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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by marathinner

  1. Hello my beloved VV's..

    I am hanging my head in shame for not being on here in months! I am so sorry I checked out, but it's been QUITE a wild ride for me. Since my band replacement in August, I gained 20lbs:thumbdown:. I also went through 3 more rounds of fertility treatments which was HELL and all those meds certainly didn't help me lose any weight! After 3 failed IUI"s, I decided I was DONE!! I just wanted to get my life back, my weight loss back in order and not even THINK about babies. I got two fills and finally felt restriction again.Once I readjusted to band life, I lost 15 pounds:thumbup:. I was feeling good and felt a huge relief not having to be so consumed with fertility stuff. DH and I went to Maui in Novemember..and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED:w00t:. YES.....I'm PREGNANT!!!!! I am a little over 9 weeks now and everything is going great!! I've had no issues with my band and haven't had to have an unfill yet, but I'm sure I will at some point. This is beyond a dream come true for me and my husband. After YEARS of heartache and loss, we finally got our miracle. Just wanted to share the news. I promise I will be on here more oftern! Melissa...congrats to you, Momma!


  2. Hi everyone!

    Been awhile since I posted too! Trying to catch up!.

    ckkj-im glad your removal surgery went ok and they are moving forward w/ life w/o the band. You NEEDED to gain back some weight, so it sounds like you're going to be just fine. Please don't beat up on yourself! You are already a winner ( I mean..loser:wink_smile:)

    STL-glad your surgery went well too! Aren't you so happy to be out of that pain and misery? You sound like you're doing great and CONGRATS on getting under 200:thumbup:

    Shiny-sorry you're having to move again, but you sound like you're keeping things on track and maintaining a positive attitude..keep it up!

    LilMiss- I've got my eye on you. You shouldn't be struggling so much with eating! Don't be afraid to get a total unfill. I don't want to sound preachy or scare you, but I suffered waaaay too long and kept telling myself I was ok..when I wasn't. Don't ignore your symptoms, sweetie! Please get checked out..you shouldn't be suffering in anyway, shape or form.:seeya:

    RSG-good for you and your photography. And good to see your sweet,happy face on here!

    tskelli- sorry to hear about your family crisis. I hope you're ok and know that we're here for you if you need support. ((hugs))

    Jul-sounds like you're doing great too! Keep it up!

    Ezma-hope you're hanging in there. How's your kitty?

    Sorry if I forgot anyone!

    As for me, I've had a rough couple of weeks. I went through some fertility treatment that included injections and an IUI. It didn't work:sad:. The meds were REALLY harsh on my body, and I gained 8 pounds of fluid:thumbdown: I was also really depressed when my preggie test came back negative and started the ol' emotional eating habit. I haven't had a fill since my band replacement..but guess where I'm going on Thrusday!!! I'm ready to get my new band working for me and maintaining my goal weight. It SUCKED seeing that scale moving back up. I'm trying not to beat myself up, but it really has been hard. I'm going to take a break from the fertility meds and am not sure where we go from here. I'm still hopeful that I will be a Mom someday..and hopefully that day comes sooner than later!

    Love you all!


  3. Morning guys. Sounds like it's gonna be a crazy couple of weeks for the VVs. I'm wishing you guys lots of luck and speedy recoveries. I'm really, really jealous of the weight loss you guys are having but would not want to be in your shoes with the band problems. Sorry you're having trouble and feeling lousy.

    I've been trying to be consistant with the exercise and eating but this week has not gone as planned. Between real estate stuff, a broken mailbox, broken garage door opener and then the cat had to have surgery on her tail. You'd think that would keep me plenty busy but I'm feeling the need to flee. I'm kinda stuck at home more because of the cat and needing to be here for repairs. So I've been eating a bit more. I guess it's good to be facing my feelings but it's so much more comfortable to just keep running around, keeping my mind busy. Oh well, things could be so much worse and I do have lots of things that need tending around the house.

    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Step by step, day by day. We can do it.

    Ezma--with everything you have gone through...I think you're doing fantastic! Go easy on yourself, sweetie! You've come so far amidst grief and adversity and I truly don't think you've given yourself enough credit for being so strong and remaining committed to the band. We have ALL had challenges..sometimes for a few days, weeks or months! This is for a lifetime, so please don't beat yourself up if you hit a hiccup in your weight loss. You've lost again and are maintaing...that's what it's all about. Sorry about your little kitty..I hope he/she is ok! Have a great weekend and just remember you are fabulous!!!:laugh:

  4. Hi All

    Well a decision has been made. i saw the Dr today and my band is coming out.

    After 3 mths of not be able to eat solid food and the past 2 weeks of only Water, gaterade and broth I've had enough. I have lost 25lbs this month and look awful as I was already really at goal. Also the nightly throwing up of stomach acid has me in pain and I'm exchausted, I've been going to bed at about 6pm.

    I'm sorry to sound negative, because the band has been a wonderful tool to lose weight and I would not have lost 115lbs by myself, but I can't live like this anymore as I don't DO pain.

    Her in Canada I don't have to pay for the removal so that is something, I just hope it can be done laproscopically and it will cure all my reflux problems. I'm looking forward to being able to eat veg, fruit hey food.< /p>

    I'll let you know how I do.

    Love this thread.

    Oh goodness, I'm so sorry for the complications! I know the misery of the acid reflux and not being able to eat..utter agony! The band has done it's job for you and I have NO DOUBT that you will maintain your amazing loss and healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, you will get relief from the pain. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you and will look forward to your update!:thumbup:

    My surgery is Tuesday at 12:00, exactly 19 months after my first surgery. I hope that is a good omen. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

    SLG!! I'm soooo glad you finally have a resolution to your problem and that your band is going to be replaced. In the month since my replacement surgery, I've been a new person! Ya..doing the post op diet again sucks...but it's so much easier the second time around. And like I said to ckkj..you will be soooo happy to be out of your misery!! Hang in there, honey...you're almost there!:frown:

  5. Thanks for answering me so quick. I just noticed it has only been a month since your new band was put in. Glad you are doing so well. Congradulations on all the weight loss, too. You look great! Isn't it great that at least this time around, we only have to maintain! The reason the surgery and the recovery is easier is probably because we are in such better shape than before. Have you had your first fill yet? Are you going through "banster hell" again? I totally agree with you, I never want to have to be without my band and I will never live too tight again.

    Hi Barb..

    Right back atcha on the congratulations! Wow..you've done AMAZING with your weight loss! I couldn't agree more with you in terms of recovery being easier! It was waayyyy easier this time around! In addition to being in better shape, my surgeon went thru the same incisions and I think the biggest factor was he didn't have to replace my port. That was my most painful incision first time around. I did have to do the same post op diet which sucked, but again..alot easier this time around. I'm scheduled to get my first fill on Thursday although I actually have decent restriction totally unfilled! Like you, I plan on staying slightly restricted from here on out! Again, congrats on your awesome weight loss!

  6. I am wondering why your band had to be replaced. My band slipped and I just came home from revision surgery yesterday.I am feeling great compared to the first time around. I asked the Dr if he could put a new band in but said that after inspection, a reposition was all that was needed. He also found a hiatal hernia which he said is common with a slip.

    I agree, go to Dr ASAP if you have any problems. Having a second surgery is no fun! :thumbup:

    My band was replaced as opposed to be revised, because scar tissue had caused such extreme repositioning to the point it was adhesed to my liver. This is not typical. Most slips do end up with just revisions. I was just happy I didn't lose my band, which very easily could of happened! I'm doing so great with my new one and will NEVER let myself get overfilled...and if I have even the slightest symptom of a complication I will get to my doc ASAP!

  7. Jul, that’s so great your restriction is doing well for you! It’s so hard sometimes to find that spot where you can still eat healthy solid food and get all your food groups in, but still be tight enough to where you’re not hungry all the time. I might be looking for an iddy biddy fill maybe next month. And I mean iddy biddy too. J

    Melissa, good job!! Excellent!!

    Ezma, that is so great you found some will power again! Isn’t it just the best??? Hang in there and things will just start blasting back full speed for you!!

    Tap, baby steps. I know you will be back to your workout self soon!

    Mara, you’re so right! There was a reason behind not getting preggers right away. It turned out to be for the best. Anyway, no biggie on how it happens, so long as it does. I pray you & hubby will get your bundle(s) of joy soon!!

    Jul, CONGRATS!! I’m so excited for you! Wow, 198??? I’m gonna keep racing until I get there! Of course I won’t stop once I do, but it will just be so awesome to see a 1 in from instead of a 2 or 3. I haven’t been in the ones since I was a teenager…

    Angie, CONGRATS to you as well!!! You’re so lucky you can do that. I envy you! Question though, why wouldn’t you be happy?

    Well as far as me, I’ve posted another 2.5 Lb loss and I’m back into the 240’s I’m happy to say!! Wow, it’s been over 4 months since I’ve been here. I let my vacation lag much too long.

    Tomorrow is my official weigh in so I have to be extra good today so as not to gain any.

    Everyone have a great and blessed Holiday! Try not to drink too many Cerveza’s and eat too many chips and salsa. Ok, maybe I’m really talking to myself here… lmao!

    Lil Miss...I'm SO proud of you! You are doing so awesome with WW..keep it up, girl!:sneaky: But...mmmm...chips and salsa do sound good!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Oh and Angie..that's the face of an athlete...you look awesome!

  8. Good news:thumbup:

    It appears that my insurance will pay for a rebanding if medically necessary. I talked to a woman there this morning. Here is the kicker, if I go outpatient I have to go through the whole pre-determination process again, if I go inpatient all they have to do is get it precertified. The difference is $400 out of my pocket but I guess it worth it to get it done quickly. We leave on vacation September 30 and I would like to be healed by then. I got an earlier appointment with the doc too so things are looking up.

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

    :biggrin: Oh yay...I'm sooo relieved to hear that! I've truly been worried about you!! Glad you're getting it resolved and your insurance will take care of things!:tt1:

    Everyone is doing a GREAT job getting back on track!!

    I've got alot going on this week. Hubby and I have been trying to get pregnant for quite awhile. I guess God works in mysterious ways since it would have been BAD if I had gotten preggie the last couple of months with my slipped band. Now that I'm fixed, I've been doing a cycle of fertility meds and am getting an IUI (yep..turkey basted..lol) on Saturday! There is nothing more than I want than to be a mommy, so I would love and appreciate your prayers! The band has given me the gift of health, and losing this weight is going to give me the best chance of fulfilling my dream. Thanks for letting me share, ladies. I'll update you on how everything is going:wub:

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!:lol:

  9. Well the tests clearly show a prolaps. :thumbdown:I didn't get information on how big, etc. I have a followup in two weeks to discuss options. He gave me four options, 1. do nothing (not an option, too much pain):shocked: 2. take the band out (last option in my opinion):cheers2: 3.replace the band (don't know if insurance will go along with that one):grouphug: 4. convert to a bypass. (not my idea of a good option) :crying:I guess I will have to wait to hear his explanation and recommendations.:P It's liquids and mushies for the next couple of weeks. :frown: Who knows maybe I'll get to Onederland.:blink:

    Thanks for all your thoughts and prayer's. I could feel them. God is in control and He is not going to send me someplace He can't protect me.

    Oh SLG--I'm so sorry. I am just SHOCKED that your doc even sent you home knowing you have a slip. Especially with the symptoms you are having:eek: I was in the hospital 2 hours after they diagnosed my slip! My insurance covered my band replacement because I was in an emergency situation and it was deemed "medically necessary". I am just awe-struck at how different doctors can be. Two weeks just seems way too long to not do something about this...especially if you're in pain!! PLEASE don't wait that long if your pain continues! I would demand more answers from your doc and get a resolution quick! I'm just so sorry you're going through this and I really hope you get taken care of SOONER THAN LATER! At least you got the tests done so you know what you're dealing with..but sheesh....don't let my sweet SLG suffer:mad2:!!

  10. Wow, girls! Sounds like we're all starting to get our "mo-jo" back a bit! Shiny--you're so right about having support--it really does make us accountable, therefore successful. Good job on starting your new program.

    STL--good luck on the tests! I know you're nervous, but you will be so relieved afterwards. I hope you get some answers and some relief soon!

    ANGIE---YOU GO GIRL!! Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment! What a fab picture too! There is NOTHING like seeing that finish line. When I trained for and completed my marathon in 2007, I will NEVER forget the feeling of seeing the word 'FINISH". I still can't believe I did 26.2 miles when I was 240 pounds:eek:..let alone all the training. I've been seriously considering training for another one now that I'm 90 pounds lighter. I bet I would finish in less that 8hrs 42mins...ummm...ya...that's how long it took! You have TOTALLY inspired me. You should be so proud of all your hard work, committment, dedication and transformation into a beautiful, healthy woman. What full marathon are you training for?

    Remember our mantra way back when....JUST KEEP SWIMMING!! :frown:

  11. Hey gals..

    Sounds like we're all on the same roller coaster! Now that I've healed from my band replacement, the scale has fluctuated. It sucked seeing my weight go up from my goal #..but then again I was on liquids and I knew it would probably creep up once I started solid food again. I'm not going to be a slave to my scale! It will just drive me nuts!! I have to hit the gym..which of course I've been procrastinating, but I'm not going to beat myself up or sabotage myself with self-loathing thoughts. I'm still completely unfilled, and will probably stay that way for a few more weeks. Just gotta ease back into things....you know what they say.."one day at a time".

    Shiny-hang in there, keep blogging...you're doing great

    Tap- good to see you back here..sorry you were having a rough one

    LilMiss-CONGRATS on the 2 inches. You're doing awesome with WW..keep it up girl!

    tskelli-you bring up a great point about tracking food! I REALLY need to do that again. Thanks for reminding me about fitday.com. I'm going to log on now!!

    St.LouisGal--I'm thinking about you!! How did your tests go?

  12. I had a slipped band and my symptoms were EXTREME acid reflux...especially at night, and trouble keeping most things down...including Water. Trust me, I KNEW there was a problem! A regular abdomonal x-ray showed my band had slipped and I was admitted to the hospital 2 hours later. Most of the time, they can "fix" or reposition the band, but in my case they had to replace it. I advise anyone having ANY sort of problems to get to your doc asap. Not every complication requires another surgery...but don't waste time trying to self diagnose...just got see your doc!!

  13. I have had my band for over 2 years, and usually I could eat something, like a yogurt or a piece of fruit. Well in the last 2 months, since my last fill, I can't eat anything.

    I am barfing everything..I even barfed Water.

    I feel like passing out a lot, and I am really tired. I don't know what to do, I was thinking about getting my band removed, because I used to eat way too much, and now I am struggling to drink Water.

    I also have the worst heartburn that I have had in a long time, I wake up and try to drink water, and get this horrible heartburn, and I have to barf the water back up. I have taken Prilosec, and Tums for my heartburn, and the Prilosec seems to make me barf everything, and Tums only work for a few minutes.

    I am going back to my Dr. soon, but he seems to have this "everything is fine" attitude.

    Maybe I just need to be slightly unfilled?

    I just want to be able to eat something again. I have some Protein shake stuff (disgusting) and it seems to go down ok if I pace myself.

    Anyone ever experience this? any ideas on how to stop this heartburn?

    You need to see your doc ASAP!! All of the symptoms you are describing are NOT normal. If you cannot keep water down that is very serious. I don't mean to scare you...but it is highly important you see your doctor. I hope you find answers (whether it be an unfill or x-ray to check your band) and get relief soon!

  14. Hi Ladies.

    I really don't want to post this but I need to. I am really struggling. I have been eating very out-of-control for the last few days. My weight is up a several pounds and I am so ashamed of myself.

    I did pretty good while on that health challenge I did, but since it has ended (August 1st) I haven't given myself any restrictions on what foods I'm eating. It hasn't been good.

    It's 1 p.m. and I have not eaten one thing yet today because I don't trust myself to eat! It's ridiculous, I know, but yesterday I ate so terrible that I scared myself. I haven't felt this out of control since before my surgery.

    I need to take a deep breath and get some healthy food to eat. I may start with a Protein Shake. I really need to refocus and regroup and remember what I'm doing here.

    I think it will help me to go back and re-read my blog. I need to remember where I was in the beginning stages of this and get some of that back.

    I just had to get that out.

    Don't beat yourself up...we've all been there! Just by getting it out is a huge step to getting back on track. And by recognizing that you need to reconnect with some things you did in the beginning is proof you're strong and just hit a little bump in the road. Again..DON'T beat yourself up..look how far you have come! You're doing fantastic!!

  15. Thanks, Amy. You're not "preachy" at all. I appreciate you sharing your experience with me. I haven't had a fill since June. Wonder what would make me be so tight all of a sudden? It wasn't like that before. In fact, on August 6th, I asked for MORE Fluid in my band when I saw my surgeon. He wanted to wait, so I didn't get any more. Just a couple of a days later, I couldn't get anything down. I ate a little meat and Pasta yesterday and it went down okay. How much should I be able to eat before stopping? Right now, I can only eat a few bites. Maybe 1/4 to a 1/2 cup. I'm wondering if that's how it's supposed to be. I could eat much more before, though. I seem to finally be losing again, so I'm hesitant in getting an unfill. All advice/suggestions are welcome!

    I really have come to the conclusion the band is a fickle little friend! Somedays you feel great restriction, somedays you don't even feel like you have a band. I do know that hormones (TOM), and stress can't greatly affect restriction. I think if you are having any episodes of PB'ing or feeling uncomfortable and you are overfilled. Even a slight unfill could make all the difference in the world!

    Kelli, I can eat a cup or more of food at a time. A cup and a half is my max. Depending on what I'm eating that amount of food will last me 4-5 hours. I can eat relatively fast most of the time. However I will have a few days (usuall TOM) where I'll have to be extra careful with eating because I will feel some restriction.

    I don't really have issues with eating much at all. I'm able to sustain my program Weight Watchers with little or no effort, and most days I eat several points lower than what I'm allowed daily. It's so awesome!

    I do know that once my points are lowered I might have a little bit of issue and might at that moment get a iddy biddy tiny fill and see if that might help some.

    I just hate to hear when so many are overly tight. I think that happens way too much, and I also think that is not how the band was supposed to work. I mean, it wasn't until I was too tight that I started to gain my weight back. Now that I can eat normally again, I'm back to losing and have plenty of energy to sustain my vigorous workouts. I feel really great!

    Perfectly said, LMD!!!

  16. I'm considering getting a complete unfill. Crazy, eh? With all the running I've been doing, I just can't seem to eat enough / the right stuff to fuel my body. I've been thinking about it for awhile, just haven't had the nerve to go through with it. lol. I had a small unfill just over a month ago, which helped, but still not enough.

    Hey Angie...great to see you on here! You are doing awesome! I don't think it's crazy at all to want to get a complete unfill. I think you're smart for recognizing what your body needs to be healthy. When I was unfilled I stilll felt restriction. Plus, the beauty of the band is if you get totally unfilled and don't like it...you can get refilled! Congrats on all the running!

  17. Yes, popcorn and ice cream are my weaknesses. ;)

    I did end up calling the surgeon Saturday morning. The P.A. was on call and told me to try meat tenderizer. I couldn't bring myself to do it. She said she would meet me in the E.R. to remove all the Fluid from my band if I thought I couldn't make it til Monday. I hung in there, and it seems to be getting better. I do believe something was stuck in there. It's odd to go from being able to eat almost anything one day, to barely getting liquids down the next. I stayed on liquids and mushies until tonight. I ate dinner, including a small portion of meat, and it went down okay (I chewed, chewed, chewed!). I wasn't able to eat as much, but that's okay. As long as I can get some food down. I'll give it a few more days. If it still seem like I'm too tight, I'll pay my surgeon a visit for sure.

    Thanks, Ezma! You, too! It's good to be back and in touch with all of you! :w00t:

    Oh sweetie....PLEASE go see your doc! I don't want to come off as "preachy", but my latest situation was such a huge lesson! I ignored my symptoms for too long and I ended up in surgery. Of course I'm not suggesting that will happen to you, but you sound like you're too tight. You should NEVER have to struggle to get food down. I think you would feel so much better after a slight unfill.



  18. Hi girls..

    So great to hear from all of you! Good job on the WW's LilMissDiva and RSG! I've always heard that WW is such a good, manageable program. Im still on liquids since my surgery last week :(....i'm not gonna lie...it sucks! My appetite is kicking in and I'm really sick of Soups & Protein Shakes. Thank god I saw my doc for a follow up appt this morning and he said I could start incorporating mushies!:thumbup: Now there's a word I haven't said in a long time!! I'm healing really well and will start getting filled next month. It really is weird starting this process over...at least I won't be so frantic about not knowing what to expect. I do feel vulnerable being at my goal weight and having an empty band. But I know what to do to keep it all in check. Gotta get my mind wrapped around hitting the gym again, but as they say.."one thing at a time". Thank you gals so much for all your wonderful well wishes and support :thumbup:. It would be great to see some of the our other fellow VV's check in. I have kept in touch with my beloved Rhapsody..I know she pops on here every now and then. I wonder whatever happened to Jaxbandster and Gibson?

  19. Thanks, marathinner! I am feeling great--it was UNBELIEVABLE how, literally the second he removed the Fluid, I felt 100% better. It was on my 3rd fill that I went from not tight enough to way too tight. Hopefully once I resume fills I can get to the sweet spot without going over again.

    It's amazing what an unfill can do! I'm so glad you are feeling relief. I think your experience will help you get to your "sweet spot" which definitely should not be too tight! I'm happy you are taking care of yourself and your band :thumbup:

  20. Congrats on your great progress, and thanks for your post. I had to get a complete unfill this week because I was way too tight, experiencing reflux at night, and vomiting frequently (even liquids sometimes). Now on liquids for 2 weeks to let things "settle" and will then go in for a fill. Grateful to hear from others who have encountered these issues and come through it healthy and happy!

    Glad you got the unfill and are doing liquids to let things settle down. I hope you're feeling better :thumbup:

  21. It's been awhile since I've been on LBT, and I realize after being back that I've really missed the commradery and support of fellow bandsters. I've been banded for 1.5 years and up until last week have had very few problems. Like most of us, I lost very quickly after surgery and pretty steadily thereafter. I tolerated fills well and only once had to be unfilled. After my year bandiversary, I became complacent and started falling back into old habits. My restriction loosened, I made poor food choices and I stopped exercising. I even fell into a slight depression because I felt like a failure. I didn't stew on my pity pot too long before I picked myself up & dusted myself off. I went in for a fill and life was good. About 2 months ago, I started getting awful reflux. I was waking up in the middle of the night w/burning liquid coming out of my nose and throat and coughing up acid. I immediately went in for an unfill (1.5 cc) and felt better. A week later it came back..and worse! I could barely sleep and when I did, I would wake up with what felt like a cesspool of acid sitting in my pouch. I would just lean over the toilet and projectile vomit dark acidy, foamy contents..it was DISGUSTING. I went back and got a total unfill. Once again, I felt relief. THEN...last Tuesday I woke up and could barely swallow Water. My doc scheduled a regular abdomenal x-ray and 2 hours later I was admitted into the hospital. He said I clearly had a slip and his hope was to repair the band but there was a possibility I could lose it as well. I was so scared and sad. Wednesday morning I went in for surgery and when I woke up, although I was sore, I felt soooo much better. The nurse in recovery then told me I had a new band. I was groggy and out of it, but was surprised that I had gotten a new band. My doc came in later and told me I was " a first" in terms of what he saw when he went in. I ended up having severe scar tissue that built up and repositioned the band. The tissue build up also caused an obstruction and pushed the band up to the point it was "welded" (the term my doc used) to my liver! As you can imagine I was shocked. He was able to clear out all the tissue, take out my existing band and replace it with a bigger one. He said there was no damage to my liver, stomach or surrounding areas. He was also able to save my port and go through the same incisions as my original surgery which has made recovery a breeze! I'm a week post op and have never felt better. Because of the new band I've been on the same post op liquid diet which feels weird a year and half later, but much easier the second time around. Coincidentally, I reached my goal weight this morning:biggrin: I have learned alot from this experience not only from the complications, but from living life as a bandster. I'm not gonna lie...it's not easy, but I sure am grateful I have this amazing tool to help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am a recovering food addict and I have surrendered to the fact that I may have to battle those issues, but I'm willing to do the work it takes to keep my addiction in check and the band is my gift that helps me "one day at a time". I will say to anyone who is having ANY sort of symptoms...PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THEM! Don't just brush off a night of acid reflux because you think you ate something to irritate your stomach. And if you have extreme restriction and are throwing up more food than you're keeping down.....YOU ARE OVERFILLED! These are the types of problems that can lead to more serious things. In the end, I am blessed with my outcome. I will not take my band for granted. I will not abuse it nor myself. I am thrilled to have reached my goal weight and plan on continuing to live my life as a "happy bandster". To those who have suffered complications, please know there ARE happy endings!!:)


  22. Endescopy showed esophageal erosion do they prescribed loszenge prilosec ( and did a complete unfill 2 days before). I ate some Clear Liquids on Monday but they came up in a coughing fit on that night. However, everything since then has stayed down (including eggs and chips and cheesesteaks)


    Did the endoscopy also confirm that your band was still in the proper place? I don't want to scare you and am just speaking from my own experience, but I had emergency surgery last week due to a slip and I had the same awful reflux and vommitting symptoms you had. My slip was diagnosed with a regular abdominal x-ray. Please make sure they check the positioning of the band. My doc ended up replacing mine and I'm very happy I'm still a bandster. I'm glad you're feeling better and hope you are ok:smile:

  23. Thanks, I'll try to get an appointment soon. I may just stick with liquids for a couple of weeks because this is our busy time of year at work and I'm really not in too much pain unless I eat too much. Your story has motivated me not to wait until my next appointment in December.

    I'm glad my story has motivated you to not wait! It's just not worth it. It's better to be overly cautious. I'll be checking on you!:drool:

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