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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Domawa

  1. I have been in severe abdominal pain now for four hours. This is my second episode with this. I thought it was just severe gas and bloating at first, but have taken gas x and mylanta and tums. No relief. It seems to stem from left side under rib cage. Could this be an ulcer or something else. I keep praying for the pain to ease. Has anyone had this and what do I do or not do so this won't happen anymore. I plan to call dr in morning but was hoping for some advice tonight. Thanks

  2. As I approach a year since my surgery, I find I am having some new difficulties. Not sure if it relates to the surgery or not. Lately, I have been having trouble swallowing. Not all the time, but at times it feels like the back of my throat is swollen and I feel my breathing is impaired. It feels like my throat is closing up. I know it probably isn't, but it is a horrible feeling. This usually happens in the evening after I have eaten or had liquids.

    Also, I have this gurgling after i eat. It sounds almost like a burp, but more of a gurgling sound. It is not something I can control and it has been embarrassing. Is this a sign I have overeaten?

    I am 60 so my weight loss is slower than most people on this site. I have been on a plateau for over two months. My surgery weight was 256 and now i am at 189. A little discouraging when I read people that have lost 100 pounds by their year anniversary. I will keep on trying. I woud love to be at 150, but 170 would be great.

    Thanks. Feels good just to write all this down!

  3. My daughter wants to have a gastric sleeve. She had an appointment with my dr. who performed my sleeve operation. My daughter is on steroids (very low dose, 5 mg) and the receptionist told her the dr would not perform the surgery if she was on steroids My daughter has inflammatory arthritis. She stopped taking the heavy arthritis drugs (biologics) because she thought she would have to go off of those, but she has continued to take the steroids to be able to function at her job (she is a physical therapist) So I am wondering if this is correct. She was so disappointed she cancelled her appointment because she didn't see any need to drive to Dallas if he wouldn't do the surgery. Has anyone out there had the sleeve on steroids? Is it a factor in the healing process? Thanks for any info you can give me. I am hoping the receptionist was wrong. She told my daughter to go back on the other drugs and get off steroids I cant believe that would be correct Those biologics are scary stuff.

  4. I am in a stall too! So discouraging. Starting weight 269. Today 208.5. Been there for three weeks. I always get my Protein (80 grams). Take Vitamins and supplements. Fluids is my failure. Can't drink that much. Never have my whole life. I never go above 1000 calories and track everything I eat. I guess I need to limit carbs more. My doctor didn't stress anything about carbs but after reading on here I am beginning to think that is an issue. My protein intake is always more than my carbs, but I don't know what else to do. I do walk daily. I am down from a 24 to an 18 which is awesome. I just wanted to be under 200 at this point. Any suggestions?

  5. I am a little over 3 months out. My dr didn't mention counting carbs either. I don't feel I am losing very fast. My surgery was oct 21. 46 pounds since surgery. 59 total. Is 50 grams of carbs what I should be under? I try to eat only Protein, but have had some carbs when I still gave room in my new tummy. I have been eating between 700-1000 calories a day. I do log everything into fitness pal-helps me keep track

  6. Thanks all. I am drinking a premiere Protein drink most days but I can't always finish it. I also have Unjury protein which I add to things but when I can only eat two bites, I am not getting much protein. Today I had half protein drink, a laughing cow cheese wedge and half a scrambled egg with a tablespoon of grated cheese on it. I made some instant potatoes and put unjury in it but only could eat a few bites. I am now trying to drink a little orange/tangerine juice.

  7. I will be two months out next Tuesday. I can't eat or drink anything without nausea or a yucky feeling. I can't tell when I am hungry until I feel like I am about to pass out. I eat because I know I have to and then feel horrible. I am getting between 400-500 calories a day. About 24 ounces of Fluid. About 40 grams Protein. I know it's not enough but it is all I can manage. I feel like I have ruined my life. I have lost 32 pounds since surgery, but have been stuck for over a week. So no pay off for feeling so bad. I thought by now I would be feeling more normal. Feeling sad and have major regrets

  8. How do you know which incision they pulled the stomach from.? I have 5 incisions and the area around the second from the left is where my pain is coming from. It does sound like I am having the same issue as vsglady. What your PA said made sense. Thanks for all the input everyone. It helps so much being able to ask each other our concerns!

  9. I have thus nagging burning pain on my left side. I gave gone back on pain meds and it dulls it but it us still there. I am functioning okay except for bring tired. How long does it take for all the pain to go away? I have had allergies and when I sneeze, it kills me. I hold my side when I sneeze and that helps. I know everyone is different but is this normal?

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