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My Bariatric Life

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Posts posted by My Bariatric Life

  1. I've heard of college degree mills but this one has certainly got to take the cake. It only costs about $100 bucks to take the test as many times as you want until you get 75% of the questions correct. Wow. That sounds like a bargain.

    What's more, you can hold some wildly impressive degrees. Check these out: http://ulc.net/index.php?page=shop&cat=17

    I think that I will apply. By the end of the month I could hold degrees as the Doctor of Immortality and the Doctor of the Universe. I'll feel so omnipotent!

  2. @VSGAnn2014 @CowgirlJane

    hahaha, to each her own. This is the path that I took. Your paths may be different. I don't evangelize that it is my way or the highway (unless you live in my house). I'm a pescatarian, too... but before you go thinking, "Oh she's one of those people" know that I do watch The Walking Dead on Amazon Video so I do consume some TV :-)

  3. Well Connie, it looks like you disrupted the masses. It would be much easier to post an article telling people what they want to hear. Congrats on doing the right thing by telling us the Truth instead.

    More than a decade ago when I had my gastric bypass surgery, patients were led to believe that they'd be normal weight, if not thin, after weight loss surgery. I guess that falls under the realm of education and awareness that you speak of in your article. We all know what a lie that is today.

    As for me, I don't drink alcohol anymore. That includes beer and wine. I haven't for years. I also don't eat processed foods, smoke cigarettes (never have), or watch TV either. It is a lifestyle. You're either in or you're out. There's no dipping your toe in the Water. Choose health or choose anti-health.

    More than a decade ago, I was a processed food junkie and couch potato on ~10 prescription medications for obesity-related illnesses. In 2003 I made a decision to chose health. Had I not done so, I would not be alive today. Today I choose health. Today I choose life. Today I choose me. Here is My Story of reclaiming my life.

    Climbing down from my soap box now...

  4. @@Pedro Valle-Inclan it is always best to do what you feel is best for you rather than blindly follow information. I understand your concern. I recall that when I was early out I had a very hard time with poultry. I would eat it and not be able to hold it down. It was just too hard on my pouch for some reason. So, it does make one wonder about the advice to "eat hard Proteins quickly." I am interested in what your surgeon says. Please update us. Thanks!

  5. I interviewed Jonathan Blue, a bariathlete and inspiring weight loss success story. The Obesity Action Coalition defines “bariathletes” as people who have lost weight via bariatric surgery and now compete in endurance events. One-year post-bariatric surgery, Jonathan competed in endurance events such as the Disabled American Veterans 5k and Great Ohio River Swim. At the age of 30, he has reclaimed his health and his life after losing more than 200 pounds following gastric bypass surgery in November 2013. You may read Jonathan's story here: http://www.mybariatriclife.org/patient-stories-from-obesity-to-bariathlete/

    Jonathan also contributes articles on BariatricPal here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/page/contributor.html?author=237259

  6. I wanted to share this story of inspiration with you. I am sure it will lift your spirit as much as it does mine!

    Fabiola Apollon is familiar with the setbacks and success of weight loss. She was not a first time winner, nor a second or third, for that matter. However, she is a woman of great spirit, and her determination finally won the battle with a gastric sleeve revision, spirituality, and dedication. Please read Fabiola's story of faith, patience, and perseverance over obesity here: http://www.mybariatriclife.org/gastric-sleeve-revision-patient-story/

  7. Looking back to when I had my gastric bypass surgery in 2003, I don’t believe that my bariatric surgeon really discussed the gastric bypass pouch rules or stressed their importance with me. I recall him saying, “I do the surgery. The rest is up to you.” So, I am very glad that I came across the “Pouch Rules for Dummies” published free online.

    The “Dummies” version of the pouch rules was adopted from an original article written by Dr. Edward E. Mason, the “father of obesity surgery.” It is well-worth your time to read and follow these rules. They should be an intricate part of your bariatric lifestyle so as to achieve permanent weight loss. In fact, it is suggested that you become an expert in their use.

    It also is stated that even years after gastric bypass, by returning to the use of the pouch rules and the proper use of your tool, that you can drop excess weight that has been gained from what you originally lost.

    Learn more here: http://www.mybariatriclife.org/gastric-bypass-pouch-rules-for-dummies/

  8. @Stevehud

    That is odd. I posted a reply to you days ago but it is not here. Oh well. I want to ask if you study consciousness or psychology or spirituality? I ask this because your comments seem to indicate that, specifically in the area of taking personal accountability for one's self:

    "Anyone who says "i never realized" is lying out their butt. We knew it, we ignored it, we chose our lifestyle, its part of overcoming this. We have to take responsibility for ourselves. Or else this is all just a simple exercise in blame and futility... Its part of our humanity that we decide to ignore what we want."

    It always surprises me when people give away their own power (myself included). When we come to realize how truly powerful we are, we realize that we are unstoppable, that in fact the only thing holding us back is ourselves.

    We create our own Heaven or Hell by our perceptions and our choices. Obesity and everything that goes along with it is Hell, not only for one's self but for our families whom we drag down with us, whom we burden with taking care of us when it is we ourselves who need to take care us.

    Yes, there are food manufacturers who engineer packaged foods/processed foods/fast foods to be addictive, particularly by manipulating fat and sugar. That has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. You are free to choose to believe that or not. Likewise they have engineered artificial sweeteners and GMOs knowing they are detrimental to human life. In fact, I interviewed the former lead FDA investigator on aspartame, who quit the FDA because he could not stomach the lies and corruption that went on in the clinical trials.

    Part of the overcoming as you call it, or as I call it: "waking up," is seeing the Truth that is so plainly in front of those who have eyes to see (paraphrasing Mark 8:18). Then we must make the choices that serve our highest and best. But here is where we disagree, Steve: Its not enough to come to this awareness and keep the information to one's self. We must share the knowledge we have gained so that others can overcome, or wake up, to the Truth as well. When you see someone post that they are three months out from surgery and eating 3 Protein bars a day, do you try to help that person by gently exposing them to the truth or do you condemn them and make fun of their ignorance to that truth?

    There but by the grace of G-d go I.

  9. @Stevehud we each should discern what is true for one's self. but to say that anyone who is deceived deserves what they get is unjustified. are you truly telling me that a patient who puts his/her trust in a doctor or medical professional and is deceived by that doctor, and then suffers health consequences for it, deserves what s/he gets? surely i have misunderstood you.

    i am not sure if your second paragraph refers to me directly, but if it does, then i will tell you that you assume you know who i am, but you do not. i could be a former fatty turned self-proclaimed expert as you say or i could be a biochemist. i may have worked in healthcare my entire career. i might be an experienced researcher and writer whose work has been paid for and published. i will further tell you that two of those statements are true.

    you say that these "doctors" are so full of crap and it causes me to wonder if you are exhibiting the very same personna that you admonish, "who were fat their whole lives then all of a sudden they lose weight and as fast as that they are suddenly experts. after all, what makes you an expert to say these doctors are so full of crap?

  10. @@2goldengirl I agree that there aren't many studies. And one of the primary reasons for that is the study results would not support the entities who fund them. However, there are many doctors and healthcare professionals who support this line of thinking. I mention three or four in the article. There is also Dr. Mercola, Dr. Atkins, Dr. Loren Cordain, Dr. Weston Price, to name a few off the top of my head, as well as all the supporters both healthcare professionals and patients who support this way of eating. As well, data have shown that sugar-laden drinks are one of the top causes, if not the top cause, of obesity. You sound as though you are in the field. Have you seen any scientific evidence that would refute what Dr. Lustig is saying? I'd like to hear the counterpoint. Thanks.

  11. When you get to the hospital, look around and try to take in and remember everything. I did not do this for my Tummy Tuck, but I did it for my second stage plastic surgery and it was amazing. It was such a surreal experience! It was such a big moment in my life and I wanted to remember all of it. I wrote about my plastic surgery day if you want to read it and prepare yourself. Good luck!!!


  12. The doco, That Sugar Film, was a real eye opener for me http://m.imdb.com/title/tt3892434/

    Thanks for sharing the link. I have not seen this documentary.

    In one of the videos on YouTube of Dr. Lustig, he was talking to food manufacturers. He mentioned that a doctor he knows sat in on meetings at the Big food Corp he worked for wherein they tried to figure out how to hide the sugar on the nutrition label. Lustig said that is the reason why sugar goes by so many different names. So they list, for example, maltose, dextrose, and sucrose on a label and it appears further down in the ingredients list. According to Lustig, if they listed them as "sugar" it might appear as the first ingredient in the list!

  13. According to my surgeon the US has an epidemic of scirosis (sp?) of the liver due to high fructose corn Syrup consumption. It is in everything.

    It is amazing how the taste buds of "society" have become de-conditioned to the taste of sugar because, exactly as you say, it is in everything! Products that come to mind immediately are the REAL taste of Tomato sauce and Peanut Butter that have no sugar added. Why add sugar one might ask? Because it is highly addictive and thus people eat more and the food manufacturers make more money.

    Ugh, I even have a challenge finding dried fruit that has no sugar added!

  14. Lol, anyone that references Baba Ram Dass gets my attention!

    Attendant to your discussion, I'd like to suggest people watch the video "King Corn". Netflix used to have it for free download, and now no longer offers it.

    Amazon Prime has it for .99 download fee.

    Bottom line: Sugar, sugar, sugar everywhere.

    Great suggestion! High fructose corn Syrup is in more than 90% of foods in the grocery store. We need to eat real food and take control of our health. In one of the videos I watched on Youtube with Dr. Lustig, a woman who worked in marketing for General Mills started crying and said she was in a consumer focus group and a mom said she liked feeding her children fruit Loops for Breakfast because she felt good about giving her children fruit in the morning.

  15. If metabolic syndrome is the cause of your weight gain, a diet that is low to moderate in calories coupled with an exercise plan may not be enough to lose the weight. And if you continue to eat the wrong foods, exercise and diet may not help at all.

    In the late 1970s the government mandated we get the fat out of our food. The food industry responded by putting in more sugar. And that, we see by historical data, correlates to the time when America’s obesity epidemic began. Read my article, “Cause and Cure of Obesity in America.”

    In the New York Times best seller Fat Chance: Beating the Odds against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease, author Dr. Robert H. Lustig, a renown expert on obesity, points out that “a calorie is not a calorie.”

    Not all calories are equal. Whether the calorie comes from fructose, glucose, Protein or fat is important to its metabolic effect and how much fat that calorie accounts for.

    Fructose and glucose — just two of the many names that sugar goes by — and even protein are said to be the culprits behind insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are two primary causes of obesity in both adults and children.

    If you are struggling with the problem of an overgrown waistline, aka “belly fat,” this may be an indicator of these health conditions. Read my article, “Belly Fat is a Danger for All People.”

    If metabolic syndrome is the cause of your weight gain, a diet that is low to moderate in calories coupled with an exercise plan may not be enough to lose the weight. And if you continue to eat the wrong foods, exercise and diet may not help at all.

    What are the Wrong Foods?

    Sugar goes by a variety of names, about 52 in all, including glucose, maltose, sucrose, and fructose. The result has been an altering of our biochemistry that has driven our eating out of control, according to Dr. Lustig. Dr. Lustig further states that so-called healthy sugars such as agave, coconut and palm sugars are all “crap.” Checkout this HealthCentral sugar infographic named Sugar is to Blame:


    Dr. Andrew Weil, a well-known guru for holistic health and integrative medicine, agrees on this point. Dr. Weil warns that sugar is toxic, and coupled with modern industrial food, has disastrous effects on the hormones that control hunger, satiety, and weight.

    Both Dr. Lustig and Dr. Ron Rosedale, author of The Rosedale Diet, advise that branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) and protein contribute to insulin resistance and obesity. I’ve been eating a high-protein diet and taking BCAAs because I thought I was doing my body good.

    Whey protein, which I and the majority of bariatric patients have been conditioned to consume, is one of the worst foods for releasing insulin in the body according to Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, a Swedish medical doctor and specialist in family medicine.

    Dr. Eenfeldt, commonly known on the web as the “Diet Doctor,” interviews Dr. Lustig on the "Causes of Obesity" in the video below (or watch it on


    The Bottom Line

    If you think metabolic syndrome may be the cause of your weight gain, then eating a traditional “healthy diet” combined with exercise may result in failure to lose weight. Talk to your nutritionist.

    Further, you may wish to explore three diets for metabolic syndrome from Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Robert H. Lustig, and Dr. Andrew Weil in my article, “Metabolic Syndrome and Weight Loss.”

    Living larger than ever,

    My Bariatric Life

  16. @@Rocky1 PS what is your concern about absorption? Transdermal works well in many prescription products so I hope it will work well for the Vitamins. That said I assume that not all Patches, the actual material itself as the way it performs, are equivalent. But it is what really attracted me to the product.

    How are the PatchMD Vitamin Patches working out for you?

    I liked them! I haven't had any labs done but I've felt fine with the patches. I do take supplemental liquid Iron drops as I feel better at a higher Iron level than most post-bariatric patients.

  17. How does the massive weight loss patient choose the right plastic surgeon? After all, we present a much more challenging case than women seeking plastic surgery whom had never been morbidly obese. Add to that, there are no rigorous requirements and certification for a sub-specialty in bariatric plastic surgery. What is a patient to do?

    Choosing a plastic surgeon after weight loss is an important personal decision. Someone told me that you do not buy a procedure, you buy a plastic surgeon (Read: Understanding Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery). I completely get that now, having gone through a total body contouring and facelift, but it wasn’t always that way.

    When I was beginning my plastic surgery after massive weight loss, I did not understand just how much obesity had deformed my body. It was later made clear to me that I was a much more challenging case than women seeking plastic surgery whom had never been morbidly obese. Add to that, I was more prone to complications during surgery and recovery owing to my former health conditions (diabetes, hypertension, etc).

    Dr. Joseph F. Capella underscores the inherent challenge, “Many surgeons have come through their training not having been exposed to post-bariatric body contouring. Because of that these surgeries are not considered traditional procedures, in the sense that they’ve been honed over decades like many of the other plastic surgery procedures. And so what plastic surgeons may do is use these more traditional procedures and apply them to the post-bariatric patient, which often will lead to sub-optimal results.”

    How does the massive weight loss patient choose the right plastic surgeon? After all, while there is rigorous training, and requirements for a plastic surgeon to become certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, just as there are for a bariatric surgeon to become certified by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, there are no rigorous requirements and certification for a sub-specialty in bariatric plastic surgery. What is a patient to do?

    Dr. Capella recommends “For each of the procedures you’re considering, ask the plastic surgeon: How often do you do them and how many have you done? The doctor should make other patients readily available to you who have had these plastic surgeries done. And, of course, the doctor should have a wide array of images to show you of hopefully body types that are similar to yours.”

    My additional advice:

    Travel out of state if you must to find a plastic surgeon who specializes in the massive weight loss patient’s special needs.

    With all due respect to patients who travel outside the country for their surgery, selecting a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is an essential step to ensure the best training and credentials.

    I have corresponded with too many bariatric patients who’ve had complications after plastic surgery and had their surgeons ignore them. Don’t let this happen to you. Be sure that your surgeon will be responsive 24/7 during the many weeks and months of recovery, come what may.

    Of course, all of us gathered here on BariatricPal understand the value of connecting on the Plastic Surgery Forum with patients who candidly share their surgical experiences and discuss their plastic surgeons. Be sure to tap into this very valuable resource.

    Last but not least, personal compatibility is an essential element in the patient-physician relationship. You must feel comfortable talking to your plastic surgeon about all of your concerns. And you must have that sense of trust that s/he has your highest good as top priority no matter what may come.

    The bottom line: Plastic surgery should be a life-changing experience for the better. For further reading, I highly suggest my article “18 Insider Tips for Plastic Surgery.”

    Living larger than ever,

    My Bariatric Life

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
