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Everything posted by hijabigirl1973

  1. hijabigirl1973

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Please tell me once where I'm showing hate for anyone. I am a true Muslim and I love all people, I don't care what religion they are. I don't think anyone should be hated for what religion they are practicing. YOU are the one posting an anti-Islamic site are you not? Did I post anything in regards to hating anyone? Absolutely not. Most of my friends aren't even Muslim, the majority are Christians. I work with our local women's group to bring all faiths together. We also work to try to show the truth of Islam b/c of what Islamaphobia has brought to the world. Did I once mention that Muslims aren't killing each other? Absolutely not, I'd be a dumbass to not SEE the truth. I am educated, I do know what's going on in this world and it does disgust me that these so called Muslims are killing each other. These so called Muslims are not true Muslims. They are extremists and fanatics giving the rest of us a bad name. I agree that they think killing in the name of Islam is a one way ticket to Paradise, Heaven or whatever you wish to call it. Believe it or not I sit and cry b/c of what some of these ppl are doing to each other and their countries. That is not what Islam teaches. As to that site, I'm sitting and reading it now. I am not saying that the attacks are not real. I don't go around watching the news waiting for terror attacks. I'm not paranoid that way but what it says about Islam and true Islam is totally incorrect. As to that poem I was trying to prove a point as to what ANY war does to innocent people. War will never be an answer, never. And if it gets others thinking about the consequences of any war than I've proved my point.
  2. hijabigirl1973

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Wow you don't even know me and have the nerve to say that. Unbelievable. I love how you give me a link that is totally AGAINST Islam, pretty typical for a hater I must say. Educate yourself, learn about the TRUE Islam and not what people who say they are Muslim and terrorizing ppl are doing. I don't condone any of the ppl using Islam as an excuse to kill anyone. As for Israel this war goes back many many years, the 1940's is when it started. If you were being thrown out of your homes, shot down for walking down the middle of the street I believe you would be fighting back as well. To anyone who wants to know what true Islam is all about I have tons of websites, literature you can read to see what is true. Statements on this Islamaphobia site that Chris put up are total lies about Islam. You will not find those practices in the lives of true Muslims.
  3. hijabigirl1973

    Day 11 of pre-op

    I haven't been banded yet but when I think about the liquid diet i'm like ugh. Can't even imagine what it's like actually doing it but guess I will soon enough. Good luck and stay focused. In the foods section of this forum there is a thread for recipes for liquid diets, maybe see if there's something there so you can mix it up a bit.
  4. I'm just starting the process and I've already got that mentality going but am trying to find a way to break it. Good luck!
  5. hijabigirl1973

    What are your favorite, but hated Stereotypes...

    Oh here are many that I get on a regular basis: Your husband is Jordanian Muslim so you converted to Islam like I don't have a brain and didn't study Islam on my own. You wear a headscarf b/c your husband won't let you leave your home without. Your husband will beat you someday b/c he's allowed to. You can't be American if you are Muslim too so which country are you from? I get this one nonstop and ppl will speak really slow to me like I can't understand. When i tell them I'm from Illinois they say no what country were you born in?
  6. hijabigirl1973

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    One thing that seems to be left out of this conversation is the American involvement with Iraq in the past. American actually helped finance Iraq, helped them with military strategies, sold them weapons, etc. All of this was going on while Saddam was torturing others in his own country and America turned a blind eye and others have forgotten all of these issues since then. Research it yourself and you will find tons of documents, video footages of Saddam with America's politicians. It's the same as what we are doing with Isreal, we are financing them when they are killing tons of innocent Palestinians. Am I saying that I think Saddam was justified, absolutely not. I'm glad he was taken down but this isn't as black and white as many make it out to be. We knew for many years what he was doing over there and did absolutely nothing about it. On the subject of Al-Qaeda they are everywhere in this world. The American govt actually did them a huge favor by invading Iraq. It's much easier for them to go into Iraq then it is for them to get into the U.S. We put our troops at further risk by putting them right in the middle of the Middle East where there are training camps for Al Qaeda. At the same time there are billions of Iraqi's dying that are innocent I have friends that have lost entire families over there, other friends don't know if their families are alive or dead. I don't believe war is ever an answer. Killing innocent people is always a factor in war and it can never be justified. "TO THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD" This is the story that must be told of an Iraqi baby, not very old. Lying in her crib one star lit night How could she know of those planes in flight? She lay there quietly touching her nose, Watching her mobile, wiggling her toes, Oohing and cooing, so sweetly is she, Talking to someone, who could it be? An angel is standing with her in the room. The baby is smiling, unaware of her doom. The crib starts to shake and the mobile goes round. And suddenly comes a most deafening sound. The ceiling drops in, in a second or two ... On top of her crib so she ceases to coo ... No one knows how long she lie there Who thought about it? doesn't anyone care? Is she alive? is she dead? Is she in any pain? Now that you mention it, who knows her name? Her name is Amal. In English we say Hope. Crushed between the rubble,her tiny fingers start to grope. Where is my mommy? I love her so dear Come, get me mommy! It's dark in here! I'm scared and I'm hungry and I can't see my feet. There's blood in my mouth! Give me something to eat! Where is my daddy? Where's my big brother? It hurts when I breath! Where is my mother?! How long have I been here? Is this just a dream? I open my mouth, but can't even scream. That angel appears once again to my side, This time with a tear I plead Why have I died? Am I alone in my sufferings? No, there are many others. In our grief and our misery, we are sisters and brothers. Who are we? I ask you ... for what crime did we die? They're throwing a party! Doesn't anyone cry?! Is it True? Am I nothing?! How could it be? Don't they also have babies, just like me? It is war they say, of which death is part. How blind they've become, How hardened of heart. Did someone say hero? To whom do they speak? A victory claimed for killing the weak?! Why are they happy? Why are they proud? Don't they know that I'm cold in my burial shroud?! No war has been won; No ifs, buts, or maybes, They've Only Killed Babies!!!! Signed Me, An Iraqi Baby
  7. hijabigirl1973

    I made it!!!

  8. hijabigirl1973


    Hi I don't have the lapband yet but can tell you that significant weight loss rapidly can cause gallstones. I think that's why it's a risk with the lap band. I was very sick with my pregnancy and lost alot of weight in that nine months instead of gaining and b/c of that I ended up with gallstones and had my gallbladder removed at that time.
  9. hijabigirl1973

    Newbie here considering the band

    Thank you for replying Karen! After browsing this forum nonstop for the last two days I've decided I'm going to do this! I am going to get healthy. I just want to thank each and every one of you on this forum. Without reading all of your posts I never would have come to this decision.
  10. Hi all! My name is Stephanie, from Illinois. I weigh 256 lbs at 5 ft 3 inches tall. I've been considering Lap Band for a while but just lately got really serious about it. My blood pressure is now up, I've had sleep apnea for quite some time, my blood sugar is starting to rise, my back hurts all of the time and depression has kicked in. My doctor is giving me a referral so that isn't a problem. Paperwork is on it's way to me now, I take it back with me later this month when I attend a seminar, and will then set up an appointment to get this started. I will be definately browsing the forum for loads of info but I hope to get to know all of you. Thanks
  11. hijabigirl1973

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie and I'm in Urbana. Haven't been banded yet but trying to get the ball rolling. Can't do it here at Carle b/c they are still waiting approval to become a center of excellence so will have to go to Peoria to have everything done.

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