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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ajoneen

  1. It has been over 5 years since my surgery. Ive had some ups and downs but in my head not real success. I think I didnt have in place at the time as strong a support network as I thought or needed. From the Dr charging to go to support meetings to me just not enjoying structured exercise (I have done 4 triathlons 3 since banding).

    I have learned that my weight issues are so much more then what the band can handle. Sigh

  2. Im not sure who is following this anymore. I know the support I received here in the early days was a life saver! All of us going through pretty much the same thing. Now quite a few have had the band removed.

    After having no band related problems (that I know of- all my problems were my dedication to working the tool) I am having weird food stuckage issues. I guess it coudl be refulx but there is no real acid coming back up. Just kinda like air trapped and alot of discomfort! I've gone on liquid only and sometimes that helps, but sometimes I get stuck on liquid.

    Im at the point of actually hoping my band has slipped so I can have it removed and replaced with the sleeve. I dont think the band itself has been a benefit.

    Well I guess Im asking if anyone is out there and if they are having or have delt with this issue.


  3. Im very curious to know how the thread starter has been.

    I was banded march 08 and am just now having some problems with food getting stuck. More like air bubbles not letting food go down, and then esophagus feels constricted. Ive tried going on liquid but sometime get stuck on that. Hmm

  4. I went to the Feb & March meetings this year for "over 1 year banded", maybe a dozen folks were there. I went to a few meetings when first banded (08)- but back then you had to pay $20 a meeting- wasn't worth it. Still 12 out of over 6000???? It's a shame because the more I live with the band and work to lose weight the more I understand that the learning curve is broad.

  5. Well HELLO Shrinking Shamrocks!

    Ups & downs that about sums it up.

    Highest 280 before band 11/07, 255 on day of surgery 3/08, lowest 207 on 3/09, 264 on 2/11, 224 on 11/11, 225 2/12, 212 today.

    I saw Dr regularly the first year then didn't see him until Feb 2012. I was terrified to go back, I thought he would see me as a failure. (Didn't happen!) I've had 3 fills since then and a berium swallow to make sure band was still placed correctly. Dr says from here on if I dont continue to loose and keep it off then its up to me to see a nutritionist to work on that front. Guess what- his office now has a full time nutritionist on staff that my insurance covers!

    When I have the money I get support with a gym membership. But I've learned activity only helps me maintain. Activity plus attention to nutrition equals slow weight loss.

    This journey has been a challenging one. I've had to put alot more energy into learning what works for me. When I started the band journey I had tons of optimism. With the regain 2 years in and the struggle to reloose I am more realistic about what it is going to take to keep the weight off.

    Im glad Im not the only one to struggle.

    I still have never had problems with food getting stuck, reflux or other band related problems. TYBJ! I am very sad to hear of all the problems other Shamrocks are having. Especially the ones that have had them removed.

  6. Hi all

    I haven't been around but am doing kind of OK. I have a special request. I seem to remember somebody going to a support meeting and getting some really good information on how to survive the holidays. Anyone remember that??? Do you still have it?? I could surely use it about now. THANKS!!!

    (PS wow things have changed around this site!!)

  7. Congrats on the pound! Gotta take em where you can get em.

    I found that when I hit my plateaus I could only lose weight the week before my period. Eventually, Big picture, Slow & Steady..... I'm sure you've heard them all.

    I've been tracking my food & exercise for the last week on SparkPeople. Accountability and all that.

    I'm holding off on the 5 day pouch test for now. Can't say why, it just doesn't seem the right time.

    I'm getting out and playing golf twice a wk(I walk, not ride) and the driving range once a wk for at least 1 hr.

    Mainly I'm being more responsible and conscious for food choices and making time to move my body. Getting back on track.

    PS I did lose 2lbs this past week!!

  8. When are you going to begin, ajoneen?

    Begin what?

    I've been tracking my food & exercise for the last week on SparkPeople. Accountability and all that.

    I'm holding off on the 5 day pouch test for now. Can't say why, it just doesn't seem the right time.

    I'm getting out and playing golf twice a wk(I walk, not ride) and the driving range once a wk for at least 1 hr.

    Mainly I'm being more responsible and conscious for food choices and making time to move my body.

    How are the other Shrinking Shamrocks doing??

  9. I love anything from Hale & Hearty. Before my office downsized and moved I had one around the corner. I miss Tuscan White bean, Senegalese chicken w/peanuts, black lentil w/ double smoked bacon & Three Lentil Chili. I could go on and on. Probably better I don't have easy access to them anymore.

    About "I should chew better, really, and drink when I eat". Yep chew better but I don't know about your Dr but mine said no drinking with meals, or half hour before or after. Moves food out of the stoma to quickly.

  10. Alas size small will never be in my future, my bone structure would never allow it. + Im 5'8".

    Fenton- Mmm curries. Do you have them with rice? How are you at eating one cup at a meal. I've really never been able to do that. A cup of anything just never holds me. Regarding the soft foods. I really don't think the form of the food matters as much as how long it keeps you full. For me Protein shakes don't stay with me long enough. Im hungry a couple hours later. As in tummy rumbles. A Protein Bar however can keep me good for 3+ hours. Yesterday I had 6oz of steak & a cup of grapes and found myself looking for a snack 2 hrs later. Today I had 6oz of steak & a cup of pasta(garlic & EVOO) and Im good to go. Mornings I try to have yogurt with fruit or Fiber One that's soft and sticks with me. I've been reading up on the 5day Pouch Test and it looks promising. Probably start next week to kick start.

    Hi again Chica. Your added stress has definitely taken it's toll on your progress. I know NYCMoo has had alot of band difficulties too. These last 12 months have been a bear for me too, but I gotta say "thank the band Gods" I haven't had problems with the band. Knock wood.

  11. So I am putting you on the spot.

    What day are you going to start breakfast? and What day are you going to start journaling? I think those 2 things should be your goals for this week. (Of course that is just my opinion).

    Well I did say tough love. Thanks, that's the kind of accountability I need.

    I signed up with SparkPeople to track my meals and I started with breakfast this morning. I actually find it easier to keep to a schedule during the week. Weekends my timing gets shot to hell and I'm more likely to miss meals.

    I did the c25k when I was training for the Triathlon. Very effective program. I might restart it in a few weeks. Depends on what exercise program I decide to follow and that is a whole new kettle of fish. I'm worrying about my nutrition this month and getting that straightened out.

    I hear you on the eating out. That is probably the biggest culprit in my weight regain. Sooo easy to make unhealthy choices when everything looks and smells so good.

    I find if there is a website with nutritional values that helps with my choices as the calories counts are much higher then I would have guessed. Back when I was being good I also ordered off the appetizer menu.

    Today we are having folks over for Fathers Day. Steaks and the fixings on the menu. Im headed to the kitchen now to make macaroni and fruit salads.

    Are you in a part of Texas that is really hot now? Do you run outside or treadmill? When it starts getting hot and humid here I find it hard to get out to exercise.

    Have a safe trip.


  12. Sure! I can't afford to be picky. Besides if I was going to pick I couldn't get any better. You are a very positive person.

    I've ordered 2 books to help get the eating back on track and 1 to help with exercise:

    • 5 Day Pouch Test Owner's Manual, by Kaye Bailey
    • Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test, By Kaye Bailey
    • A Walking guide & Daily log.

    So this week I have become more aware of what I am eating and how much. I haven't started the journal yet, but soon. I noticed that I've been skipping Breakfast and snacking for no good reason.

    Next week will be getting Breakfast on a daily basis, and cutting out mindless snacking. I did better losing when I started the home fires of my metabolism when I first got up.

    I hope I also work up the courage to call my Dr. about a fill.

    So how did you do last week and what are you up to next week?

  13. I haven't had a fill in over a year. I wanted one the last time I had an appointment (6/09) but my Dr was out (I've only been filled by my Dr) and I saw the PA. She said after a few questions NO FILL. Go home and work on the diet.

    It is now a year later, I've regained A LOT and am now afraid and embarrassed to go see my Dr.

    I think I will cry went I see my Dr. I was doing well before the PA shut me down. He was proud of me. She made me feel like there wasn't anything the band could do for me now. It was all up to me. Now Im, well I don't want to say a failure, but gosh what else would I be??

    So do I knuckle down and try to again lose by myself or suck it up and go to the DR??

    Has anyone else had to suck it up? How did that go?

  14. I haven't had a fill in over a year. I wanted one the last time I had an appointment (6/09) but my Dr was out (I've only been filled by my Dr) and I saw the PA. She said after a few questions NO FILL. Go home and work on the diet.

    It is now a year later, I've regained A LOT and am now afraid and embarrassed to go see my Dr.

    I think I will cry went I see my Dr. I was doing well before the PA shut me down. He was proud of me. She made me feel like there wasn't anything the band could do for me now. It was all up to me. Now Im, well I don't want to say a failure, but gosh what else would I be??

    So do I knuckle down and try to again lose by myself or suck it up and go to the DR??

    Has anyone else had to suck it up? How did that go?

  15. I haven't had a fill in over a year. I wanted one the last time I had an appointment (6/09) but my Dr was out (I've only been filled by my Dr) and I saw the PA. She said after a few questions NO FILL. Go home and work on the diet.

    It is now a year later, I've regained A LOT and am now afraid and embarrassed to go see my Dr.

    I think I will cry went I see my Dr. I was doing well before the PA shut me down. He was proud of me. She made me feel like there wasn't anything the band could do for me now. It was all up to me. Now Im, well I don't want to say a failure, but gosh what else would I be??

    So do I knuckle down and try to again lose by myself or suck it up and go to the DR??

    Has anyone else had to suck it up? How did that go?

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