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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by amchurch12000

  1. I need major advice. I have to be on the liquid diet until 4/20 but I am so sick of fluids. I was not a big drinker before this and trying to get in 50 oz of fluids or more is killing me. My doc is almost to the point of putting in a PIC line. I also need to get my Protein and carbs up. I'm lucky to get in 30-35 oz, 40 G protein, and 20 or less of carbs. My goals are 50+ oz, 70-80 protein, and 30-50 carbs. I am sick of chocolate and vanilla Protein Drinks and now unflavored Unjury tastes icky. I did eat some green pea Soup but surgeon was mad (either too thick or too many carbs).

  2. Omg how the hell (sorry for language) do people get in 40 oz liquid a day. I simply can't. According to my surgeon I should be sipping for 10 hours straight. I was not a big drinker (maybe 20 oz all day) before and now it's even harder. I'm afraid she's gonna infuse me again tomorrow. Also if I see another chocolate shake I'm gonna scream. I swear this seems impossible. I am thinking of trying strained split pea Soup. I have to be on liquids 21 days after surgery.

    I am now officially having my first regrets.

  3. I was also sleeved on 3/31. I went home Thursday but am having a BIG issue getting in my fluids. I try walking but have so much pain, much more than at the hospital. I saw the doc yesterday and will se her again Monday, if I don't get enough fluids in I have to get infused. I feel like with infusion I would be failing but honestly all I want to do is sleep. It doesn't help that I developed a cold in the hospital.

  4. I am jealous of everyone that gets yogurt, I would kill for one right now. I am on strict liquids which includes Protein drinks, sugar free jellos, and sugar free popsicles. I was watching youtube and found a hint from someone - they took Soups (I use French Onion and Chickenderia) and strained all the solids out. I hate the taste of bland chicken and beef broth but these taste good. I currently have Chickenderia going in my little crockpot (holds 2 cups) with some added cilantro.

    Umm that sounds so yummy! I might have to try that!

    It was very yummy. I strained everything, added fresh cilantro then added the chicken Soup Unjry powder. I tried last time with the unflavored directly into my French Onion broth and that was BAD. I found out if you take 1/4 c Water and the packet of chicken soup in a shaker (i used cold but I suppose lukewarm Water would be fine) then added the mix into my soup it was fine.

  5. I am jealous of everyone that gets yogurt, I would kill for one right now. I am on strict liquids which includes Protein drinks, sugar free jellos, and sugar free popsicles. I was watching youtube and found a hint from someone - they took Soups (I use French Onion and Chickenderia) and strained all the solids out. I hate the taste of bland chicken and beef broth but these taste good. I currently have Chickenderia going in my little crockpot (holds 2 cups) with some added cilantro.

  6. I also have Crohn's disease and NSAIDs are often discouraged. We do not even keep them in the house any more. As for Migraines, I have been fine with using Tylenol for them (I am really scared about my coffee deprived migraines after surgery). It was hard making the switch at first, but once you do it does help. I figure anything I can do to help keep things under control, the better I will be able to handle the things I can not keep under control.

  7. I posted once before but I am almost to the surgery point. I have one final pre-op with my surgeon on Thursday. I am visiting the hospital tomorrow for some sort of tour (I think), then Friday after the surgeon clears me I meet the anesthesiologist and get typed and crossed for blood (which scared me). I am better about the typing and crossing now. I am having a big fear of the unknown. I have no problem with being knocked out (been there before) but I am deathly scared of waking up in tons of pain. Also I think there is a little fear about how much this is going to change my life. I know I need it but I am still very scared, I expect to be more scared as surgery approaches.

    I have been doing the liquid diet starting Monday March 16. I am no longer at the point of thinking of my cats as food sources, but when out running errands and I smell food, I WANT IT. I have been doing good (3 Protein Shakes a day, maybe a snack of Jello or similar). I am sick and tired of chocolate flavored Protein drinks but have been trying some others. I saw on the boards some surgeons let them have 1 last meal before surgery and I am hoping my surgeon does. I don't want anything too bad - steak (or lamb) and veggies. I know steak will be one of the last things added to my diet and that is a hard thought since before I had steak at least once a week. Lamb has become a new favorite.

  8. I admit she is great so far. I am trying really hard to stick to the diet but I think I will be gaining again this month. It is so hard with the holiday season and all I want to do is hibernate. I am hoping the liquid regimen will help me loose weight before surgery and put me in the mindset to behave when I get the surgery. I think cutting out the carbs is going to be the hardest part (I still can't manage to do that).

    Are you finding it hard to do the liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery? What is included in the liquid diet? I have a feeling I will be living off of Protein shakes. I think the 3 weeks after will be so much easier since I one will be drugged at least my first week and two I will be so scared to hurt anything.

  9. Hello, my name is Ashley. I am a 29 year old living in Maryland near DC. I am currently hovering around 250 lbs and am working on the approval process for gastric sleeve. I have to do the 6 months doctor supervised weight loss, sleep study tests, psychological exam, blood work, endoscopy, nutritionist appointment, and pre-op seminar before I can get surgery. I am hoping to get surgery around Mid-April 2015. I have read quite a bit about the surgery and am mostly scared of the pain. I have quite a few medical conditions: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease and Crohn's-Induced Arthritis, Fatty liver, Functional Dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraines, TMJ, Urinary Stress Incontinence, and Uterine Fibroids. I think the big surgery push was when I got back blood work and am now officially a pre-diabetic. Diabetes scares me and I defiantly want to get surgery before I get full diabetes.

    I am trying to conserve my leave at work so that I do not have to go LWOP for work, but if I have to I need to do it. My current supervisor is great about the idea me having to take 1-3 weeks off for surgery.

    A challenge for me is that I am working full time and will also be taking 9 college credits and then adding a surgery to the mix. I am hoping the weeks off work I won't be too drugged so that I can at least do a little bit of homework.

    I am seeing Dr. Tuesday Cook and would love anyone that has had her as a surgeon. She seems really nice which is good. Also, she says she has done surgery on people with Crohn's disease and that is the biggest thing for me.

    Has anyone with Crohn's disease gotten the gastric sleeve and has any recommendations.


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