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Posts posted by KikiVal315

  1. Well thank you. My main reason to get WLS was to get pregnant. Now I have to get back on track with the weight loss and to hopefully get to goal. I never quite made it! I've had 3 pregnancies and 4 band babies. My last pregnancy was a surprise, I had twins.

    Thank you again for the kind words. It's hard to find anyone on the same boat as I am. ????

  2. I live in Los Angeles county and I've had my band since 2008; had my surgery in Mexico. Since then I'd go back n forth to get fills. I've had pregnancies in between; I gave birth in December and I'm in need of a fill...BAD!!. It's almost impossible for me to go back to Mexico for fills now. My latest attempt just right now, I had an appointment, left with plenty of time, but just my luck, WAY TOO MUCH traffic, and I couldn't make my appointment. My question to the southern cal banders: WHERE CAN I GET A FILL FROM A LOCAL DOC THAT WILL SEE ANOTHER DR'S PATIENTS? Please help.....!

  3. I've played with so many numbers lol, but right now in aiming for 190 (I'm 5'7) and we'll take it from there. When I was in the low 200's I was a size 12. I'm happy with that, plus I've been told over & over I carry my weight well. I love my curves and butt I just want to see them smaller!

  4. I was in the same boat you were years ago. I didn't want anyone to know until they started asking what was my trick for loosing so much weight. At that point I would spill it. You can't fail at this though if you remember it's only a tool to help you loose. You still have to change eating habits and exercise. There's no way around it. You will have some bad days, maybe, we're all different. But if you do get those days, know that tomorrow will be another day and keep trying.

  5. I was banded may 2008, started at 280, 270 at surgery, an then 8 months later I found out I was pg with my oldest; I was weighing 208 at the time and 15ish pounds away from goal. Of course I was unfilled and ate EVERYTHING! Needless to say I gained almost all of my weight back. I dilly dallied around with my weight loss, it was super hard for me to go back to my healthy eating habits. I would over eat and make myself sick a lot. This delayed my weight loss, until one day I was sick & tired and buckled down. I was at 217 last Xmas when I found out I was pg again :) i didn't gain this much this pregnancy (at least I don't think) and here I am now, two fills @ 2.2 252lbs and hoping to stay on course. Life isn't perfect and things will happen but it's important to get back up when we get knocked down and delayed in our journeys... I learned the hard way ;D

  6. Awww, congrats! Having babies is the main reason why I decided to get banded. Just had band baby#2 this August and I'm now trying to loose this weight and get back to goal. I never quite made it the first time around, I had lost 80ish pounds and 9 months after surgery I found out I was pg in march of '09. I screwed around with my weight loss, took me two years to loose most of it then I found out I was pg again last December. I only wish I had surgery sooner! =D Good luck to you and do keep us updated!!!

  7. can i join? i'm not in your area, but i'm in need of support & motivation...badly! my name's krysten, i'm 28, and was banded back in may '08. i was about 20lbs away from goal and got pregnant. now my boy is 2 yrs old and i've been STUCK in the 220's!!! i've been yoyo-ing for the last year!!!! i decided to buckle down this time around, but i can't remember how it worked so well the first time...i forgot that newbie feeling, i need it back wink.png

  8. i need help too...PLEASE HELLLLPPPP!!! LOL =) i know i have no one to blame but myself. i've been battling these last 20 pregnancy pounds for the last two years, and once i do (if i do) hit the pre-pregnancy weight i have 20lbs more to go for goal. i feel like i'll never make it! i get my fills done in T.J., the doc is open 1 saturday out of the month, most of the time i have some function i can't back out of so i don't go as often and when i do make it out there, i kid you not every time i go i need to get Fluid taken out because my esophagus is irritated...wth?! i'm irritated with being irritated!!!! i currently have 2.0cc in my 4.0 band...i can't get back on track. my time is consumed being a mommy, wife, and work. at times i feel like i got banded for nothing...well not nothing, my ultimate goal was to have a baby, so it wasn't in vain. but i forgot that feeling or spark i had when i got banded...i can't even remember how i lost so much weight, what i did, and most of all i lost my motivation...ugh!!!! whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif

  9. i know exactly how you feel. my son is now 19months old and im barely now seeing my results. im about 20ish lbs away from where i once was before i got pregnant. when i did get unfilled, I ATE! then he was born and i dont know if it was p.p.d. or the fact that i was FAT again and not pregnant to justify my big belly but oh man did the depression set in. he's our first baby and with getting used to that little extra person, working full time, and running my household...it was/is hard to go away to get fills and to go to the gym. retraining my eating habits is still what i struggle with. you'd think after all this time be pregnancy weight would be gone, and me at goal, but it didnt work out like i planned. now im getting down to business. this isnt funny anymore!!!!

    you'll do good if you go back to week 1&2 after you first got banded.retrain your eating habits...when your pregnant you just eat everything in sight lol! it helps too if you have a good support system at home. also, i know time is an issue with a baby, but come on here. get your thoughts out. i havent been here in forever and a day and honestly, i think not interacting with other bandsters didnt help any. i would be on here every day for motivation.

    take it one day at a time. congrats to you and your family on your little one!!! <3

  10. hey congrats on your date!!! if anyone's replied to you PLEASE let me know. i've been wanting to join a group for forever now, but no luck. this l.a. forum moves a little too slow for me, so i come & go and occasionally stop by to see if anyone has posted. well, good luck with the surgery, keep in touch if you'd like :wub:

  11. listen.... I TOTALLY know where you're coming from. when i was more overweight than now, i had found out my sister in law was pg, and at that point in my life i didnt know i has pcos ( i had to self diagnose, thats an even longer story) but anyway: when i found out i cried my head off. here she was this late 30-something year old lady with the mentality of a 16yr old, still living with mommy & daddy, never had real responsiblity, and now pregnant?!?!? i remember calling my mom and asking if i was being punished, i wanted nothing more than to become pg. anything anyone would say just didn;t make me feel better. to top it off, my hubby had said, " we have to help out my sister, and buy here what she needs." inside, i lost it! i thought WTF?!?!?!? this is not our responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!! i sort of got over it within the coming weeks. and then, she had a miscarriage... god did i feel like the biggest asshole in the world. and i still do when i now see her carrying my little boy.

    my point is, you'll be a mom soon enough, okay? i waited, saved up my money and got surgery. for whatever reason, you cant get surgery done now, but once you get the ball rolling and once you've dropped the weight, you'll be able to get pg, you'll have the pcos in remission. i've been down that path, i even would get super jealous when i would come on this specific forum and read about other bandsters getting pg... it would drive me flippin' nuts. but what i did eventually come to realize is, soon it will be my time; and it will be yours too.

  12. it's true, you have to do your part. :cool: way back when i started my journey, it took about 4-5 fills for me to get to my sweet spot and have great restriction. you're doing good so far congrats, keep it up, and there will be days when you feel like, why the heck did i get this done? its all for an awesome cause, right...our health. keeping in touch with other bandsters or just to be on here reading, helps in keeping up my motivation. im sure it'll do the same for you:wink2:

  13. :rolleyes2:ugh... you hang in there. i had to get unfilled so im watching what im eating closely. as i type this im in the office eating a chicken ceasar salad and my thin as a rail hubby is in the next room chomping away at a pastrami sandwich & french fries!!!

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