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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domawa

  1. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    I wii be at four weeks tomorrow. Tried soft foods last week and had a lot of cramping under left rib area so I am back on liquids. Feel better. Still a little catch under left rib but not painful. Doing better on getting protein in. I guess my new stomach needed more healing. Anyone else had this issue? About how long does it rake the stomach to heal? I plan to stay on liquids until then
  2. Domawa

    Left Side Pain 17 mo post op

    Yes I talked with the nurse and she said if not better by Monday I would be scheduled for a swallow study. I am really scared
  3. Domawa

    Left Side Pain 17 mo post op

    I have the same thing. Started a week ago when I was two weeks out. Cramping and pain after I eat or drink anything. It has gotten worse this week where I am taking 1/2 muscle relaxer and back on my pain meds. It feels like the food/ liquid hit the entry if the stomach and can't go in. It cramps and then slowly enters the stomach. I then have pain as it sits in the stomach. This is my assumption. I have been taking miralax daily got an early constipation issue, but have had no problems with that recently. I am scared I gave a stricture or infection
  4. Something new started for me about a week ago. Whenever I drink Or eat anything, after I swallow about 15-30 seconds later I get a cramping feeling under my lower left rib. It feels to me like the food or drink sits at the top of my stomach and as it dribbles into the stomach, the cramping eases. It is very uncomfortable. It has gotten worse as the week has gone by. I plan to call dr today, but wondered if anyone else has had this experience.
  5. Called dr. Was told to wear spanx (I guess to support the area), drink with straw and go back on liquids for the weekend. If not better on Monday, I will go in for a swallow study. Praying it gets better on its own. I really don't want more surgery!
  6. I was wondering how to get all the food, pills, protein, and fluids in. I can only eat two bites of anything. Two sips if fluids. I am trying to take a multi- vitamin, b12, probiotic, omnezorle, calcium, fiber, mira lax, and two other capsules for a bladder issue I have. I have to wait at least 30 minutes between pills or I get too full. So I never really eat food. There is no room. I drink protein shakes but have only been able to get one down because it takes so long to drink it all. I am three weeks out. I feel I need to be eating real food with protein but so far that has been two bites of egg. How do you all get it all in?
  7. All of my pills are capsules except the multivitamin and sublingual B12.
  8. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    I was right where you are last week. Had to give myself two mineral oil enemas. Not fun. I started taking miralax every morning. It has been a miracle for me. The first day was hard because I was so stopped up, but by day 2 I was feeling good! Good luck. There is no worse or gross feeling
  9. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    I take it by capsule and haven't had any issues. Would your dr let you switch?
  10. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Thanks Kathy812. I ordered some unjury today!
  11. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    The Protein drinks I have been using give me horrible gas pains. I am thinking of buying unflavored Protein powder that I can sprinkle on food to get my protein in. Does anyone have a protein powder they can recommend? Also I am at three weeks and just started soft foods. I can't seem to get more than a small bite down without feeling sick. How long does this feeling last. I find that I am not eating because I hate that feeling. Thanks Ali!
  12. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    I have constipation terribly. I did not go for 10 days which of course caused many issues. My doctors nurse practitioner said she has taken mira lax everyday since her surgery. I started that yesterday. Mine was so bad I could not pass stool that had accumulated in my rectum. she also recommended a mineral oil enema which they sell over the counter. It was a miracle for me. I am praying the Mira lax works to get things going. I know it is not supposed to be good for you to take it everyday but neither is horrible constipation or impaction. Once things get going I hope to be able to back off of everyday, but we will see. By the way, I have a retrocele which is when the rectal wall collapses into the vaginal wall and forms a pocket where stool gets caught. So my issue may be different than most. I hope you find relief. It is the worst feeling!
  13. Okay I tend to be a worry wart, but I had the sensation today after eating that I had eaten one too many bites. It's my first day on soft foods and I had 4 bites of eggs salad. I felt uncomfortable and mouth started watering like I might throw up. I didn't. I starting walking hoping the feeling would ease. Anyway, I have had two minor little lightening pops on my left side. Of course I immediately thought staple! How would I know if a staple popped open? I guess I need some reassurance. Thanks!
  14. Thank you all so much! I appreciate your responses to my concern. I am such a newbie and it helps so much to hear from you all that are further along in the journey! Blessings!
  15. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    I am two weeks out and at my first stall. I have lost 17 pounds since surgery. Nothing more for three days. 25 since I started this journey. Still gave massive troubles with constipation. I am on probiotic, stool softeners, prune juice and taking fiber. Hopefully when I start soft foods this week that will straighten out. I don't plan to weigh now for a week because I have heard you can gain when stating soft foods. That would be depressing Glad to hear I am on track with everyone else with pounds loss
  16. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Thanks Kathy812, I will try plum smart juice!
  17. Domawa

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Had my surgery 10/21. One week out and I am on full liquids. So far only a protein drink, two tablespoons of chicken broth and water today. Will try soup later. Feeling weak but assume it us from so few calories. I have lost 10 pounds since surgery. I haven't had a bm in over a week. A little nervous about that. My pain was good until I passed some gas yesterday kind of straining. Now it feels pulled and hurting again. Scared I had popped a staple at first, but surely it would take more than that. Looking forward to more food choices.
  18. Thanks strangefruit. I will stay off the scales! I figured it was water weight, but pretty discouraging!
  19. I was sleeved Tuesday so this is my second day. After the week on clear liquids pre-surgery, I was shocked to see I had gained 4 pounds. Now two days after surgery I have gained 10! Is this normal? My hands are very swollen and I really feel awful. I guess I expected the pain, but gaining 10 pounds. I haven't eaten anything except water and broth. So what is happening?
  20. I am 1 day out and doing pretty well. I forgot to ask my dr if it was normal to have pain as the water you are sipping hits the stomach. I have a sharp pain and cramp like feeling every time I drink anything. Is this normal and will it get better. Thanks!
  21. Domawa


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