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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    jane13 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Alcohol Addiction   
    We have missed you around here, but I am glad you made this post.
    I hope you get better soon.
  2. Like
    jane13 reacted to OKCPirate in Alcohol Addiction   
    Good luck. Plan on at least a month with no alcohol following a taper. You want to give your body time to heal. Pay attention to your heart rate and blood pressure during this. If you really start to spike, talk to your doctor about benzos. There are parts of your brain which were severely suppressed with all the alcohol in your system and the benzos will help. Nice of your room mate to help. Make sure your roommate is familiar with DT symptoms. A small part of the population (esp. those with seizer disorders) is susceptible and it can be life threatening.
  3. Like
    jane13 reacted to Proud2BMe in Alcohol Addiction   
    Just wanted to update that I've been given some great advice in personal messages and some good websites. I'm doing a tapering method and have turned over my liquor to my roommates who will be dispersing it to me. Today I'm logging everything and tomorrow starts the tapering. The good thing is that I've been doing shots and not just taking swigs so this will be relatively easy to taper off from. I'm breaking it down to morning, afternoon and evening. And will keep to that schedule until I'm doing about half shot at each time and then try to stop completely at that point. Like this morning I only did 4 shots before work so tomorrow I will only do a max of 3. So hopefully pretty soon I'll be free of this soon. And I'm looking into AA groups in my area to cover my bases. Thank you all for the advice and kind messages.
  4. Like
    jane13 reacted to lessismore4me in Alcohol Addiction   
    I am an alcoholic in
    recovery this time about 2 years. I encourage you to go to AA. It's free and readily available. You are the only one that can make the decision.
    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    jane13 reacted to Destinee_1 in Alcohol Addiction   
    If you feel the need to drink everyday chances are you have an issue with drinking. During my adventure last year with my weight loss support group, we discussed addiction. Drugs and alcohol being common but not limited to food, sex, gambling, heck even shopping can be an addiction. Some think you have to be down and out in order to resemble or be classified as someone with an addiction, and that's far from true. If you find yourself wanting to stop and can't GET HELP A.A is a good start even talking to your doctor might help... Our private and public health care system here in CA offer outpatient support to those who just need a little more motivation.
    There are those who have to be hospitalized just because they would die without the next drink. One should not wait that long. I hope you find some help as soon as possible...
    Just remember you are accomplishing and overcoming major obstacle that some won't ever be able too... Don't take your new life for granted:)
  6. Like
    jane13 reacted to NewBeginning2016 in Alcohol Addiction   
    Cyber hug
    VSG 6/17/2016
  7. Like
    jane13 reacted to sc101071 in Alcohol Addiction   
    Look, I love to drink, and I haven't had surgery yet. It's half the reason I need the surgery. The way you describe it, you are hurting yourself at a much faster rate than ever with food. Weening ain't enough. If you care about your health, and the surgery shows you do, talk to someone. No judgment.
  8. Like
    jane13 reacted to Christinamo7 in Alcohol Addiction   
    I am sorry you're dealing with this - I believe it is a very common thing though. you're certainly not alone.
    I hope that by telling us, your friends here, this will be the second step in your recovery (the first being realizing it yourself). wishing you all the best - please let us know how you are doing.
  9. Like
    jane13 reacted to ocgirl15 in Alcohol Addiction   
    You are so brave for admitting this to yourself and us! I disagree with your friends.... Don't wait get to professional help! It can only help and can't hurt. Best of luck on getting this under control...you have our support!
  10. Like
    jane13 reacted to FrankyG in Alcohol Addiction   
    No advice... just wanted to say how sorry I am, and offer support and hugs. Words on a screen are a poor comfort, but I do hope they help some small amount.
    You deserve to be happy and healthy. I do hope you have lots of great, supportive people in your life, and you seek out professional help to deal with it if you need it. Don't let anything get in the way of your recovery.
    You are very brave to face up to this, and I wish you much strength to overcome it.
  11. Like
    jane13 reacted to smartj84 in Alcohol Addiction   
    Your post was incredibly brave and admitting and accepting you have a problem is the hardest thing to do. I deal with a food addiction but I also have a mother that is an alcoholic. She never wanted to do anything about her problem and to live through the devastation of it personally was one of the hardest things. I will say it is one heck of a beast so I wouldn't suggest going it alone. You need someone that has been there done that. That's kinda what this place is for us. I would suggest going to some type of group meeting having a sponsor is the best thing you can do.
  12. Like
    jane13 reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Alcohol Addiction   
    Thank you for your post. I hope you will continue to let us know what's happening and how you're dealing with this new affliction.
    Like obesity, alcoholism is something many people have overcome. "Recovering" from our specific afflictions is something we have to do every day. It isn't fair. But it's what it is. The good news is that we are allowed to choose how we respond.
    Sending you my very, very best wishes.
  13. Like
    jane13 reacted to Proud2BMe in Alcohol Addiction   
    Well, it's been a while since I posted here. I thought I would come clean and admit that I've developed an alcohol addiction. I knew the risks but I never thought it would happen to me.
    For the past month I've been drinking every day, mostly whisky. I drink first thing upon waking up and then hit a few shots each hour. I've been drinking at night until I pass out.
    It started because of tooth pain. I had some left over lortabs and was using those but when those ran out I was still in pain. So I turned to alcohol. Previously, I only drank when I went out on Fridays and Saturday, if I went out at all. So I'm officially hooked now. And alcohol effects me completely differently after surgery than before. Before just one single drink would leave me flushed and stupified. Today I can drink like a gallon (over-estimation) and be fine. I no longer get hot or flushed from drinking and it takes a lot to make me drunk. I think the surgery effected my metabolism somehow.
    Anyway, I'm living proof that this can happen to those of us who have had the surgery. The only "good" news is that I haven't gained any weight. That actually surprised me. But I guess I haven't been eating much. Then again, I haven't lost any weight either. I'm still 14 lbs away from my goal weight.
    I thought about getting professional help but my friends think I don't need it because I haven't been drinking like this for long. They want me to taper off. I have been drinking like 5 or 6 shots before work and my best friend says to slowly taper it off to just one shot before work before trying to cut it out completely.
  14. Like
    jane13 reacted to milpreve in Alcohol Addiction   
    I can't offer any sort of advice, but I wanted to say that this random stranger on the internet is proud of you for this post. We faced our "biggest" problem head-on with WLS. If you could conquer that, you can conquer this. Don't be afraid to see a professional, whatever your friends think, if you think it would help you. Seeing a therapist when I "wasn't that depressed, it was just a low point" saved my life. <3
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!
  16. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...   
    I have 3 children who have served. My FIL was a retired Marine, my Dad was in the Navy, my brother and two BILs served in Vietnam - my husband was in the AF. One son, Army, is in the reserves after doing 3 tours totaled (1-Iraq and 2 in Afghanistan).
    Now I worry about my grandchildren (10) and what their lives are going to be like years after I am dust in the wind............................
    schools are not safe
    churches are not safe
    hospitals are not safe
    Hell, Disney World isn't safe because people "gather".
    Going to an NFL game (live on TV - 80000 people) is like asking to be shot because some zealot is looking for glory may make his name there.....
  17. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from doingitmyway in Divorce after WLS?   
    22 years strong as of about 3 weeks ago - I am blessed.
    He has been my partner since day 1.
    I also kept him informed from the very beginning and asked for his input/fears/concerns about me undergoing surgery.
  18. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!
  19. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!
  20. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!
  21. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Jennifer Dixon in Meal Planning and Prepping   
    @@Jennifer Dixon weigh or measure everything and place in meal size containers.
    track carbs Protein sugars and calories.
    prep for every meal, snack, etc for work and home.
    don't deviate.
    Water Water water
    you "got this"
  22. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!
  23. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!
  24. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!
  25. Like
    jane13 got a reaction from Daisee68 in Spouse unable to deal with changes   
    @@hbrhonda - I am 14 months post and I have never stopped eating out with hubby. he likes to eat out a lot. I am just more selective and get to eat a couple of meals out of one. We order a la carte items for me. I occasionally have a drink but that doesn't mean I cannot drink Water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
    Maybe you need to get some newer things to do while enjoying getting healthier with hubby. When you go to the concert at the park walk around, sip some SF flavored water (you can be the designated driver) and eat some post VSG friendly type food that BOTH of you would like: sliced cheese, meats, etc.
    Why watch him eat when you go out? I found out that my hubby felt guilty that I had so little to eat compared to his plate. Chew you food slowly, put the fork down, don't drink while eating, basically s-t-r-e-t-c-h out your meal to finish closer to the time he is done
    Buffets offer a lot to choose from, you don't have to eat ALOT of anything so just get a bite of this or a bite of that.
    Food = fuel for the body, think of it that way and re-evaluate this situations and see if you can change not only his view, but yours as well, as what "a good time" can be.
    Sharing food is part of socializing, and post WLS as a patient, you adjust and move on...don't expect everyone to want to do a 180 degree change (baby steps).
    You got this!

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