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Everything posted by hijabigirl1973

  1. hijabigirl1973

    Woohooo I got the job ! *Rave on* :)

    Congratulations and Good Luck! Be Safe.........
  2. hijabigirl1973

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    So what Chris, one incident makes all Muslim the same? I think not and what this father did was forbidden in Islam. Look it up, honor killings are not a part of Islam.
  3. hijabigirl1973

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    There are too many to simply post in this thread but the link I'm about to post should give you some reading material to last you a while. If this isn't enough proof that Muslims fight against terrorism please let me know and I'll gladly provide even more links. Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks Ok and your point being?
  4. hijabigirl1973

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    Thank you Elena and Green! I do also want to touch on the subject that started this thread. Just b/c a country is a Muslim dominate country doesn't mean they are following Sharia (Islamic Law). I used to think that until I met my husband who is from a Muslim country. Many many things each country practices is cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. Example would be the way women are treated in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, women are not to be treated that way in Islam. The situation with this teacher, well it's crazy but let me tell ya something, what they are doing is not following the Shari'a, they are making things up as they go. Most Muslim countries are that way, they have the Shari'a that they do follow just like all Muslims should but then they also have their own set of rules to follow that have nothing to do with Islam at all. My husband was born Muslim in Jordan and he even gets things mixed up, of course Non Muslims will as well b/c they don't know any better. Just b/c it comes from a Muslim country doesn't mean it's really Islam.
  5. hijabigirl1973

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    I've really tried to just stay out of this entire thread b/c well I'm Muslim and didn't feel like putting myself out there again but Derick this last comment seriously floored me. Islam really is about peace and I'm sorry that those who don't believe it cannot see past what the media presents. Believe it or not we do write letters, we do have marches against the ppl using Islam as an excuse to do what they please, and we do condemn any type of violence including any and all terrorist attacks that are being done supposedly in the name of Islam but are you going to believe that? Are you going to open your mind and look for these or just continue living to believe what the western media feeds you? Also believe it or not Muslims don't sit around all day thinking about how we are going to "force" Non Muslims to convert, that is absolutely absurd to even think. We have lives just like everyone else, we have families, we go to work, we raise our children, and teach them right from wrong, we have normal stress just like everyone else so to think that our objective in life is to "force" all Non Muslims to convert is absolutely crazy. We are here doing what everyone else is doing, living our lives and just trying to survive. The only difference is how we worship God. Derick I'm really sad to see that you think all Muslims should be killed, I hope I never run into someone with this type of mentality b/c I've never felt that much hate coming from someone in my life. I'm sorry that you think we are all bad and we are all just out to get each and everyone that isn't a Muslim. I'm sorry that the men who try to call themselves Muslim have made the rest of us out to be evil with them. There is nothing I can do about any of this, believe me if there was I would be doing it as we speak. All I can do is pray and hope that ppl learn that Islam is not bad, Islam is not what the media portrays. So in closing I'll never try to argue with anyone about Islam, I know the truth, I can see beyond CNN, Fox, and the rest of the networks out there. I hope that each and everyone of you out there including those who would like to see me and my family dead have a very blessed and wonderful life filled with family, love, and happiness.
  6. hijabigirl1973

    Tomorrow's the Day!

    I just wanted to wish you lots of luck with your surgery and can't wait to hear how things are going with you.
  7. hijabigirl1973

    Support from Family Members

    Hi Howard, I'm sorry your wife isn't supportive of this decision. Maybe it's scaring her, I dunno why she would act like this but my hubby is the same way right now. I'm extremely excited as well as scared but also ashamed that I've gotten as big as I am with my health problems. When I go to talk to hubby about it he just blows me off like it doesn't even matter. I'm too trying to find a way to deal with this as I feel like I really need his support. Sorry I'm not much help but wanted to tell you that you are not alone.
  8. I have two options that are closer to me that Medicare should cover since they are both centers of excellence. So I'm just wondering if anyone has heard or had any experience with these centers and doctors. First one is Peoria Surgical Group with doctors James R. DeBord, M.D., J. Stephen Marshall, M.D., and Thomas R. Rossi, M.D. Peoria, IL Second one is BMI Surgery/Silver Cross Hospital with doctors Dr. Christopher Joyce M.D. and Dr. Brian E Lahmann M.D. Joliet, IL
  9. I actually went to his seminar last week and I'm going to go there for sure. My consult is scheduled in a few weeks. Thanks
  10. This is all moving so quickly but I'm getting super excited. I went to the seminar Wednesday night at Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet and met Dr. Joyce. He seems really nice and explained things great, at least I think so. I was told that I probably wouldn't be called for a couple of weeks b/c the girl making call backs is on vacation next week but surprisingly enough she called me back yesterday! My consult is on Dec. 7th, I should be able to have surgery sometime in the month of December. My cousin is also obese and has been most of her life so she went with and we were able to get back to back appts for our consult so hopefully we'll be going through this together. Just wanted to share as I don't have much of a support system right now!
  11. Amy I just want to say I'm really sorry this has happened.
  12. hijabigirl1973

    Surgery date Dec 3rd

    Congrats on your approval and good luck with your lap band journal.
  13. hijabigirl1973

    World has gone to PC

    Ok just so this can be cleared up and we can all move on. Maybe it was the timing of that joke. Yes I think a car made for Muslims is going a bit too far and would probably think ok that's just a bit crazy but after all of this: being called anti-semitic, told that I needed psychiatric help, was told that I needed to check out an Islamic hate site, being told I was part of the "Blame Israel for all the world's problem crowd", and apparently I also have the poor me syndrome, well anyway the timing was terrible and it set me off to see a site that generalizes Muslims as terrorists. I think it would you as well and all of those were just coming from one person. Oh and here they are just in case you didn't see them, all coming from Chris: #1" You need psychiatric help. You say you belong to a religion of peace? Sounds like you are spewing nothing but anti semitic hate. You need to check this site out and tell me who is killing babies before you accuse anyone else. TheReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World" Comment speaks for itself there. Check that site out and I believe anyone can see for themself it's an Islam hate site. #2" And your anti-Semite hate? Please answer for it. You post on another thread about how you hate being stereotyped but yet you follow suit with anti-Semite posts and a sick poem about dead baby's? Don't preach to the choir when you need to clean up your own back yard. I don't hate Muslims I just wish some would stand up and realize that pointing fingers at other faiths when there own extremist sect is killing so many innocents. You say its lies well then prove it. Has Iran been killing people who are gays lately? Can woman vote yet in some middle eastern countries or even drive a car ? Be glad you are a convert in this country. Were all 19 9/11 hijackers Muslims? Are not suicide attacks on a daily base done by Muslims? Prove it is all I ask." Poem about babies dying was to prove to everyone that war kills innocent people and I don't agree with it at all. Honestly I did prove it to you Chris b/c I believe I actually agreed with you that many Muslims try to use killing in the name of God as a one way ticket to Paradise but that wasn't good enough for you. #3. "I feel she is part of the " Blame Israel for all the worlds problem crowd" considering this whole thread is about the Iraq war and not Israel. #4. " She has the poor me syndrome " Where he got this I'll never know, guess my opinion on the Iraq war wasn't what he wanted to hear. So anyway when the joke was posted immediately after Chris so warmly welcomed me to the forum I was a bit upset to be generalized as a terrorist in the joke.
  14. hijabigirl1973

    Migraines? who suffers like me?

    I am disabled due to migraines with vertigo. Whenever I get a migraine it is full blown with vomiting, light sensitivity, you name it and it happens with me. For the last 7 years I've been on everything imaginable and nothing works to control them. My neuro actually told me he can't do anything other then send me to a headache clinic to try to get rid of them. So the only thing that we have found works to get rid of the migraines after onset is Zomig which I do believe is a triptan. Zomig comes in nasal spray as well as disolvable tablets. Good luck and I'm really sorry, I know how horrible they can be.
  15. I went to the information seminar tonight at Silver Cross Hospital with Dr. Joyce tonight in Joliet and before I left I asked some questions about Medicare coverage so I thought I'd let you all know the answers. Ok of course if you can find a surgeon that is at a Center of Excellence and you have a BMI of 40 or over or a BMI of 35-39 with at least one comorbidity then Medicare will pay all but 20%. I specifically asked about fills b/c everything I have been reading has said that fills are not covered. That's not true as long as the Dr's office bills them correctly. They will cover fills begining 90 days post-op as long as they have the correct billing code. Then of course the program fee isn't paid for and that varies with each surgeon. So this was information I was looking for and couldn't really find it and thought I would pass it on to all of you.
  16. hijabigirl1973

    100lb....16weeks...Not Too Shabby!!

    Wow WTG and congrats! You are definately an inspiration.........
  17. hijabigirl1973

    World has gone to PC

    pippinje i'm sure you are probably right and believe me it's gotten easier but i think that's b/c i have become a shut in. i used to be a shut in for weight, then decided screw them if they don't like how i look don't look at me but this is something very new to me and it's just taken me some time to deal with but yes at the same time it's very hurtful to see remarks about islam that aren't true b/c it just keeps fueling the hatred and paranoia......
  18. hijabigirl1973

    World has gone to PC

    Maybe I do get oversensitive for jokes about Islam but until you've walked in my steps you'll never understand. I used to live in the majority, came from a small town with all whites with redneck parents. Then because I chose a different way to worship God I'm suddenly in the minority. I've been called a terrorist b/c of the clothes that I wear. I've had death threats left at my doors telling me I need to go back to my own country, guess what? This is my country. When I walk into a public place everyone stares at me and starts whispering. This happens as well with my 14 year old daughter. When we go to my hometown which is almost never she's scared to wear her garb b/c of the comments we've gotten in the past. All I'm saying is yes I'm sensitive. This is something I deal with on a daily basis in my life. It's not easy and when I see certain things posted that says Islam is this or it's that it is very hurtful b/c Islam is not really that way. Just b/c some of the people that say they are Muslim act the way they do and are terrorists the majority of true Muslims are put through the ringers for it. So if I've offended or hurt anyone I'm truly sorry but I will not be sorry for getting offended by what others think is funny.
  19. hijabigirl1973


    I would have found this thread offensive even if I wasn't a Muslim. I'm sorry but I don't think God or any of His religions are to be made fun of.
  20. hijabigirl1973


    Don't you have more to do than to make fun of other's religion?
  21. hijabigirl1973

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    I haven't been banded yet but want to wish you lots of luck tomorrow!
  22. hijabigirl1973

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Ummm you might want to re read my first post Chris, I was using the Israel Palistinian conflict as a reminder that America turned a blind eye when we were actually helping Saddam and he was already torturing the Iraqis. I've learned that lesson b/c apparently no one even payed attention to that part of it. I do not condone anyone for violence, be them Muslims, Jews, or Christians. Am I saying all the Palistinians are innocent? No but many of them are, so are some of the Israelis but I've seen first hand what is done over there. Chris you don't know me so don't assume anything about me, more times than not you'll be wrong. Like I said nothing is as black and white as many seem to think it is.
  23. hijabigirl1973

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    thank you for correcting me on the wrong terminology there, my fingers get ahead of my brain at times. I have never called anyone anti-semitic, sorry you misinterpreted what I said.
  24. hijabigirl1973

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Nina you have to go to the main page of the forum you want to start a new thread in. Hence if you want it in this forum you will go here.........http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f80/.......new thread will be at the top left of this forum.......
  25. hijabigirl1973

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    I'm not going to pretend that I know everything that's going on in the Middle East with anyone including Israel or the Palestinians but who is being anti-semantic here?

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