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Posts posted by Heybrendacleo

  1. My surgery is in 3 weeks and I still have 8 pounds to loose. I'm worried that if I don't loose the 8 pounds my surgery will be canceled despite already loosing 22 pounds. It seems like this weight is hanging on for dear life...lol. So, I'm thinking about start my 2 week pre-opt diet a week early. Which includes 2 Protein Shakes a day and one meal. Any other tips to help me get these 8 pounds off?!??

  2. I wanted to give you guys an update on how things are going with my Journey. So far I have loss 15 pounds of the 22 pounds I need to loss for the surgery. I got my Psychosocial clearance. I met with the Pulmonologist to test my lung strength, and he said my lungs are fine. Friday he wants me to get a chest x-ray and blood test to check my oxygen level, once that's done I see him in two weeks. He said if those test come back normal then he'll give me clearance for the surgery. On the 21st of Jan I have my last appointment with my Nutritionist and if I loss the 7 pounds my surgery date with be schedule. I'll have to do more blood work before the surgery. So, if my blood work looks good I should have my surgery mid February. I'm super excited and nervous at the same time! All of this is taking place during my last semester of college. I'm graduating in May with my Bachelors degree, I'm starting an internship with a foster care agency in Jan, and I got accepted for graduate school in VA so I will possibly relocate in Aug from NY to VA. There is a lot going on! But I'm determined to get everything done.

  3. @ Welcome to the journey of changing your life. I hope that everything goes well for you and I know the struggle of how hard it can be to start to lose weight around the holidays. This is a great site and believe me that I need the support cause I just broke up with food and friendzoned him because I'm dying to be have a better life and not feel like I'm trapped in the wrong body! If you need to talk I'm always around!d

    Thank you so much for the support! How far are you into the process for the surgery? I have my 2nd meeting with my NUT & psychological evaluation both on the 15th.

  4. Hi all!

    It is good to have others starting out around the same time! my PCP has changed her position on not doing the weight loss monitoring so now everything is a go. I have all of my appointments and hopefully I will be ready in April, at least that what I am putting into the universe. I'm very excited, I just wish I did this earlier in the year winter time in NY is not for me so I hate doing all of this running around in the cold.

    I felt the same way about the holidays coming up. I ate on thanksgiving, but I think I'll be staying home for Christmas & NYE.

  5. Mine was a 3 month Pre-Op Prep, with my insurance. Had to schedule NUT appt same month as I seen my primary. Plus have documentation for going to the gym 3 days a week. Had the endoscopy done also, letter from my primary. I register and pre-op on Dec 1st and surgery Dec 2nd! Took a week for approval from insurance. I agree very expensive with co-pays and deductibles! I have to pay the surgeron 450.00 up front and the hospital $175.00 when I register. (I thought the hospital would just bill me.) :unsure::unsure::unsure:

    Please let us know how the surgery went!

  6. Hi!

    It's great to see other people like me just starting out with this journey.

    I'm very much like you, and for a very long time did not want to get surgery and thinking that I could do it all by myself, and I am able to lose weight by myself, but only so much before I slip up and the vicious cycle starts over.

    I had been thinking about for awhile and then I had a couple of health scares which were the final push.

    I need to wait until the end of October 2015 for my insurance to cover the surgery and then from what my surgeon said it'll only be a couple of month doing appointments before the surgery.

    It's fantastic that hopefully you can have yours done at the beginning of next year! That's great!

    Good luck to anyone with surgery coming up soon or anyone else just starting out!

    Best of luck to you!

  7. okay I started my weight loss goal ( need to lose 5% of your body weight to have the surgery, in three weeks im down 25 pounds. and I still cheat now and then, I just cheat well. no candy bars, no French fries, a couple of pop chips, no biggeee. but most of it is from Protein Shakes, a good one for Breakfast, a good one for elucnh a ready made Isopure to sip on during the day, sugar free Jello and sugar free jello pudding when I need chocolate, and a nice big salad fro dinner, very lite dressing fat free and as low sugar as you can get, I like mixing my own vinegar and oil in the shaker thing. I use various types of lettuce but mostly romaine, butter raddichio, iceberg and bibb. I buy the pre cooked grilled chicken at trader joes and dice it and warm it in a frying pan, and the hard boiled eggs at trader joes as well. I chop up an egg and a good portion of the chicken and put it in my salad with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and have that. if it just wont fill me ill have a Protein Shake a small one, a few hours before bed. I ate this diet for three weeks. I had to lose 18 pounds from my 361 to made my goal and im at 25, I now just go to maintenance level, where I work in some things like once a week I have a few slices of bread usualy as toast on a weekend breakfast morning. or I had a half of a small bar type pizza last Saturday night with broccoli chicken and artichoke hearts topping, was very filling because im use to having so many shakes lol. even with that cheat I was under 1000 calories for the day. I walked arouind the mall a few times and walked through the supermarket ( need my jello fix lol) in the average day no I will take in about 30 to 40 carbs and out of that maybe 6 grams of sugar. Also heres a hint, Protein shakes have a tendency to um bind you up. I now mix half a tablespoon of flavorless Fiber ( benefiber or any of those is great, in with my shakes, the fiber helps move things along, but also that fiber keeps you feeling full longer. Anyway if youre interested in sometimes funny, my taste test video are available here on my blog, they are short and to the point, http://cuttingthefatwithaknife.blogspot.com

    Wow. Thank you so much! I loveee making my salad with the chicken and boiled eggs. I going to do a little shipping tomorrow and really kick this into full effect. I can't keep outing it off. I will check out the video!

  8. @ hi I'm on south beach it's a lot of Protein and vegs no Pasta rice bread Potaoes no junk food no starchy vegs or high sugar fruits it's difficult but I've gotten rid of anything not allowed no junk in house no ice cream Cookies snack foods such as pretzels chips only buy quantitys of needed foods for planned meals with no leftovers to go back for later if it's here I'll eat it u can't eat what isn't there the first couple weeks are really hard it gets easier after that the less carbs and sugar u eat the less u crave good luck

    I know what you mean about the left overs. I used to cook for 2 days at a time, and at first it worked. Then I found myself eating all the food. I have cut out cooking the rice, pasta, and other starches, but I'm still eating out which consist of those foods. I think tomorrow I'll go look about for some Protein Shakes to try.

  9. Hi Brenda and welcome to BP. I know exactly how you feel and my saving grace was WATER! I decided that I was going to start drinking a TON of Water. I know drink 122 oz. of Water everyday! It was really hard at first and you definitely pee a lot, but after a few days my hunger and my cravings really started to decrease. I also started trying all different kinds of Protein. There are so many flavors and combinations that you can create that you could spend the next few months just trying to figure out what you like and don't like.

    Check out this thread http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/323028-protein-powder-recommendations/

    We started talking about this a little while ago, and you'll find some great ideas and different combinations.

    Best of luck to you in your journey, and check these boards everyday if you can. There are a lot of wonderful people here that will gladly share their experiences with you and answer any questions you might have. :)

    Oh, and one other thing..... Stay Prayerful!!!

    Thank you so much for the encouragement. This forum has been such a help to me already!

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