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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amponder

  1. This helped me lose a lot of weight until I went off of it, I went from 160 to 130, and gained back up to 190 in less than 6 months I have always felt taking phentermine did me more harm than good.
  2. amponder

    First Fill and getting yelled at.

    @@gowalking he is a very highly sought after recommended Dr. and believe me I did bite back a little, I had heard before that sometimes he gets little rough with people, he has had the band himself, he did not apologize but he did try to get on my good side before I left asking me where I lived and telling me he drove by there all the time. He did back down a bit when I told him he sounded like my Mother and I only needed one of those, I can see where he is coming from people have surgery and return to old habits and I probably am not safe yet, but I can't say the experience didn't bother me either.
  3. write down all the reasons you wanted to have lapband surgery all of them even the ones that involve making people jealous lol, also maybe trying to put Protein 1st before you eat anything not band friendly might curb the cravings, but I know head hunger can be strong sometimes. Hang in there.
  4. I am sorry. I stopped telling people after a few I told wanted to tell me horror stories or talk me out of it, then I just quit talking about it after surgery. Even if your friends lose a bunch of weight trying to prove something to you, a lot of people can't keep it off like you can with the surgery and maybe after they gain theirs back, they will opt for surgery too, so your a good friend because in the end you may make your friends healthier.
  5. I had a pretty good day today, walked my mile, went to Kmart and Walmart and parked as far as I could, little tricks help!!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      walking is always great!!!! - only prob is going to stores to shop LOL - keep up the good job

  6. @@BLERDgirl She really isn't that old she is around my Mother's age, what she is though is very well off.
  7. amponder


    you look so much like a young Jamie Lee Curtis
  8. I thought of this thread today at church a lady a well, meaning lady asked me how much more I had to lose, I told her, and then she said well, when you get there I want to give you some money to buy new clothes, very generous but I felt so awkward, I don't know if I know this lady well enough to take money from her, and not only that I have 116 lbs to lose I'm sure I might need clothes between now and then and am I just supposed to go up to her when I reach 125 and say hey where's my money ? LOL don't get me wrong I do believe she meant well I just didn't know how to react, I said thank you that would be nice but I"m not holding my breathe.
  9. amponder

    Where's the heat?

    I used to be hot natured when I was a normal weight. I don't know now if it's the weight loss or what but even my skin seems thinner somehow and my feet are also always cold, and I have over 100lbs yet to lose.
  10. amponder

    Surprise BFP

    I will keep you in my thoughts and keep us posted, try to stay positive and try not to stress.
  11. amponder

    Surprise BFP

    I will keep you in my thoughts and keep us posted, try to stay positive and try not to stress.
  12. amponder

    Slow progress

    BTW Ryders by Lee are wonderful, they have a stretchy quality to them and they are the 1st pair of jeans I've bought in a long time.
  13. amponder

    Slow progress

    My surgeon told me the first 6 weeks you should focus more on healing than losing and sometimes you might gain a little weight before your 1st fill.
  14. If you want tender chicken or turkey stick an onion and an orange inside of it. For a whole chicken use half or a quarter of the onion. Try it I swear it is awesome.
  15. amponder

    What did you say?!

    That sounds like the kind of compliment a kid who doesn't know any better would give. It did remind me I now have more of a lap as my stomach no longer sits on my legs, but I wouldn't want someone else to say so.
  16. amponder

    Breast augmentation: What size?

    I have had large breasts all my life even as a teen and something else to consider is your back, I am down to a D cup from a DD and in all honesty would prefer a breast reduction with a lift when the time comes.
  17. amponder

    Walking shoes? Help

    I love New Balance shoes, and sketchers go walkers but when you wear out the go walkers and you walk on gravel you can feel the gravel but they are so light but also not great for winter so more of a summer shoe or treadmill.
  18. Well I had told a few people I was getting a fill today but that is the 18th I thought 2wks after surgery was a little soon but I swear I was told that but I could have dreamed it too, who knows. I actually had lost 2lbs since surgery though so that's good.
  19. I'm pretty new here but this community has been a big support for me already, I love looking at all the other members stats to see who started out at around the weight as me and how far they have all ready come. I love having people tell me hang in there and not to give up when I've had a down day, and I love getting a Yay YOU when I've had a good one. I also love rooting for everyone else who has struggled with obesity like me, I want to see everyone with this issue, overcome it, no matter which surgery they choose, I'm on your side.
  20. I am fixing to make my husband quiche tonight it only has 1TBL spoon of flour the way I make it.
  21. amponder

    Day 2 of liquid diet

    I did okay for about 1 week but on day 7 I was chomping at the bits for food.
  22. My surgeon didn't require a certain amount of weight loss, but my insurance required 5%. The biggest requirement my surgeion had was the all liquid pre op diet. So while I was doing the 6 month insurance Dr. supervised, diet I decided to really try to lose what weight I could before surgery, because I read that it was safer to have the surgery if you lose weight, I lost 62lbs during that 6 months and 18 during the liquid diet and 2 more since surgery, while I was waiting I got things in order, had and EGD, a heart cath for cardio clearance, began walking stopped drinking pop stopped buying chips. Went to the movies and just did some normal stuff until finally the time arrived.
  23. amponder

    Before and during...

    Your beautiful!!! Way to go.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
