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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Magsqoti

  1. That's exactly what I am doing to...have a load of laundry going now. I gotta say I am a bit bored but am determined to continue to take it easy and heal properly. Tomorrow I may go a friend's house and sit by the pool with her........what's the difference between sitting here and sitting there for a couple of hours!?! :)

  2. smf8369...the only thing I know about stalls is what I have read. 1) the scale is not the only indicator of weight loss so try not to weigh too often. Do you track inches lost from various key parts of your body? 2) I was given good advice regarding this surgery and the aftermath;

    Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

    Protein, Protein, Protein (keep sugars very low)

    Move, Move, Move

    Apparently when following this closely you can get a jump start to dropping pounds again. Let me know how you fare. xxx

  3. Brmbrown, like you say everyone's experience is different but given how I am feeling and am prepared with my food and how to eat/drink you just may be okay after 6 days (incl. weekend) to return to your admin job. I will say though that if you feel you aren't ready, don't push it. Listen to your body as this is major surgery and you want to heal well and have a great start to your new healthy life. Please let me know how you and your husband are coming along after your procedures.

  4. Hi there. Find your inner strength....you did it before and you can do it again. You did not experience a personal failure, you had a physical issue so go easy on yourself.

    I am 4 days out of sleeve surgery and feeling way better than I expected. I get up each morning, make my bed, do light housework, walk around outside, shower, fix the hair and make-up and map out my day. My suture sites tend to hurt just a bit but I manage it with liquid panadol so it's really not an issue. I wish you all the success and happiness you deserve. You can do this Jennxh!!!!

  5. Hello, I am only 4 days out from surgery so am not an expert on this but I have to tell you I was very ready emotionally and mentally for the procedure. I am a positive thinker so I haven't experienced regret or longing for foods at this time. I am trying to figure out when I am really hungry or eating because I know I need to keep the nutrients coming. Since I am in the puree stage I'm being very creative so I am not feeling deprived at this point. I am actually surprised at how good I feel with the only discomfort occasionally being the suture sites which I manage with liquid panadol. This morning I strolled for 15 minutes (will check fitbit later for number of steps taken) and will do this again 2 more time during the day. From day one at home I created a routine of making my bed, showering, fixing my hair and make-up, straighten up the house and created a schedule that isn't filled with TV. I am thinking this healing time could potentially be boring so want to have a loose schedule of how my day will look week one and two, e.g., internet time, reading, walking, music, TV/movie, meditating, visitors and phone chats, meals and getting lots of hydration. It's a gift and journey I welcome and want to make the most of this healthy life opportunity.

  6. Hi all. I spent two nights in hospital, received wonderful care from every single specialist and nursing assistant I came in contact with. A special kudo to my wonderful surgeon, Dr. Zoltan Szucs. I was very happy to come home to my own environment mid-day and managed well yesterday with naps, rest, hydration and Protein intake in addition to sleeping well last night. The gas build up day 1 & 2 was a bit of a challenge but walking slowly and peppermint tea really do help. This morning I feel great, showered, fixed my hair, put on minimal make-up, walked a bit, enjoying my Water and preparing my liquified cream of wheat (no sugar). I did a light load of laundry, made my bed.....all slowly of course. Am very comfy in an exercise top and loose, soft yoga pants and feeling quite normal except for incision sensitivity but not taking any pain med as it is only slight. My tummy is tender of course so taking care when getting up and down from the chair and bed. Treating myself well, resting, following doctor's orders and happy to report I am one blessed and happy girl.

  7. Hi all, well tomorrow is my big day and I feel mentally and emotionally ready. Twelve days ago I began my pre-op eating which we worked out to mean NO SUGAR, two meals a day of a 40 gram sugar free Protein Shake, 8-12 oz of full sodium, no fat broth plus a small meal of 3-4 oz. Protein (I had chicken once and fish the other days) with vegetables. I drank lots and lots of Water and have lost as of this morn 14.5 lbs. I also had to go cold turkey off my Hormone Replacement Therapy which hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Today's diet will be complete clear liquids/broths as my food intake plus lots of water.

    This morning for the first time in a long time I was motivated to walk at the crack of sunlight. I accomplished a steady, good pace with only a tinge of back ache, no shin splints (YAY) and I really enjoyed it.

    I will keep busy today spending time with a visiting friend here on Island so will put in some beach/pool/sea time on the Caribbean Sea (I live on Grand Cayman Island). I feel blessed, grateful, with complete faith in my surgeon and ready for the next chapter of good health and joy.

  8. Hi, it sounds like she is hurt that you didn't confide in her about your plans. She may be scared you are changing without her. However, it gives her no right to be rude and hateful especially in this very personal decision you have made to better your health and life. Be confident in your decision, make new friends and enjoy a healthier new you - you will be happier for it. You are a great person, a person who is looking after your own welfare, being your own advocate - it doesn't get much better than that!

  9. Hi all. I'd like to share my story as to how I even knew of the sleeve as a Bariatric Choice plus how I got to this point of my surgery scheduled now for March 30.

    I was at a resort in Honduras for New Years 2013/14 with a group of people. Somehow one of the couples with us mentioned the husband had been quite heavy a couple of years back, had the gastric sleeve done which is why he watches what he eats and runs every morning. I was starving for knowledge so he explained it to me a bit. I filed it away. I have gained 60 pounds in the past 14 years, HATE it, don't even recognize myself plus my back hurts, knees hurt, blood pressure rising, snoring like a lumber jack and more. I have tried every diet at least once if not twice: weight watchers, hcg, Ideal Protein, clean eating, fasting 2/5 diet, boot camps, on and on, you get the picture.

    So, in October of last year in a fit of desperation I remembered the sleeve procedure the guy had and called a friend who had has the by-pass and shared my woes, curiosity, etc. with her (she's in the health care field). She suggested I see a physician who has had the sleeve by the way and see if I was a candidate for surgery. I met with her and while my BMI and other markers weren't high enough but given the fact that my weight has steadily risen over a period of years in spite of dieting and exercise plans she put put my name forward. I also saw another doctor who I heard runs a bariatric protocol program at our local hospital who put me in the program. I see the nutritionist, psychologist, physical therapist and attend the monthly group sessions plus physician visits. The groups is amazing and filled with pre, just out of surgery and post people up to 2-3 years out of having had surgery. It is so interesting to hear their journey, experience and tips. There are also people who are back in the programe for revision surgery. That made me go hmmmmm?!

    Anyway, it's now March, I had all my bloodwork done, submitted a stool sample and had an upper GI. So, I have my surgery date on the 30th of this month (YIKES) and began the pre-surgery diet protocol. I have 2 high protein, no sugar shakes a day, loads of Water, 1 small meal of fish/meat and veg, I have to have a no fat broth each day for the sodium. I am doing fine, detoxing my body, shrinking my liver and preparing my brain to accept less amounts of food. So far so good.

    I have had to stop my HRT which is not pleasant and I hope I don't hurt anyone!!!. I have my anesthesia appointment on Monday where I believe I will have an ECG and surgical discussion.

    On Monday I weighed 224 lbs and today I am 217 (due to this pre diet), feel great, blessed, hopeful and ready. I am 60 years old and my height is 5'6". My knees and back hurt, I stop breathing 19 times a minute while sleeping and my blood pressure is in the 150's and sometimes higher (top # of course). The thought of eliminating these health conditions are making it all worth any early unpleasant symptoms I may have post surgery. Also the vain side of me wants to enjoy buying clothes again, cross my legs without pain, walk briskly without wheezing and getting thigh chafe, feel confident again, not worry about running into people I haven't seen in years (they knew me thin) and more.

    I know you all will wish me luck and I certainly do for all of you in your journey.

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