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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marathinner

  1. marathinner

    I'm Back!!

    Hi Georgia Girl! I've been off LBT for a long time too. I totally remember you and your GREAT recipes. Your turned me on the the creamy spinach dip in a jar that I still use all the time! I'm sooo sorry to hear about your headaches. It sounds awful and very dibilitating. Sounds like you're working hard w/your doc to try to figure out a treatment that will give you long and short term support. I wouldn't worry about your weight, everything will fall back in to place once you get your headaches under control. I actually had emergency surgery last week due to a severe slip/obstruction caused by severe scar tissue. It was crazy and all happened so fast. I'm doing great now and am happy to still have a band..let alond a new one! I've missed LBT and all the great support on here. It's especially nice to come back to familiar bansters like you. I really hope you are pain free soon and am happy to reconnect with you! I'm sending you big hugs and positive vibes that you get the relief you need!!
  2. marathinner

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    RSG!! I missed you too, honey. Glad we're both back... Missed you too, SLG!! I wouldn't neglect any of your symptoms. The reflux causes so much irritation and inflamation you are going to feel restriction even w/1cc or even completely unfilled. I by no means want to scare you, and can obviously only go off my own experience, but I would get back to your doc and ask for more x-rays. My slip was diagnosed with just a regular x-ray. You may just need a total unfill to let your tummy settle for awhile. I know how miserable that reflux is, I hope you go see your doc to rectify the situation!!
  3. marathinner

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi girls! Long lost VV checking in! I'm so mad at myself for staying away from all of you for so long!! Just reading this Master Thread reminds me how great it is to have support from people who know what you're going through. I know we have all gone through so many up's and down's since we were banded in '08. I'm sorry I haven't been a better Victorious Valentine but am back to support and be supported!! My journey has been interesting. Like most of us, the initial few months after my surgery I lost quite a bit of weight and settled into the "bandster lifestyle" with very few problems. I tolerated my fills well, lost weight pretty steadily and just overall adjusted to life as a bandster. After my one year bandiversary, I started to get more complacent. My restriction loosened, my eating habits became unhealthier and I stopped exercising. I didn't gain much weight, just stayed where I was at. I really beat myself up and fell into a little depression thinking I was a failure. Before I stewed too long on my pity pot, I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I went in for a fill and got myself on track. Life was good. WELL.....about an month ago, I started to get EXTREME acid reflux. It was AWFUL! I couldn't sleep at all and when I did, I would wake up with a cesspool of acid in my pouch and would projectile vomit (sorry TMI). I went to the doc immediately and he did an unfill. I felt great for about a week and then it kicked in again. At that point he did a total unfill and once again I felt relief. I thought I was in the clear until last week. I woke up Tuesday morning and could barely get water down. My doc sent me for an x-ray and two hours later I was admitted to the hospital. My band had slipped and slipped BAD!! I was scheduled for surgery Wed morning and my doc told me I was at risk for losing my band. I was so scared and sad. I had surgery and even though I was sore when I woke up, I felt sooo much better. Turns out I had severe scar tissue that developed over this last year and half that caused that band to reposition. In doing so, it caused adhesions, and obstruction and was STUCK, yes STUCK to my liver!! My doc was shocked as he hadn't seen this before. The good news is he replaced my band with a new one! I was so relieved when I heard that I didn't lose it. I was released from the hospital the next day and back to work this week. I feel amazing. I don't think I realized how sick I was over the last month or so until I was reminded what it felt like to feel good! Unfortunately, I have to do the same post-op diet for 3 weeks which feels weird a year and half later. But it's alot easier the second time around. At least I know what to expect! Because I've been on liquids for a week, I just reached my goal weight. I feel incredibly blessed that I have a new band and will continue to use it as the tool it was meant to be. I've learned alot through this experience and am going to try very hard not to take my band for granted. It's hard work maintaining a healthy lifestyle...band or not...I'm just going to try to make the most of it and be as healthy and balanced as I can be. Thanks for reading this long post! It's good to be back and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you! Big hugs, Amy
  4. marathinner

    Slipped Band

    P.S...This all just happened last week and I'm feeling excellent this week:)
  5. marathinner

    Slipped Band

    I haven't been on here in a long time, but wanted to offer you some compassion and support. I had my band 1.5 years ago and did really well with it. My doc was pretty conservative w/my fills and only once was I overfilled. A couple of months ago I started experience extreme reflux. It was awful! Always at night. I went and got an unfill and it got better. Than a month after that, the reflux started again. I would wake up in the morning (after a night of misery) and would feel like a cesspool of acid was just sitting in my pouch. I would lean over the toilet and PROJECTILE vomit the contents. I went and got a complet unfill. I felt better for a few days, then it all kicked in again. My doc sent me to get an x-ray and two hours later he called and admitted me to the hospital. The next morning I had surgery. My situation was unique in that the cause of my slip was due to excessive scar tissue that repositioned the band and caused adhesions and an obsturction. The repostioned band was also pushed up against my liver! My doc replaced my band which I am very grateful for. I have to do the same post op diet which seems weird a year and half later. I'm VERY lucky to have such a great doc and am happy to have a new band. Although I'm almost at my goal weight, I appreciate the band as a tool. I realize my situation may be a little different, but I'm glad I've had the experience of the last year and half to ensure that my band continues to work for me. Trust me, there have been days when I wish I didn't have it! I wish you the best of luck!!
  6. marathinner

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    OH YA, Tina...YOU GO GIRL!!:thumbup:You look incredible!! What an amazing journey you have been on. I'm so happy for you and you should be so proud of yourself!! MILF Alert!!!!:tt1:
  7. marathinner

    I need help!

    Sorry you're having these problems. I had an incident a few months ago where all of a sudden I couldn't keep ANYTHING down. It was awful. Did the upper GI/endo and it showed a slight slip. My doc took out a half cc and I was totally fine. The slip resolved itself and I've had no problems since. I hope this is the case for you too!! Hugs!!
  8. marathinner

    In one year I....

    Ok...I'm BALLING right now!!! Oh Lori..what a beautiful post!! Happy Bandiversary, my dear soul sister!! You are such an amazing person and beautiful spirit. You have taken this journey by the horns and accomplished so many things. You have embraced the up's and down's of the last year and you ALWAYS see the positive in things...even if you feel down in the dumps. You have been such a wonderful and nurturing friend to all of us VV's and have put a smile on our faces with your always eloquent and gracious posts. You have personally inspired me to "be my best" and have reconnected me to a sense of faith that I let go of a long time ago. I'm so incredibly pround to call you a soul sister and so incredibly proud of you! And let's not forget..you blessed us with our famed mantra that I keep close to my heart...."JUST KEEP SWIMMING". Congratulations, my beloved Rhapsody, you are truly one of the sweetest, most beautiful (inside & out) people I know!! Ok...need a box of kleenex now!! I would also like to tell the rest of you VV's...y'all look AMAZING!! JUST KEEP SWIMMING!! Love, Amy
  9. marathinner

    very sad update

    Oh Jaime, Like everyone else, I am speechless over your loss. We are all here for you with loving hearts and deep prayers. I am so incredibly sorry for your pain and will be praying for you and your family.
  10. marathinner

    Chocolate rant

    Oh Rhaps...even when you're ranting you're such a cutie! I just have an overall sweetooth. I don't even pretend like it's not there and I really just don't even fight it. I DO however, keep it in check by trying to "trick" myself into thinking I'm satiating the craving. For instance, I drink Crystal Light around dessert time because it's so sweet and usally washes away any other motives I may get. I've also found some sugar-free or low sugar stuff that I actually like...such as Cool Whip. If I just totally succumb to it, I don't fool myself. I just HAVE IT!! And when I do, I have pretty small portions....like a Hershey's minature (or two) or I use a toddler size bowl and baby spoon for a bowl of ice cream. I've just made adjustments. Give yourself a break, sweet sister. Don't deny yourself...especially on your lovely Valentine's date with your hubby. Enjoy the "sweet" things in life....just in smaller portions!!:thumbdown:
  11. Deuces Wild Feb Zepplins Lovin' Losers Fab-U-Less Febs Victorious Valentines Losing Leapsters Flab-U-Less Febs Incredible Shrinking Cupids
  12. marathinner

    In one year I....

    Hello my beloved V V's!! Today is my Bandiversary and I couldn't be more grateful, blessed, elated, fulfilled and proud. I've lost 81 pounds and am still in shock over my new found health and vigor for life. This last year has been a journey like no other. As I think back on this day last year, I was terrified heading into the operating room, yet committed to making the life changes necessary to make the band work for me. There have many up's and down's, including some nasty PB episodes that nearly put me over the edge, but the NSV's certainly outweigh (no pun intended) any bad episodes. I am free from the prison of food. I no longer obsess about food, use it as an emotional crutch or surrender to its temptations. I understand what satiation and moderation mean and can enjoy the balance of healthy food along with endulgances...and not feel guilty!! I have discovered what true self worth means and for the first time in my life can say 'I love myself". This self love has made my marriage stronger, my frienships more meaningful and my life generally more abundant. When faced with challenges, I don't use food as an escape, I face them head on. For the first time in my life I didn't have the New Year's resolution of losing weight! I enjoy getting my picture taken. I have more pairs of jeans than I did when I was a kid. I shop at Macy's. I'm going to Maui in two weeks and am excited that I won't have to constantly be self concious. I feel like I look 10 years younger. My blood pressure and cholesterol are NORMAL. But most importantly..and this is the biggest gift of all...I have been given the green light to get pregnant and my hubby and I are hopeful that this is the year we become parents!! Yes...I am blessed. Thank you VV's for being the true source of support, love, and encouragement. There is so much power in friendship and I will forever be connected to all of you....especially Rhapsody...my sister from another mister!! Thank you for letting me share my thoughts on this very special day. I'm not going anywhere and can't wait to hear from everyone else. I'm also posting a couple of recent pics. Lots of love, Amy
  13. marathinner

    A new medical issue for me.

    Oh noooooo!!! I am so shocked and saddened to hear this awful news. Kendra was such an amazing and inspiring friend to so many of us. Wow...I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry to you, Mindy. I know you and Kendra shared a very special bond. Thank you for reaching out and letting us know of her passing. I will keep Kendra and her family in my prayers and hope that she is at peace without pain. My heart is aching and I'm crying as I type this. It's just not fair!
  14. 2008 Victorious Valentine checking in as well. This is a very exciting time and you should all be so proud of yourselves making a decision to change your life for the better! This last year has been nothing short of amazing for me and I couldn't have done it without my beloved fellow Victorious Valentine's!! Although, I have to admit..I was pushing for Feb Zepplin's as our group name early in the game!! Good luck to all of you and like my "sister from another mister", Rhapsody said...come on over to our forum if you have any questions or need additional support. Welcome to Bandland...you're gonna love it here!!
  15. LJM-I've been following your progress for awhile and just wanted to wish you a safe and healthy delivery. You've been a total trooper thru this bed rest thing. GOOD LUCK! FF-your belly looks adorable! You truly look great! ejm-sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is pain-free very soon. As for me, I am nearing my one year bandiversary and have just started fertility treatment. It's pretty overwhelming, but I have amazing doctors who are confident that I will be pregnant in the next few months!! Thinking good thoughts for all of you!! -Amy
  16. marathinner

    Favorite books/arthurs

    I loved Marley & Me! And my favorite arthur is Dudley Moore...LOL!
  17. marathinner

    Go Chargers!!!

    Wooo hooo! I'm right ther with ya! Here's one of my most favorite post op pics!!
  18. marathinner

    9 Month Status

    Hello my Double V's.. Ya..I'm another one that's been MIA. So sorry as I really do miss all of you! I've definitely settled into life with band. I'm still losing slowly and love the fact that I don't even really think about food. I had a slight episode of being overfilled but got that taken care of pretty quickly. I'm thrilled with my loss so far and am crossing my fingers that 2009 is the year I get pregnant!! Happy Holidays to everyone!! -Amy
  19. marathinner

    Baby's here!

    Oh wow...she's beautiful!! And DOUBLE wow with losing 25 pounds that quickly! CONGRATULATIONS!!:smile2:
  20. marathinner

    100 pounds!!

    That is soooo awesome Jaime!! Congratulations!!
  21. marathinner

    pre menstral tightness in the band?

    I always get SUPER tight pre-menstrual!!
  22. marathinner

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Emily's Dad.. That was such a well written post! Your honesty and accountability are abundantly clear and frankly, I think you echo the thoughts and emotions of many people struggling in their marriage. Perhaps even people who aren't struggling! One thing is for sure, you come across as a loving and devoted father and no one can take that away from you. It saddens me to hear that your wife won't go to counseling. Many people view counseling as a negative and that if you are in counseling something is wrong. That couldn't be further from the truth. Therapy is designed to validate your struggles and frustrations...not throw them in your face. As others have said before me, if she won't go...you should go by yourself. There is great benefit in peeling back the layers of ourselves and you just might discover some answers that will provide you the direction you need. I really appreciate you sharing you thoughts and feelings on this thread..that took alot of courage!! I truly wish you the best and from what I can tell...you sound like a good guy!! -Amy
  23. Yeah...my plan is for baby too!! I've already been given the go ahead from my doc to start trying...and we have!! That part is soooo much better 60 pounds lighter.:shades_smile:
  24. Oh Ezma..I hope you're ok!! I have fainted pre-band and it's the scariest feeling. My episode was from a previous back surgery (tried to do too much too fast post op) and everything was fine...but I was definitely shaken. Please keep us posted. Sending you big hugs!
  25. marathinner

    101 gone!!!

    Ezma....YOU ROCK!! Congratulations on your fabulous victory!! You deserve everything...new clothes, pampering, pots & pans...whatever your little heart desires. You are kicking some serious butt and you should be SO proud of yourself!! You are a true inspiration to us all!!

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