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Everything posted by winklie

  1. winklie

    Slower than I expected

    @@quiltermom65 Exercise is key. The more the better. The more the better you feel. The better you feel the more you will want to exercise, it's a loop.
  2. I bout this milk yesterday as a trial, and OMFG, no bariatric patient who drinks milk should be drinking anything else. It tastes great, has let cabs, and far more Protein it is a no brainer. Thank you for bringing this subject up! FAIRLIFE FOR LIFE, God that sounds bad. Oh, my ass even approves!
  3. winklie

    Considering a re-sleeve in the new year

    @@Shells_Almost_There I forget the website, but in 2014 there were 195,000 bariatric procedures in the United States. 100,000 were Sleeves, 50,000 were Bypass, the remainder was a mix of bands, DS, Mini BP etc. So yes, if things go south for the Sleeve long term, that is a LOT of revisions that will need to be done!
  4. winklie

    Slower than I expected

    There are so many factors that go into weight loss it is nearly impossible to predict how much any given person will lose in a given time-frame. Carbs, Exercise, Kinda of food being eaten, the quality of the Protein shake you are drinking, your metabolism, initial weight all of these are factors. I started fast and slowed right down and got quite miffed about it. However I am losing weight, and there are two things I was told. First, the massive quick weight loss begins around the 8 week mark, when you go back on an unrestricted diet. You can drop the Protein Shake and get your protein from natural sources, along with adding in veggies etc. The second factor is losing slower is in a way better. The slower you lose, the better the chances that your skin will tighten up and you will not wind up needing plastic surgery later, or if you do it will not be as significant. So long as the scale goes down each week, and you are following the program, you will do fine. Millions of people have have this surgery over the last 20 years, the Surgeons know what they are talking about (most of the time) and follow the instructions of your NUT no matter how odd they may seem. She/he/it specializes in WLS, you are not the first person to walk through the door, nor will you be the last. I wish you well.
  5. winklie

    NH Folks

    @@KensingtonWalk Call Catholic Medical Center or Dartmouth, I'm pretty sure they have monthly support group meetings all over the state. I know they have them in Manchester.
  6. Sorry can't resist.... How exactly would one "weather" a fake ass? lmfao!
  7. @@goblue9280 Good thinking, although I am partial to the belt I have now. This was meant to be an amusing thread, I think I failed. lol I do have to admit that seeing the buckle on that belt brought back some terrible memories from my days in the Army, polishing the brass ones we had. OMG what a project.
  8. Okay, I admit I did not use the search feature again. I am 5 weeks post op and my skin is getting funky. I have read about 1000 creams, are there any that actually work? I am 47, and those are 47 years of VERY hard living. I smoked for a long time, have been fat, I am Bipolar, I have stress like no other human alive. Mostly I worry about my face. I do not want wrinkles. Any advice?
  9. What is this 'Fair Life' milk you speak of? Never mind I Googled it. I am willing to bet is costs a lot more money than my regular moo milk, however to get rid of carbs it may be worth the investment.
  10. @@shelleylester Thanks Shelly I picked these up and we'll see in a month how well they work.
  11. @@LipstickLady This thread appearing in my inbox in the morning makes my day. Not only is it true, but I have stolen your line of "Never trust a fart" and laugh every single time I say it. Thanks for the great post and all the laughs!
  12. @@Dallas Powell FANTASTIC!! Kudos for recording the session. My first concern is that you get fixed. Go back on the 23rd and see what he finds. He has to find something, as there is obviously a problem. Continue recording your conversations with him. As for revisional surgery, to an extent he is correct, they are new, however I was just reading about a proceedure done in an outpatient setting where they tighten your port opening. Really simple operation, a surgeon on Long Island does it. I wish I had saved the URL. As far a lawsuit goes, you have to give him an opportunity to fix his mistake or oversight or bad judgement. It's at that point you get a lawyer, get your medical records and all those handy recordings. His malpractice insurance would never let a case with that kind of evidence get to court. So, we'll wait until the 23rd and see what is what, perhaps he'll find a problem and fix it and you will be good to go, let's be positive! Have a happy turkey day! Oh and what stitches? He should have been using a stapler. I have (according to my surgeon 3000+ staples in me) If this tool is using stitches he has missed like the last 10 years of medical training.
  13. Been stuck in a stall for 3 weeks, or about that. Like perhaps 4 or 5 pounds over that time. Now I am DETERMINED to lose weight, I am down to 350 calories a day, no appetite, cannot stand the thought of eating, coffee, Water and yogurt(s) are my entire diet as of now. I am back to losing weight again but at what cost? I don't know what to do. I take my Vitamins and feel great, but know this is bad for me. Suggestions? Calorie reduction went from 900 > 700 > 500 > 400 > 350 and today as of this writing at 3:08PM I am at 202 calories for the day. Not even close to Protein goal, water is waaaay over. Gah, I think I made a terrible mistake having this surgery. I was more successful losing weight pre-op on my own. Still burning 4K-5K calories a day and even then I am lucky to lose a pound a day. NUT would yell at me and tell me to eat more. PA more of the same. I see my therapist on the 20th along with a new Pdoc, what to do in the meantime? Tomorrow is weigh in day, and I am afraid if I don't see a big loss for the week I might start becoming anorexic. HELP!
  14. Todays wrap up: Daily Totals Calories 786 Fat 17.3 g Fiber 6 g Carbs 69.2 g Sodium 992.2 mg Protein 97.8 g Water 97 fl oz Daily Calorie Composition: 34% from carbs, 19% from fat and 47% from protein.
  15. @@Sajijoma I'll keep this in mind, however since I have started eating again, my ass has forgiven me and once again we are getting along.
  16. In general since I was a kid my ass and I have not really had a good relationship. I guess we tolerated each other, neither really liking the other one. Since surgery, my ass has evolved into four distinct categories. 1) Normal, just like everyone else, a good BM once a day, and all is well. 2) Constipated, however I feel it coming on and counter with Prescription Miralax, Colace and MoM if it's bad enough. I got that under control. 3) Volcano Ass. No other way to put it, I get a few rumbles, which is a sign to rush to the nearest restroom and my ass erupts, there is no telling what is coming out. Things I never ate appear. I swear I have no idea how my ass produces the things it does during a volcano stage. 4) Emergency evacuate. This is rare, but I have had it, along I think with everyone else all my life. It's like after eating a bad scallop, and about an hour or two later, your body goes into emergency evacuate mode. There is something inside it does not want and it is going to use every or-face available to get rid of the unwanted matter. So, if you find yourself and your ass not getting along, know you are not alone. Tonight we discovered that the Healthy Choice Mayo I got, my ass does not like. So that chicken salad I made, is now a real question mark.
  17. @@WLSResources/ClothingExch I am currently working on taking the decisions out of eating by pre-planning my meals a week ahead. It has proved to be a lot more complicated than expected, I do not have many meal choices as of yet to choose from, so expanding my food choices is a work in progress. I take a number of psychotropic medications throughout the day and have an alarm on my IPhone to remind me, typically at meal times, so once the meal plan is in place and the food cooked, frozen or whatever, when the alarm goes off, I'll just check to see what I am supposed to be eating.
  18. @@WLSResources/ClothingExch Great post and ideas. It is overwhelming going from diet stage to stage. It really is. Todays totals: 843 Calories, 13.8g Fat. 6g Fiber, 73.2g carbs, 970mg sodium, 114.1g Protein (YAY!!) 88 oz Water. That I think for 6 weeks out was a pretty good day. Carbs are high but 40g are from the milk (skim) in my Protein shake, and my chili, so not much I can do about it. Now to see what the scale says tomorrow.... or do I smash it? This was yesterday's totals, the thread moved a lot since then, I can see how you may have missed it.
  19. @@WLSResources/ClothingExch The post is getting a bit long but if you read back, I upped my calories and got back on track. As for the 4-5 pounds, that was up and down, I have no idea the actual total I can tell you for two weeks in a row my weight was exactly the same on two consecutive Fridays, so perhaps my guess was off. I agree 350 calories is too low. I am back to basics, Protein shake in the AM, and food all day. Shooting for 700-800 calories a day. I get plenty of liquid, I could get over 100 oz without a sweat, I got this sip sip sip thing down to a science. I actually called my NUT and she has yet to return my call (which is really odd). Yesterdays final nutrition is printed a few posts back. I feel much better today than I did yesterday as well.
  20. I agree, the appointment with the surgeon was on the 10th, I am praying for you that it did not wind up with a "Take him to the ER and prep for surgery right now type moment". If you are able let us know how you are doing.... We are all pulling for you!
  21. @@Sajijoma Not to laugh at your pain in any way, but your incisions hurt, my ass was killing me yesterday. Using the box of chocolates metaphor, it was like getting that nasty chocolate with some unknown chemical like substance in it that tastes so nasty it takes days for you to forget how nasty it tasted.
  22. winklie

    Considering a re-sleeve in the new year

    @@Shells_Almost_There I was talking to my surgeon the other day and this topic actually came up. He was just at a conference of bariatric surgeons and although this was what the conference was about, apparently it came up, and the surgeons were saying that they were seeing a large number of people converting sleeves to bypasses, there is no statistical data on it yet, as studies have yet to be done, however, the fear was that the sleeve may wind up long term not being as effective as thought. The surgeons were all skiddish about it, as many had pushed the band, and that wound up going very poorly long term. Now they were wondering if pushing the sleeve may wind up with a large group of people that years out need to convert to a bypass. Mind you this was just a group of surgeons talking about what they have seen in their own practices. We won't have any real hard statistical data for years yet, but it is something that is at least being talked about. Just tossing in the latest I have heard. Take it with a grain of salt it may mean nothing.
  23. @@Inner Surfer Girl That was a great article. And again I am not sure this will translate well, but I am not what I would deem a perfectionist, My best friend is. His entire world MUST be perfect. If his wife leaves her car keys on the table instead of hanging them on the assigned hook a fight ensues. I seek perfection as a measure in my actions not my life. My house ranges from clean to messy, I may leave dishes in the sink, or not clean my room and it does not bother me in the least. However if I set upon a task, I expect to do it perfectly, within reason. If I were to take on a task I have never done before and have little understanding of, failure is an option, however I will learn said task, master it then demand perfection. I am very hard on myself, I expect, that on a given day, whatever I do will be done perfectly. And I get mad at myself if I fail to meet that standard. On January 1995 I got fired from a job, became full on manic, went to see psychiatrist who was fully booked and told me to come back. I smashed the widow to the receptionists area, and tore a door off it's hinges trying to get to my Doctor. That was hospitalization number one. In January 2000, I managed to open both my Radial arteries and came within minutes of bleeding out over another job failure. That was my last hospitalization. I came to accept my disease during my 30 days in a locked ward. I promised myself that death was no longer an option for failure. I have been very active in managing the symptoms of my disease since then. And yes I have a lot of scars from punishment, I have not done that in several years. I did very well in the pre-op phase. I lost all my weight in 60 days and even more. I moved more and ate less, and it worked. Now post-op the rules have changed and I am struggling to figure out what to do to succeed. The answer I think is to work the program and do what I am told, as the hundreds of thousands before me have done. This is what I am going to do. I have eliminated daily weight loss as an expectation, it's why I am debating smashing my $200 scale, it serves more of a negative purpose than a positive one. However once I get out of this stall, the scale goes back to being a reward center. I have a new outlook on weight loss. I am not in control, my body is. I just have to do the right thing and I should be fine. Places where I demand absolute perfection, school. 2 years in and I still have a 4.0 GPA. Anything less would be failure. And I have it in my power to not fail, I am very smart and school for the largest part has been more of a time sink than an effort, but that is just me. School has always been easy for me. So I would amend my initial statement that there are certain aspects of my life where I demand perfection, and certain parts I could care less about. But if I am going to build it, design it, work on it, I will do so with the expectation that if I know enough about the project I will do so perfectly. Weight loss no longer falls into this category, as pointed out, the body is going to do it's own thing, I am just along for the ride, if I do what I am supposed to do I will succeed, thus I will do what I am supposed to do, get my eating back on track, wait the three weeks until I am back to an unrestricted diet and go from there. Edit, my fear of gaining a ton of weight as a result of eating yesterday was unfounded, I lost another.3 pounds, further proof that working within the system does indeed work. No I did not smash my scale....yet.
  24. @@Inner Surfer Girl I completely get what you are saying. I really do. I don't know if this will come across correctly but I will try. My brain, the way I am wired is to solve problems. It is what I do. I see everything as a problem, and seek the solution. Let's say I rebuild my PC and it won't boot. That is a process to me, I did not fail, I may have done something wrong, but in the end I will succeed. I saw weight loss the same way, as a process, and it was going well. Move more eat less = lose weight, then suddenly that was not true. I felt as if I had failed the process in some way. I see it differently now, I look at it a different way. I will keep moving and continue the program as advised by my NUT. Trust the program she says. So I will.
  25. @@beachgal2935 OMG THANK YOU. I hate those shakes, I use unjury I wonder if I could substitute? But the rest look wonderful and I will be sure to try them all.

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