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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marathinner

  1. marathinner

    How Many Last Meals ... ?

    I just started my preo-op diet of 3 shakes and one small meal a day for two weeks today. I gave myself permission to enjoy some of my favorite things like sushi, pizza, a few glasses of wine over the weekend. Although I could have gone to town and stuffed myself until I was uncomfortably full,......I didn't!! In fact, I ate way less than I normally would have. I was concious of my portion size, ate small bites and CHEWED, CHEWED, CHEWED!! I stopped after 2 pieces of pizza instead of 4, I only had two glasses of wine instead of god knows how many. It was nice to enjoy these things in moderation. In the end, that's what it's about. So, I'm happily starting my pre-op diet and feel excited about getting banded in two weeks. Although I know there will be some up's and down's along the way, it sure feels good to have some balance and not be a prisoner to binging and other unhealthy habits. Big breakthrough for me!!!
  2. marathinner

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Ted... I will refrain from the smack talk.....but just know my Chargers WILL give your boys a run for their money!!! May the best team win!!! What's a cassoulet? Sound like a snazzy kind of casserole!! I went to sushi last night and enjoyed every single bite. I didn't go crazy and STUFF myself. Just ate slow and savored one of my favorite foods. I'm going out with my gal pals tonight and offered to be the designated driver. No wine for me!! BUT....I will enjoy a glass or two tommorow!!
  3. Yes...we should definitely have a sub group for Feb 5th bandsters. How funny that it's Mardi Gras or "Fat Tuesday" that day!! I think it's safe to say this will be our LAST FAT TUESDAY!! I'm enjoying this weekend and indulging a little it before I start my pre-op diet on Monday. Nothing out of control.....just a nice sushi dinner with my hub last night and a fun girl's night out tonight. Trying to narrow down some Protein drinks that I like. So far, I like Slimfast Low-carb and this powder I found called "Slim Script". How about the rest of you? How are you prepping for your pre-op diet? GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hey Brooke.. I'm getting banded on Feb 5th too!! I feel like I've been on this site 24/7 but it is soooo helpful!! I start my pre-op diet next Tuesday. What about you? Amy
  5. marathinner

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hey Ted.... I started a thread yesterday about my dilemma of indulging this weekend. My surgery is 2/5 (which ironically is Fat Tuesday!!) and I start my "official" pre-op diet next Tues. I've been on an "unofficial" diet the last couple of weeks doing low carb, small portions, lots of protein shakes, no alcohol BUT.....I'm thinking I might have to treat myself to a nice sushi dinner and have some wine this weekend. PLUS...I live in San Diego and my Chargers have a BIG day on Sunday and we are having a party at our house. I don't plan on going crazy stuffing my face and getting hammered....but I think I will give myself permission to enjoy these things before adhering to the pre-op diet....which I'm TOTALLY ready to tackle. Glad we have a group here for support. What would your "last meal" be?
  6. marathinner


    So, the last two weeks I've been on an "unofficial" pre-op diet. Very low carb, no sweets, no alcohol :pray2:, lots of protein shakes, and small portions. It's gone very well and I've lost about 5 lbs. I start my "official" pre-op diet on Monday which will be two weeks of protein shakes and one small low carb meal. I have been considering taking this weekend to endulge in some things that I know I won't be able to have for a long time. Friday night sushi date with the DH (no holds bar on how much and what I eat) and a Saturday night "wine night" with my gal pals. I know...I know.... why don't I do both in moderation. But I kind of feel like all or nothing. Either I go to town and totally have at it, or I continue what I've been doing and go straight into my pre-op diet, surgery on 2/5, and post-op for 4 weeks after. Hmmmmmm.......what would you do?
  7. marathinner


    Thanks everyone for your input!! It really is a mind game. I essentially am giving myself persmission to enjoy sushi and wine, which I know I will be able to enjoy in smaller quantities down the road. I am very committed to my decision to have the surgery and feel that I'm ready to head into the pre-op diet full force. Shortgal, you bring up a good point if it will bother be A LOT after the fact and I don't think it will knowing that my pre-op diet starts Monday. The reality is.....I can control this situation by making an action plan. Which right now is looking like enjoying sushi with my husband and not focusing on the quantity and having fun with the girls on Saturday with a few glasses of wine and not feeling guilty. I will also be working out Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Oh...the other thing is I live in San Diego and my Chargers are playing New England on Sunday......might have to indulge in a good old fashioned "ass-whooping"....LOL!! Truly, thank you for all your suggestions. The bottom line is I'm ready for this journey and will be determined and committed to comply with the pre/post op diet and everything else that goes along with banding.
  8. marathinner

    How Long Can Sweet Spot Last?

    Hi Kat.. I've been lurking on these boards for a month or so as I have my surgery on 2/5. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy your posts!! You are so well versed and have provided me such valuable info thru your lap band experience. I really appreciate your willingness to share and I wanted th THANK YOU for already helping me thru this journey. You really are an inspiration and I know you have helped many people on these boards. Cheers!! Amy
  9. marathinner

    The Bucket List

    Haven't seen the movie but heard it was great!! Well, there is a long lost of things on my Bucket List....but two of them are: 1. Complete a marathon- which I DID on October 21st, 2007!! Yes....all 240 pounds of me FINISHED!!:wink::Banane33: 2. To have a baby- which (god-willing) this new journey will help me be able to check this one off my list I just hope I keep living a longer, happier and healthier life so my list can get longer!!
  10. marathinner

    Official Name Vote

    Crystal.... Can you add "Feb Zepplin's" to the poll?
  11. marathinner

    Wait....thought of another name!!

    Hey Gibson.. Well, you're the only one so far who has chimed in with a "thumbs up" for Feb Zepplin's!! I still don't think there's an "official" name for Feb bandsters so there's still hope!! If you get your date in Feb you and I can still be in "the band" and have our own rockin' bodies tour:clap2: Where are you in the process?
  12. marathinner

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Anyone for "Feb Zepplin's" as our group name...I mean.."band name"!! I just thought it was kinda clever and funny. But then again, I have been called a dork on more than one occasion!!
  13. marathinner

    Game: 5 Letters

    Lost Umbrella Chasing Kids Yesterday!! PREOP
  14. marathinner

    Night time snacking problem...help!

    I'm with you Make 33...I have a protein shake around 7:30-8:00pm and it makes ALL the difference in the world!! I also brush my teeth immediately after!! I'm 8 days into a "PRE" pre-op diet doing small very low carb meals supplemented with a couple of protein shakes. I will do this for two more weeks until I go into my "official" pre-op diet of 2 shakes and one small meal a day. So far I found that late evening protein shake to be my saving grace!!
  15. marathinner

    Official Name Vote

    Hey Crystal.. I started another thread this morning about our name. I came up with "Feb Zepplin's"...we can be our own "band". Amy
  16. marathinner

    January Exercise Challenge

    I'm definitely in for the exercise challenge!! I actually completed a marathon in October and haven't done a thing since!! I need to get back walking/trotting and REALLY want to go to Bikram yoga.....the kind where they heat up the room and sweat gallons. Total @ss kicker!! I'm one month away from surgery....so I better get crackin'!!. Look forward to the support from all of you!! Amy
  17. Hey Shannon... I'm also a San Diego gal and my surgery is scheduled for 2/5 with Dr. George Mueller and the Sharp Hopsital program. I initially started with Scripps Weight Management (Dr. Lee) went thru all the usual requirements (orientation, support groups, dietician, psych eval etc) I was well on my way to a surgery date when I found out my insurance requires the surgery be performed at a Center of Excellence....which Scipps Green is not. Fortunately, I didn't have to start over with the Sharp program (thank god) and after I went to my consult and medical clearance my insurance approved me in less than 2 days! I have Pacificare HMO as a secondary insurance thru my husband and the Sharp program does not accept it. I do know however, that Scripps does. Oh...and I had the same issue with the UCSD program and the Center of Excellence things. My advice is talk to you insurance and find out what they require. I believe they use the standard protocol of most other insurances companies. Get your appt's lined up back to back...that will speed up the process. Ask questions when you don't understand something. Request your medical records for the past 18 months so you have documentation of all the ailments you talked about in your post. But most importantly, STAY DILIGENT. Be you own health advocated and MAKE IT HAPPEN!! I'm happy to talk to you more about my experince with San Diego programs and where I'm at now with one month until I'm banded!! Us San Diego gals gotta stick together. Congrats on making the decision to take this journey. These board are great and you will get a ton of wonderful info. Hope to chat soon!! Amy
  18. marathinner

    Scheduled February 5, 2008

    Hi Erin.. Oh my goodness.....I'm so sorry for your terrible losses!! I'm also from San Diego and my surgery is Feb 5th. Would love to be your "band buddy". You are welcome to email me at: sendtofoley@yahoo.com. Good things are coming your way, girl!! Amy
  19. marathinner


    We could also be: FLAB-U-LESS Febs!!
  20. marathinner

    The Official Surgery Date Thread

    Bandster.................... Name (Optional)................... Surgery Date ______________________________________________________ Amieru...........................Amie................................. ...26 February 2008 crystalcml......................Crystal............................... ..28 January 2008 LilMissBand-Aid.............Irene...................................11 February 2008 TachaBaby505................Natacha................................09 January 2008 Mac the Knife................Mac.....................................13 February 2008 Sadie...........................Sarah................................. ....2 February 2008 TinaBobina....................Tina.................................... .11 February 2008 Big marathoner...............Amy......................................5 February
  21. marathinner

    How long til I can be banded

    Hi there.. I just got my surgery date yesterday! I'm scheduled for Feb 5th. I was very lucky in that I started this process in November and here I am 3 months later with a date. My insurance didn't require a 6 month program, just a psych eval, nutrition eval, and medical clearance. And obviously, medical necessity. I was VERY diligent with the process. I did all the requirements within a month and made sure I kept documentation of everything. I also got my medical records from the last year which had some blood work and EKG tests that I had to take early in '06. Once I got medical clearance, met with the surgeon and they submitted everything to insurance, I was approved in 2 days. I know....I'm VERY lucky. My advice is to keep pace with the insurance requirements and be diligent with your team of doctors. You'll be on your way to a surgery date in no time!!
  22. marathinner

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hello there.. I just got my date today!! I'm scheduled for February 5th!! So excited!! Definitely a great New Year's gift. I'm working on getting my ticker loaded. Can't wait to see that sucker moving in the right direction. Would love to stay close to this group since we're all in this together. I'm 245lbs, 37yrs old, and my goal weight is 140. Look forward to seeing you on the boards. Amy
  23. marathinner

    Exercise before and after.

    Losing... Glad to find a fellow 'bander" doing marathon training. One of my concerns was not being able to get enough hydration when doing long training runs and the marathon itself. Thankfully, my Dr. has reassured me that I will be able to maintain the proper nutrition and hydration with the band. I'm planning on doing the Rock-n-Roll half in June and the Nike Women's marathon in October (which is the one I just did). It's the most amazing reward you will experience crossing that finish line. :clap2: Keep up your running and keep me posted on your progres. See ya on the boards later. Amy
  24. marathinner

    Exercise before and after.

    Hi there.. I'm a newbie and am hopefully getting my surgery date next week!! I actually did my first martathon 2 months ago at 240lbs. It was grueling but amazing at the same time. I can't wait to get banded and start training for my next marathon. I can't imagine how much I can improve my time with less weight to carry around. Marathoning sounds daunting...but TRUST me, if I can do it at 240lbs....ANYONE can!!

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