol meds.

    BP down to 116/62 so no more BP meds. Man am I a happy camper


    OMG I can't wait to get where you are and drop some of the pills I take... So if I am calculating correctly, it took approx 3 months for you to get the results to drop those meds...

    Keeping mental notes of when I might expect the same for myself. I know everyone is different, but gives me more hope !!


  20. :paranoid:paranoid:rain:

    OK....has anyone gone thru this?

    I have been doing my research...I am still in the beginning process of this ordeal. To make a long story short I am starting over tommorrow I am going to the required WLS seminar.

    In the meantime...I have been calling all the doctors I have been seen by within the last 10 years....

    I am trying to gather as much weight history as possible...


    I made a list and call all of them last week.

    All but 1 I had to leave messages.

    The 1 I was informed of a fee for records...I paid $11.23 and receive the records in the mail 2 days later..life was great...

    I did not even get a call back from the rest...so Monday I decided to type up a letter and make the request written ...so I faxed to all doctors on Monday...I got a call from another one no fee will be faxing I should receive in next couple of days...

    But this morning ...got a call from a gynecologist who wants almost $40.00....say what!!!the crapp.....


    I said that is bananas.....

    I explained the situation...she said would call me back.....

    I refuse to have to pay that much...

    I understand the fee process..but that amount is ludacris to me!

    Anyone else go thru this?:help:

    Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. I have BCBS of New York a PPO, and they did require weight history.

    Are these doctors local? can you go to the office to pick up the information at a possible smaller fee or none at all. I was lucky I guess and did not have to pay any fees for my information, but I did have to go to a couple of different locations to pick it up myself.

    I also went online to my Empire website, which my BCBS is through and it has alot of history info there, including dr visit dates and diagnosis, including meds that were perscribed to me, etc. I printed out all of that too.

    Don't know if that will help or not, but just a thought.

    Good luck !

  21. Welcome... I have not been banded yet...I am in the beginning process....didn't feel comfortable at first seminar I attended...have second one tommorrow hopefully this is the one!

    I know it can be very scary. I don't think I am so much scared of the surgery, as I am as scared of being a failure in post op. I have not had the best eating habit....no duh.... everyone can see that ! But I am learning to cook healthier and I am doing pretty darn good with resisting the temptations that surround me at work, so I am definitely proud of myself in that sense. It will be a challenge for me to learn my portions and such, but I love a good challenge and I am ready for this new one !

    I wish you the best and lost of positive thoughts! Those seem to work wonders for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
