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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by MarissaAnn

  1. Hey everyone! I am 39 days post op. I have been having an insane amount of gas when I eat. I mean, literally after EVERY bite Ill have to wait several minutes because I keep having to burp to relieve the discomfort the gas is causing in my pouch. This is whenever I eat, there is no specific food that does it. Drinking doesn't seem to do it. At least, it doesn't do it as much. Im really at a loss of what to do here. Its getting to the point where I just don't want to eat at all. This hasn't been happening the whole time but its been happening a lot this past week and just been getting progressively worse :( anybody have the same or a similar problem? I don't see the point in taking gas x or anything like that because its only when I eat and the gas is coming up.

  2. @jerseose43 my bmi is 37. They are sending me the letter. I was also denied from peer to peer. I'm doing a personal appeal now. Hoping that an outside agency can review and will approve. I hear they are less strict with comorbidities. I am contacting an obesity advocacy group to help with my appeal. I thought I would initially qualify because I'm pre diabetic with PCOS and acid reflux.

  3. I am extremely upset. I got denied. I got the call from the insurance coordinator this afternoon. I asked her what we do from here. She said she is going to talk to my case manager and surgeon and see what they want to do and see what my potions are and she will call me. I'm so mad. She said that basically family history doesn't matter (as far as insurance is concerned) and that my pcos doesn't qualify me either. Ugh I'm so frustrated!! AND to top it all off, I'm only 20 lbs away from a bmi of 40. I'm definitely appealing because I can't afford this if insurance doesn't pay. I am completely devastated. I really don't know what I'll do if I can't have the surgery. Advice on how to get approved when I appeal? Anybody got denied but won their appeal? I have anthem bcbs. What do I do?

  4. I am extremely upset. I got denied. I got the call from the insurance coordinator this afternoon. I asked her what we do from here. She said she is going to talk to my case manager and surgeon and see what they want to do and see what my potions are and she will call me. I'm so mad. She said that basically family history doesn't matter (as far as insurance is concerned) and that my pcos doesn't qualify me either. Ugh I'm so frustrated!! AND to top it all off, I'm only 20 lbs away from a bmi of 40. I'm definitely appealing because I can't afford this if insurance doesn't pay. I am completely devastated. I really don't know what I'll do if I can't have the surgery. Advice on how to get approved when I appeal? Anybody got denied but won their appeal? help please!! TIA

  5. @ fatandoverit finances are an issue with me too. If I don't get qualified by insurance then I can't have the surgery. I think I'll have the bypass because I like that option better for me and I have a hiatal hernia from my acid reflux. But if I get rejected, oop is $25,000. Just for the surgery. Not including hospital stay and anesthesia. If I qualify then the most I'll have to pay is $7000. So at least that's doable. Sort of.

  6. thank god! someone else like me! lol Im waiting on my last pre op appts this week then i can submit! i do the same thing, research research research!! there probably isnt anything the surgeon could tell me that i dont already know. ive even watched the bypass and sleeve on youtube. im seriously going crazy. it doesnt help that im an impatient person already!!

  7. first i want to say, good for you for being so brave! you are making the right choice. any abusive man doesnt deserve a woman. from what i know (not very much, sorry) he cant just not sign the papers. theres more to it than that. i do know that if he has been served and doesnt respond than after a certain amount of time the divorce will be final, with or without his consent.

  8. So I've done all my pre op appts other than the egd. I am however still waiting on my obgyn appt to see if I have PCOS. I should find out if I have PCOS the day of my egd. I have the ultrasound in the morning then egd in the afternoon (13th). How long after you finished all your pre op appts did they submit to insurance? In just really anxious to get things set so I have a date. The waiting is killing me and it's only been like 12 days since my consultation with my surgeon.

  9. I am in the same boat as you. At first I thought sleeve but now I'm thinking bypass. My mom and surgeon are both for sleeve but I like the fact that with the bypass you will get sick of you eat the wrong foods. That will keep me from cheating. I am going to talk to my surgeon more about it but that's where I'm at right now

  10. I was really interested in the sleeve at first but upon further research im liking the bypass better, mainly for the long term success and because of dumping. I love the fact that eating bad food will make you regret it. my mom and my surgeon are really on board with the sleeve though! I dont know what to do here... I really trust the surgeons opinions and recommendations but i really feel the bypass is the way to go for me! help! anyone in similar situations? which surgery did you have and what are your results? did you wish you had chosen differently? any info about your surgery would be great thanks!


    very confused bariatric patient

  11. Hi everyone,

    So I called the office and was told they have to contact insurance before they even schedule an appt for an initial consult. my question is.... ive already called my insurance and gotten all the info they require (deductible, coverage, ect., out of pocket max) so why do i have to wait? couldnt i call them and give that info to the office and schedule an appt? i understand the surgery approval after all the exams and everything but im really anxious to get the ball rolling! i called last weds (oct 22) and was told it would take about a week. should i call and see if theyll make an appt with the info that i have? also, once you get to the surgery approval, how long did that take? Im 18, BMI 38, wt 220, 5`4", pre diabetic, acid reflux, hypothyroid. i really want to do the surgery before the end of the year but i know that its also the biggest time of year for surgeries because people want to get it in before the new year and have to re start their deductible. HELLPPP how do i make this process as fast as possible? Im hoping to have surgery in december! is this doable??? as you can probably tell im a very impatient person. ill be better once we get the ball rolling but knowing nothing at this point is realllly frustrating!


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