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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marathinner

  1. marathinner

    Got Fill #2....Freakin Finally!

    YAY!! So glad you are feeling the benefits of a fill. You were already doing great and you always help motivate so many of us with your cute, clever and witty posts. YOU GO GIRL!! JUST KEEP SWIMMING!!! xoxoxo
  2. marathinner

    Wow glad I read.

    I think we all agree it's a work in progress!! Some days are better than others. For me personally, I have loved having this band as a tool. I stay on track during the week and allow myself to enjoy what I want (within reason) on the weekends. Having proper restriction is KEY. I just reached that a few weeks ago and it's made a big difference. Congratulations on your success so far (especially being in ONDERLAND). And as us Double V's have come to adopt our little mantra..."JUST KEEP SWIMMING"!!
  3. marathinner

    OV Watch..

    Has anyone ever heard of or used the OV Watch? It seem like a great tool if you are trying to conceive. I ordered one (pretty expensive) and it will probably arrive this week. Just curious if anyone used it yourself or know anyone who has. Amy
  4. marathinner

    Diet Margaritas and other cocktails!!!

    Mmmm...sounds yummy. Thanks for posting. This will be a nice alternative to my Absolut Citron & soda with a squeeze of lemon. Is it Friday yet?
  5. marathinner

    Checking in

    Hey Karen..sorry you've been under the weather. I hope you're feeling better. Sounds like you're still hummin' along with your weight loss just like a ride on your Harley!! Babedoe-it's funny you should ask about at 14w. I have 3 pairs of jeans that size that are getting loose. I'm scared to venture out to see what's next because it's been so nice being in a size 14. I'm thinking a regular size 16 might be next seeing as there is no size 12w(or at least I haven't seen any). This would be a good topic for a new thread!!
  6. marathinner

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When baby forks and spoons are your primary form of silverware and you only eat off of salad plates!
  7. marathinner

    OV Watch..

    Well..first and foremost, CONGRATS on your first!! I just received my OV Watch and am anxious to use it with my next cycle. It basically is a wrist watch that digitally tells you your 4 fertile days leading to ovulation. Since I've lost weight, I'm hopeful that I'm ovulating and that this can help us get preggie. Although, hearing about your Metformin experience gives me just as much hope!! I still have some weight to lose but the 40+ pounds will hopefully help since my biological clock is ticking!! Thanks for your input!! -Amy
  8. marathinner

    OV Watch..

    Hey Juno.. How long did you use the monitor before you got preggie?
  9. marathinner

    My progress Pictures

    You're lookin' awesome!! And your scars have healed up so nicely. Way to go, girl!! You look fab!!
  10. marathinner

    A bit of an update

    Loved this episode Becca!! You are so inspirational and are looking FABULOUS!! Thanks for the shout out to all the LBT'ers. Look forward to the next episode. Keep up the good work, girl!!
  11. marathinner

    It's Kats turn!!!!

    Wow Kat...you're doing so well all things considered. You've been thru some tough stuff girl!! I truly hope that with each day you feel better. I'm glad you've got a good hubby and good docs taking care of you. Sending you bigs hugs and wishes for a continued safe and speedy recovery!! -Amy
  12. marathinner

    Lap Band Vs. sleeve gastectomy?

    I have the LapBand and my husband just had the sleeve done a month ago. I think the advantages of the sleeve is you don't have a foreign device or "hardware" inside you and you don't have to deal with fills. The disadvantage is it's a "one shot deal" meaning if you start to over eat and the pouch starts to stretch, over time you are at risk for gaining weight back. My husband is doing well and has great restriction. Sometimes I think "hmmm..I wish I had that". But I fully realize that the band was the right choice for me because it is a little more forgiving and I like the fact that it's adjustable. Most importantly, we are planning to try to get pregnant and the sleeve wouldn't work for me if I do!! If you have any more questions about the sleeve feel free to PM me. Good luck with your decision!
  13. marathinner

    Progress Pictures

    Absolutely amazing pictures!! You look so wonderful and have a beautiful family. Keep it up...it's working!!
  14. marathinner

    Plans after goal?

    My plans and ultimate reward would be to get pregnant!! Being overweight really messed up my cycle (like not ovulating). Since I've lost 40 pounds my cycles seem to be normal and my doc thinks I shouldn't have any problems. So..keep your fingers crossed for a baby Double V sometime in the near future!!
  15. marathinner

    Total damage from vacation

    Good for you, Karen!! I think it's great that you were able to enjoy vacation and not have to worry about packing on a bunch of pounds. 3.5 is nothin'!! I know what you mean about not getting complacent. I too have the pattern of getting lazy or burnt out after losing weight. Not this time though. I'm figuring out the balance of healthy eating and enjoying things in moderation. It sounds like you are benefitting from the tool the band is intended to be...good stuff!!
  16. We've all been talking about posting some progress pics, so I figured what the hell....I'll throw some up there!! The first one is me running my marathon one month before surgery (still can't believe I lugged that extra weight for 26.2 miles!!) The second one was taken this morning. Sorry if they come out ginormous....not a techie who knows how to size them. Anyway....c'mon Double V's..join me in posting your progress!! -Amy
  17. marathinner

    What the hell...I'll post some pics

    Thanks, Crystal...you're lookin' pretty damn fanstastic yourself!! xo, Amy
  18. marathinner

    Putting a face to a name

    Queen...no WAY are you 51!! You look absolutely beautiful!! Keep up the good work!!
  19. marathinner

    Training for a triathlon...

    You should look into the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. I did my first marathon with them last year pre-band (yep..all 240 pounds of me did 26.2 miles) and I'm now training for my second marathon post-band!! It's a phenomonal program that trains you for triathalons, marathons, and cycling events. It's great because you can be a total beginner with no experience and they give you all the tools necessary to complete your event. Yes, you have to fundraise but they help you with that too. It makes a HUGE difference to train with a group of people. Being part of Team in Training has been one of the best experiences of my life. Good for you for wanting to take on the challenge of a triathalon!!
  20. marathinner

    GP derailed me today!

    My surgeon required clearance from an endocronologist not my GP. It's too bad your GP can't get on Board. Keep fighting for it!! Good luck!!
  21. marathinner

    Sharing celebration

    Oops...forgot to wish you a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :crying::party::thumbup:
  22. marathinner

    Sharing celebration

    OMG Lori.....HE'S GORGEOUS!!!! I'm so excited for you!! I know you've been wanting a puppy for awhile and I'm just so thrilled that you have a new member of your family. Awwww....big hugs to you, my friend:huggie: Now we can BOTH be crazy dog ladies!! And congratulations on your upcoming shopping spree!!:crying: I was going to reply to your other thread talking about the dreaded "in between sizes" (UGH that's the worst) but it sounds like you've pushed past a plateau....CONGRATULATIONS!! Again, I'm so darn happy for you and Jasper is INSANELY CUTE. Trust me, as an owner of a Golden Retriever, he will DEFINITELY keep you moving. Can't wait to hear more updates on him (and you of course) BIG HUGS!!
  23. marathinner

    A new medical issue for me.

    I had goosebumps and tears reading your post. Wow....you are just such an amazing woman!! Thanks for updating us with your wonderful news...it's the best news I've heard in a long time. YOU ROCK SISTER!! Keep on stompin'!! xoxoxoxo -Amy :rolleyes2::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::target::thumbup::bananapowerslide::thumbup::bananapowerslide::thumbup::bananapowerslide::thumbup::bananapowerslide:
  24. marathinner

    It's Kats turn!!!!

    We love you Kat!! Wishing you a speedy recovery. You'll be one true SASSY KAT (already are) in no time!!
  25. marathinner

    What the hell...I'll post some pics

    Oh Gibson...I've missed you around here!! You are always so funny, clever and witty. You simply bring out the best in all of us!! Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments. You really made my day!! JUST KEEP SWIMMING!! xoxoxo

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