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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BabyCat

  1. Preciouspup, can you feel your port if you rub your hand across your belly? Will I feel my most success, after my first fill? I don't feel no restriction right now and its myself thats stopping me from pigging out. Can and can't wait to see the pounds melt away.
  2. With your BMI, no insurance company would pay for your surgery, unless you had serious health problems, steming from your weight. Other then that you could probably go to Mexico and pay for it yourself, then you could find a certified Lap band sergeon in your area and do your follow ups with him/her. My insurance paid for mines, but some people who was self pay went to Mexico and paid somewhere between $7000 to $8000, that may be an option for you. Maybe you can post on this web site, asking for information to the Mexican sergeon. I'm sure someone would be glad to give you the informatin and guide you through the appropiate steps. GOOD LUCK.
  3. Preciouspup, I'm going to hold on, but today my sister and her boyfriend came to my house today, to watch a movie with me. While we were watching the movie, my sister began to eat some KFC spicy buffalo wings, they smelled so good. After left I whipped me up a batch of tomato soup and it was just as good as those wings smelled. Was you able to fill your port, while you stomach was swollen?
  4. Hello, everyone didn't hear from you an awhile. Im going into day 4 of post op and I'm starting to feel great. I have been drinking my protien shakes, along with plenty Water and light apple juice. starting to feel hungry, because my band has no restriction, but I'm doing good, so I'm not going to give up. I can't wait until I get my first fill. Recent Design: 5 down 80 more to go
  5. I'm walking around, even went to the market today, to prepare or thanksgiving dinner. I had to use the cart for support at times. My main proplem is the swelling to my stomach and the discomfront of gas. I will be glad when that's over with, but for the most part I don't regret the surgery.
  6. I think everyone gets second thoughts, but if I was you, I would still do the procedure. It had taken you a year to get to this point and I would not turn away right now. It's going to be well worth it. See it only took me three months, from my first doctor appointment, to the physicals, getting results of the physicals, to the blood work, from the phsyc appt. to the two to three weeks of waiting to see if my insuruance was going to approve the procedure. That was alot of hard work and running around. I truely think you will regret not having the procedure, but that is your choice to make, but I would really think about it, before you decide not to go through with the surgery. My aunt in law had gastric bypass and a friend of mines had the lapband, both loss a nice amount of weight and stated that weight loss surgery is the best thing that could have every happen to them. The first and second day post surgery was painful, but I'm going into day three feeling alot better and stronger. Right now I'm sitting at the kitchen table, drinking Swanson's chicken broth.
  7. There's No Stopping Us Now. Were On The Move
  8. It seems as if the pain is starting to ease now, not one hundred percent, but some relief. Preciouspup, Thank you again for all your excellent advice and I want to send love out to all my lapband sisters and brothers, it's a new us.
  9. Thank You, I just hope that the pain will ease off, so that I can relax. Was watching shrek 3 with my son, but the medicine put me to sleep.
  10. Everyone thanks for your prayers and support. I'm home now, but an a lot of pain. It's hard to get comfortable. Continue to pray for me. The cool thing is that nost of my family showed up, even those who were acting out.
  11. AppleSmieh1226, It had taken approximately 2 to 3 weeks for approval. My insurance company is carefirst blue cross/ blue shield.
  12. In thirteen hours, I should be in the operating room. I'm enjoying my last hours of drinking crystal light, because when 12 o'clock comes, it wil be awhile before I have something to eat or drink, or should I say drink or drink.
  13. BabyCat

    Big Day Tomorrow

    Parisangel I am getting banded on Nov.14,2007, I'm suppose to come home on the same day. If I do I will let you know how everything went. I'm a little nervous also, but I have to keep my faith and know that everything will turn out o'kay.
  14. BabyCat

    Newbie from Georgia

    We have some thing in common, we're both getting banbed on the same day (Nov. 14, 2007), it's our anniversary. Good luck with the surgery and with getting pregnant.
  15. I was told that the band is permanent and can be removed, if for some reason you decide the band is not for you. My surgeon recommends that you leave the band in, because you can gain the wieght loss back plus some extras. I don't think that a person who had gastric bypass and is that a full physician, should be giving the seminar. I recommend that you call and speak with the surgeon or another surgeon, that would be glad to answer your questions. I'm getting banded tomrrow and I'm not letting nothing stop that, I'm tired of being over wieght. The material the band is made of, can last for years, so I would not let that discourage me.
  16. Tomorrow is my day and I'm both scared and excited. It's times like this when you need the support of family. Can you believe that my sister called mre this morning and asked me, "Are yOu still having surgery?" I replied, "Yes!" Next thing I know, she's crying while stating "I know your surgery is tomorrow, but I thought that you would have changed your mind by now, because you don't need the surgery." I had to take a breath, before I let her know, that it's not about what she thinks, because the biggest she ever gets is 190 and she's 5ft 9in. tall. So she don't know how I feel. All I need or wanted was her support. Then she ran it down on how no one in the family agrees on the surgery. I let her know that no one in the family make decisions for me and considering tomorrow is the day, she should not be burdening me with this non sense. I can't believe how I being treated.
  17. I met, the band has given me an extended family. Sorry about some of the gramatic errors.
  18. Preciouspup, I hope my weight loss is as good as yours, because looking at your weight loss, you did an exceptional job. It's funny how people say don't get the surgery, lose weight on your own, but what they don't see is that you work twice as hard as someone who did not get the surgery and weight loss is a bigger success. You have to commit to a work plan, change the way you eat and stick to it for life. The band is just a tool to help our food intake, but we are the ones who make the band work. I congratulate anyone who gets the band or bypass, because its a change to your life and a change for the best. I can't wait not to struggle with my weight anymore. I'm currently 245 the biggest I have ever been in my life. Seven years ago I was 169. It's so nice to chat/text with you all, because you understand and know what its like, I feel like the band has me an extended family.
  19. I have 44 hours until, I have to be at the hospital and 46 hours, before I have surgery. It's getting close, after all the different doctor appointments and meetings. I'm almost banded. My surgeon said theres a go chance I can come home on the same day. If I'm released on the same day, I will make it a point to let you all know how everything went, but if you don't hear from me on the 14th, be sure to hear from me on the 15th.
  20. What protien shake do you drink? I brought permalean and it taste horrible.
  21. Was being on the liquid diet for the first two weeks hard? Did you crave for solid foods?
  22. Preciouspup, Make33 and Klpdbl thank you all for the words of encouragement, the time is narrowing down. I have three days left and I'm overly excited and nervous at the same time. Do it hurt when you get your first fill? Being on the liquid diet for the first week.
  23. Preciouspup, I will be sure to remember that, because I don't want no complications. Since your port is tilted, how do you get your fills?

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