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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Spydr

  1. Spydr

    Why did you choose the band over GB?

    I know that my opinion here is not a popular one. I went with the lapband because that is what Medicare would pay for. If they would have covered the GB I would have had it. Several of my family members have had great success with GB and I'm the first Lapband person. I am embracing the Lapband and will do my part to it work. There is no other answer for me now and I will be a success.
  2. DiSanders - You did have a tube inserted once you were knocked out. They take the tube out before you wake up. I would be shocked to learn you were not tubed during the process. It's one of those just in case measures. My throat was sore for about 3 days but coughing helped it clear up. I think the tube gave me more pain than any other part of the surgery. Weird huh?
  3. Spydr

    gaining steady before banding...

    I gotta tell you, before I had surgery I tried to gain weight! I ate everything in site from my pre op appointment to the week prior to surgery. Strange thing was, I never gained a pound. Someone told me I was eating for future hunger. You can deprive yourself after surgery. Enjoy and Celebrate food for now and know that you won't be able to eat this much again. I'm still glad I have my band but I do miss the late night splurge on pizza. I don't miss the 20 lbs the band has helped me lose!
  4. I had the sniffles the day before my surgery and was told as long as I had no fever, my chest sounded cleasr and I felt okay, they would do the surgery.
  5. Make sure you call your doctor and tell them what you did ASAP. It may not be a big deal but it would suck to get the day of surgery and have them tell you no. Better to be safe than sorry!
  6. Spydr

    Protein in the first few weeks

    I too have had troiuble getting enough protein. My doc recommended Atkins Advantage shakes. They are not too hard to get down and they have 20 grams in each.
  7. I started reading this site prior to getting my band and felt the same way you do. I had too much information on the bad things. Yes, I needed to know but I think it got to be too much for me. Someone told me that the reason we keep reading about only bad things is that the happy, thin banded people are out living life and having a great time. They don't need a support group. Made sense to me. I plan on sticking around once I reach goal to provide to support to others working towards it. I hope there will be a time when I can join the skinny, happy banded folks ut there in the world. Do your research and look at all the angles, not just this one. Find your own truth and take everything with a grain of salt. It's like any 12 step program will tell you, "Take what you like and leave the rest."
  8. Spydr

    Getting banded tomorrow Dec 2 2005

    The scariest part is when you change into the gown and goofy hat. After that, you get the good drugs and then you're awake. Yes, it goes that fast. Take a deep breath and jump. We'll be waiting for you on the other side in bandland!
  9. Spydr

    I'm being a nuisance

    I think you should keep calling. Let them know you are out there and your not giving up!
  10. Spydr

    Dr. Jayaseelan?

    I was banded on November 16th at Medical City in Dallas by Dr Jay. I made sure I was the first cut of the day. I got there at 6:15a, first cut was at 7:45a and I was home by 1p. Everyone was really nice and couple of the nurses in day surgery had also been banded. I don't care if it's in poor taste, I ask everyone about thier band and weight loss. If they don't want to tell me they don't have too. I've been luck to find people who are very open and giving.
  11. Spydr

    Is It Too Soon For A Fill???

    I was banded on November 16th and will be getting my first fill on December 14th. I was supposed to wait an extra week but I'll be flying out of town for Yule and wanted to make sure I was okay before I left. Don't want problems in a state where I don't know anyone!
  12. Spydr

    Anyone at less than 800 calories?

    I have been under 600 calories for 3 weeks now, a week before surgery and the last 2 weeks. My doc says 1000 calories is my goal but don't panic if you can't do that. I drink all day long so I really don't get hungry like I used to. I eat thick soup, drink milk and juice, I've added mashed potatoes with no gravy and I'm still under 600/day. I'm not tired or sluggish. I don't think I could run a marathon but I'm only 2 weeks post op. I am having trouble getting enough protien. Maybe that's why you feel run down. Try a spoon of Peanut Butter and a banana. Just a thought from a rookie!
  13. Spydr

    Dr. Jayaseelan?

    Julie - Just got back from Dr Jay's office for my post op. He is fantasic. Good luck and keep us posted on a surgery date.
  14. Spydr

    November 2005 Check-in

    Just had my 2 week post op appointment and am down 17 lbs. My scales at home say different but I guess that's okay. ON to mushies and ready for my fill on December 14th!
  15. I think Jini and I have the same size band. (same doctor so it would make sense) It's the larger one either 10cc or 14cc. I can't remember which. My doc is very agressive and said he generally gives about 7cc on the first fill. Sounds good to me but that's because I'm on this side I'm sure!
  16. Banded on the 16th with a post op visit tomorrow. I think the hardest part for me is knowing what "full" feels like. If, while eating, I feel anything that may seem full, I stop. Even if I'm still hunger right then, I stop. After about 10 minutes, I realize that was a full feeling. I don't know if that makes sense but I think it differs for each person.
  17. Spydr

    I am GAINING weight

    Jini: Just relax and breathe. I too am very nervous about the scale not moving down. I think I need to keep off the damn thing! You have a follow up this week and Dr Jay will let you know what is normal. I want to drop my weight right now but I understand I have to heal before I can work on things. Follow the list the doc gave you, stay off the scale a couple of days and think good thoughts. This is just the first few steps of a very long journey. Don't freak out until you have to. Now if only I could follow all that stuff above, I'd be in great shape!
  18. Spydr

    Gastric Pace Maker....

    Zan - Carnie gained about 70 lbs with child and has lost 30 of them. She is 40 lbs off her lowest but in comparison to what it used to be, I say well done!
  19. Spydr

    Do you have a surgery card?

    I heard that one exisited but I don't know if my doc knows abou it. My favorite resturants have told me to get the card and they will charge me kid's price from here on out. I will check on it Wednesday at my post op appointment.
  20. Spydr

    drinking with the band

    I, like Margo, was told the 30 minute before and 30 minute after rule. I have been very thristy and broken that with no problems but I want to try to follow the rules.
  21. Spydr

    A Stitch

    I too have my band stitched inplace. Have some really neat pictures of Dr Jay doing the stitching.
  22. Spydr

    Where is my port

    Jini - We both used Dr Jay and our port seems to be in the same place, left side at large cut. It's sewn into a muscle I was told so it does move up and downa little depending on sitting, standing or laying down. If you put a little pressure ont he area around there, you can feel it. Try at different times in different positions and you'll see what I mean.
  23. Spydr

    Pain Medications Post Op

    I was told by my doc that Ibuprofen is a no no since it has proven to have adverse affects on the tummy itself.
  24. I have heating pads in everry room of the house. They help the tummy pain and my back pain from being hunched over.
  25. Spydr

    Dr. Jayaseelan?

    I know they take Medicare since I used it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
