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Posts posted by Faithluvhope84

  1. I have to do it in the morning so it's top priority. Otherwise other things take over and I end up not being able to get back around to it. Like another poster said above, I have trouble with evenings -- just want to unwind. Plus it's cold and we live in a rural area so hard to pry myself out of the house. And yes, whole day made better by exercise. Absolutely!

    Yes at night I don't want to get out of the house plus, our gym is jammed packed after work hours.

  2. I work rotating 12 hour shifts.....two weeks of days, then two weeks of nights, so "mornings" can be different for me.

    That being said, I usually like to exercise within an hour of waking up. Just seems to make my whole day better!

    Sometimes running outside at 3:30am can be tricky though, especially during the winter. I so wish I could enjoy treadmills...but I don't. :)

    Yeah I feel ya on the treadmills..... I rather be going somewhere! Lol 3:30?!?! I could not do that!

  3. I am more motivated to exercise around 12-3pm and there are no classes at my gym at that time. I feel like I get pushed harder in a class then when I'm on my own sometimes. Personal trainer would be great but that is way too much money. Also, does anyone swim and have a swim routine that works? And any gyms across country that offer classes throughout the day?

  4. Lol, some men should just put blinders on in the gym! I have a hilarious story from a creepy man at the gym.

    I was doing some strength training exercise and wearing a pair of capris and a v-neck t-shirt. I am VERY busty and always have been. I am also usually pretty oblivious and naive. So I was finishing up on the weight machine when this older man (mid 60's) is on the recumbent bike in the row behind me, almost kitty corner from me. Per normal gym rules, you have to spray down and then wipe down equipment when you are done using it. So I am wiping down the seat and handles next to the seat and am bent over at the waist facing the back of the gym. Out of the corner of my eye, I see this man fall off the recumbent bike and gets his foot caught on the pedal as he falls. I immediately rush over and ask if he is ok and he is beet red. He tells me no, he is ok. I look up and see this teenage guy in the back corner laughing so hard, he is crying. I give the young guy a dirty look and can't believe he is laughing at this poor old man who fell. The older guy tells me he is fine, just embarrassed. I go on and continue my workout and notice the old guy left. As I am doing my cool down on the treadmill, the young guy jumps on the treadmill next to me. He asks me if I know how the older man fell and I said he just fell. He starts chuckling and said no, it wasn't that simple. So he tells me the old guy was trying to stand on the pedals of the recumbent bike while continuing to pedal so he could look down my shirt. I am flabbergasted because I totally did not see that coming. I guess that explains why he was so embarrased when I asked if he was ok. LOL, karma really pays some of those guys back who take creepy to a level it shouldn't be at in the gym!

    Now that is funny! But also karma!

  5. My dream is to open a boutique style all woman's gym. For this exact reason. We all need a private place where we can work out and not feel eyes on us!!! Yucky

    That would be amazing if they had one here. I don't care if you like big girls or not. I'm not here for hook ups or even be told that. Point is I am trying my hardest to lose weight and be happy. It completely ruins the experience and I leave early sometimes bc of it.

  6. So, I go to the gym 4 to 5 times weekly and it never fails that I get tapped on the shoulder and be told "I like bigger girls and so on with some smart remark." It is driving me crazy! It's not by the same guy either.... Anyone else have this problem? Dude I'm at the gym trying not to be a bigger girl!!!!

  7. I have been there girl! And still have those days! But it is getting better! Someone told me to write a list of all the positive things this surgery will do for me and look at it daily as a reminder. Also you can talk with your doctor, see what they recommend. It's kinda like buyers remorse. It does get better. I had mine on October 20th.

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