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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by bewell

  1. Thank you so much for having the courage to share your story. It is one I needed to hear. I wish you the best, you deserve it. I hope you can be gentle and kind to yourself. Why not, beating ourselves up didn't work in the past, it won't work today. This is just my take on my disease. I do have a eating disorder. I needed WLS to help me have any chance at a normal life, a normal weight. But I also need a lot of help and support and yes, a shrink to help me with my crazy habitual and lifelong relationship with food. Any WLS can be beat and the same thoughts that got me into trouble and obese don't magically go away when I have WLS.
  2. 2 weeks postop. Same reason as stated, so not to challenge the staple line. I only just started puree and I can't eat much. Just a few spoon fulls.
  3. I am 14 days and still have diarrhea but not nearly as bad as the 1st 10 days. The nurse told me as long as I was doing liquids there is a good chance of diarrhea. Liquids in, liquid out. Imodium helped to limit it to 4 times a day instead of 10. I'm starting mushy food now so my stool is beginning to get less liquid and only once a day do I have to race to the toilet. I did have to go to the ER on day 5 because of dehydration. I felt better immediatley. It was a catch 22, I wasn't able to get the liquids down because I was sleeping for hours at a time and not awake enough to drink enough fluids. Water just doesn't taste the same as it did.
  4. bewell

    Got sleeved today

    I'm pretty new, only 15 days out. My doc gave me a lot of meds for anti-nausea. A shot pre-surgery and again before I went home. Also gave me some to take home and I used them. Worked great. I don't think a lot of vomiting is preferred but I'm sure they are on top of it. Hope you are still under their care and they get it under control right away. Best to you!
  5. bewell

    Liquid Vitamins?

    I bought a children's multivitamin online. Liquid Health childrens multi with no sugar. it was hard to find some without sugar. Got it on lucky Vitamin.com Surgery clinics are all different but my doc said not to worry about Vitamins for a couple of weeks, just worry about getting better and getting liquids down. I'm 2 weeks out today and just took the liquid vitamin today. FYI the Jay Robb Protein powder was the best. But still having a hard time getting any Protein Drink down, even the ones I loved pre-surgery. You probably know this too, but I got liquid Tylenol. And gotta say, EVERYTHING taste different post surgery. Pre- I loved Water. Today I can hardly get it down, it tastes weird. It takes some getting used to. Best wishes to you! And can't wait to hear how you are doing.
  6. bewell

    I'm hungry alot! Normal?

    I'm just 1.5 weeks post-op and doc said this period is about healing and not to worry about calories. Keep to the liquid regimen they proscribe to avoid complications. Also told me to drink the liquids (especially broth) anytime I feel hungry and also to keep my fluids up. My hunger is clearly head hunger. I miss real food, I've said goodbye to all my favorites and during the recovery days, I sure wish I could have just one comfort food. BUT that is the attitude that got me here. So I'm sticking to the plan, healing and getting well are my primary focus. This is for me....eating something that isn't on the prescribed list just isn't worth the chance of complication on my new greatly reduced stomach. BTW- After 3 weeks including the pre-op diet, I never thought a watered down, blended bowl of mushroom Soup could ever taste so good! I have a small amount twice a day along with my Protein Shakes. That's about it until next week.
  7. I also used GNC's ISOPURE. you can also get it on Amazon. The grape isn't to bad. The good thing is you don't have to drink much to get some Protein in. I tried it before surgery and it tasted OK but since surgery, EVERYTHING tastes different even Water. So the ISOPURE does taste a little weird but I drink 1/4 cup and then try more later. Best wishes and I'm told it gets better. I'm sure you will too. You just had a bumpy start.
  8. bewell

    Going bonkers here

    I'm only 10 days out and I'm just so relieved that so far I am healthy, without major issues and feel reasonable OK for an old gal. At first I was shocked that I was only eating 2-300 cal a day and not losing weight. How could that be...but then I thought about it and really rapid weight loss isn't good for any body, that's starvation! And when I read some others stories about the compilations they had right after surgery, well I'm just going to be happy with where I am. And as an experienced person on here told me don't weigh every day. Once a week or even once a month. I can tell when my body has lost weight even when the scales don't show it. I feel it. Hanging in there!
  9. Just had a revision band to sleeve Jan 13. It was done in same surgery. It was my preference and also of my surgeon. It took 3 hours. 1.5 to remove band and 1.5 for sleeve. There was a lot of scare tissue around band, the most doc had seen but he got that bugger out. I am also 64 and was concerned. I had a few rough days but at 8 days out now I'm doing oK. Still a little sore and tired but getting around OK. Slept a lot the first 4 days and had a few other issues but so far, so good. Would be happy to answer your questions anytime. Best wishes on your process.
  10. I just had a lap band to sleeve revision Jan 13. With my lap band (9 years ago) I told most people who knew me. Later regretted it as I had a lot of problems with the lap band and even tho it may have been my imagination I felt all those eyes on me wondering why I lost weight and regained it. A few would ask and some were sincere and some were just plain nosey. So this time the only two people know outside of the clinic I went to: my husband and my niece who took care of me the first week. WHY? There is plenty of time to tell them later. I can decide on an individual basis. It's my business. When I lose enough to show, I can revisit it. If they are my best friends family they will understand and care about me no matter what. I'm 7 days out and no regrets that I didn't tell anyone. In the end it's an individual choice.
  11. bewell

    Calling January Sleever????

    Eli, congrats and I'm so happy for you! We are here for you when you get home! All the best!
  12. bewell

    Post op pain

    I'm staring my 2nd post up and I have a lot of pain around m incisions where they worked in that area. Also sever pain when walking. Hard to get liquid now. When I do swallow just a little, I feel like everything in my stomach and surrounding organs all cramp up. Anyone know if his is normal? The cramping Hoping it gets better soon,
  13. bewell

    The "bariatric Blues"

    kym, glad you posted. I'm just letting my mind go wild when I read some of this and assume EVERYTHING will happen to me. Silly and very self centered. I'm about 6 hr away and feeling good. I'm ready and feel confident everything will be OK. This is an important blog allowing people to share there stuff, no matter what. Thanks and see you all on the other side of a healthier me!
  14. bewell

    The "bariatric Blues"

    Thank you granddaddy. i needed that! Follow it to a T. I will!
  15. bewell

    The "bariatric Blues"

    So sorry you are having trouble Kym. I hope it's just the blues. Let us know. "I've got to stop readying this stuff, my surgery is tomorrow and with all the problems it makes me wonder if I should bail. I'm hoping there are many who don't post and are doing fine after a few weeks. I saw some older ladies (like me) 64 yrs or so a week after surgery and they were great. Little pain, drinking and eating ok. I just keep thinking about them."
  16. bewell

    Surgery tomorrow.. Can i...?

    It sure varies. My surgery is tomorrow Jan 13 and I can have 3-5 Protein drinks and a small meal. calories under 850. Nothing after midnight. I have elected to do all Protein shakes tho. eating just 350 is truly painful. Very hard to stop. Looking forward to no having that hunger all the time. It showed me I canont do this alone. I have to have some help. The pre-op diet for 10 days was very hard. Hungry all the time.
  17. surgery is tuesday afternoon. 1 or so PM. Then overnight but discharged at 7:30AM! Not even 24 hours for me. I know there will be some pain. And getting used to a new tool, diff than the band. BUT I CAN DO THIS! (Saying that for me....)
  18. Well, tomorrow is my surgery. It went fast once I decided to go ahead. They will remove the band and I get a sleeve. I have a lot of anxiety but know this is my chance to get my healthy life back and do the things I want at a normal weight. Also want to do things with husband that I can't now. He's been very supportive and wants me back in health. Anyway, trying to keep positive thoughts. Hoping all will go well and I won't have any issue. Here I go!!! Yikes
  19. Also on pre-op diet. But different diet than what has been written here. Only 10 days and I can do 2-3 Protein Drinks and a meal of 300 calories staying under 850 total calories. No mention of no coffee except 3 days before surgery. It's been very hard but having 300 calories of real food (beans, hard boiled eggs, a salad, few slices of orange, cottage cheese) has made it a bit easier. It is hard to stop with just a very small low-cal meal but so far I've been ok. However bad headaches from sugar withdrawal (my choice) and can't take aspirin. I wonder why the pre-op diet is so different doc to doc? I am losing weight.
  20. Gauge's Mom-so far is the recovery similar to the band surgery? Is it hard to get the liquids down? BTW-congrats on the weight loss! Gotta love that!
  21. I was banded May 6, 2006, replaced May 7, 2006 due to slip. Same day. It's very, very rare but it happen to me. Yes, he plans to do it in one operation. With other revisions he said it took up to 3 hours to get the band out due to scare tissue and then about 1.5 hr for sleeve. He has also removed bands in 1 hr. He thinks it is better to just get it done in one operation if possible. I agree. Not sure I'll go back if I have to do 2 surgeries.
  22. I'm now scheduled for a revision to sleeve next tuesday, Jan 13. I've gone all around this. My doctor has been great. He spent 30 minutes with me on the phone today discussion the pros and cons. He wasn't pushing anything. My band doc was really pushing me to do something and I just went along with it. After the slip I told him to take the band out and I didnt want him to put anything back in. Just let me be. He talked me into it and I've had so many issues. 't good to hear Gauge Mom you are doing ok with the sleeve and they got the band out without issue. Are you feeling hungry? I just want that thing out of me. The sleeve may have it's own issues but I have to do something. I can't lose the weight myself and if I don't I"m headed for a lot of disability in my senior years. Turning it over and hoping for the best.
  23. @RJ'S/beginning Jane, thank you again. Would you mind staying in touch with me during this time before and after surgery? I won't bug you too much but I'd like to have someone who's been thru it and has a positive attitude cuz I'm sure I'm going to have some questions. I don't know how to make these private so we can exchange emails. thanks
  24. @@Kindle I'm getting ready for revision lap band to sleeve. (Complications with lap band) I know the games I can play in my head and I really appreciate your tough love. I needed to hear it.
  25. Mowgli19 Thank you for your honesty. And I am so sorry for your suffering. I am scared to have the surgery but may more scared of what I will put my family thru if I don't. I hope you will be feeling better soon and maybe have better results. Thank you again for your response.

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