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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by GrannyL

  1. I had my first fill a month after the op......Doc said there was already 2 mls in the band, so he added another 3 mls. I had no trouble with any type of food, but avoided things like bread "just in case". Unfortunately I only lost about 2 kilos that month....very unsatisfactory! :blink: I really didnt eat anything "bad"...obviously just too much of everything (even if it was only about a third of what I "used" to eat!) Second fill Doc added just over another 1ml...think he said 1.1.....amazing how much difference that has made!! Now I cant eat ANYTHING.......:tt2: can hardly get Water down.......but I am going to put up with it for the rest of the month. In a week I have lost almost 3 kilos......living on fluids again for a month wont kill me.

  2. I am looking forward to going grocery shopping in 2 days time...that will be Day 10 for me. I havent had a problem with any of my drinks or Soups so figure some well blended veggies or stewed fruits should be ok by now.

    I am also a tummy sleeper and have been fairly comfortable for the last two nights, so everything is getting back to normal quite quickly! I just moan and groan a bit when I want to go from side to side......

    Gettting bored with so much tea, fruit juice and thin soups now...after all its been a long time since we have eaten "real" food! I had a small glass of milo a couple if days ago....boy did that taste good!

    Hubby is doing a good job of feeding himself....we are lucky we dont have kids at home to worry about only the dog....and Im not quite desperate enough to fight him for his food!!

  3. another day almost over (31st) and am feeling a lot better today. I would say in another two days I should almost be back to normal...well not quite but I can certainly feel the improvement. The shoulder and chest pain has almost gone, just a few niggles here and there....the stomach area feels very badly bruised...which I suppose it is.....only had pain killers twice in 24 hours. Drinking fruit juices, herbal and green tea and strained chicken noodle Soup plus as much Water as I can take. Half a cup of chicken noodle soup did three meals!! Hubbys birthday today so he missed out big time...he has just gone to buy fish and chips for his dinner....BUT will eat it at the shops before he comes home......LOL...I am not at all hungry but the smell of fish and chips could be deadly! I weighed myself last night and was shocked to find I had PUT ON A KILO since the operation......hope its just all the fluids they "dripped" into me in hospital.....

  4. well the 28th came and now I am banded too! :thumbup: I ended up losing 3 kilos on the Optiyuk but havent been on the scales since getting home yesterday. I am having more pain than I was expecting, but am thinking it is probably because of my age (60)...everything hurts anyway! While in hospital I had no pain and no painkillers, but now at home its a different story. I must admit I am a bit slack when it come to taking pills though, so my own fault. I have only taken 3 nurofen all day.....must go take some more. No sign of nausea so thats a good thing anyway! I thik the pain is a little less this afternoon than it was this morning, so should be better again by tomorrow! Just wanting to get fit enough now to start throwing away clothes!:scared:

  5. My op is next Wednesday (28th) but so far I have only lost 2 lousy kilos on the Optiyuk. :thumbup: I havent even cheated once so dont seem to be doing as well as most do on that stuff! I am having the shakes 3 times a day and only ONCE a day I am having a few lettuce leaves, Tomato etc....or a couple of veggies...must admit i do have slightly more than the "one cupful" I was told...but only once a day? :biggrin: I have no idea how anyone could possibly manage that Optifast as a full time diet, its the most repulsive thing i have ever swallowed!! :smile:

  6. My op is on the 28th...so this is my last weekend for "normal" food.....will start the Optifast on Monday :tongue_smilie:not looking forward to that but only two weeks so will survive!

    As everyone in here reports how much weight they lost just on the Optifast, I am sort of looking forward to that part.....even one kilo loss will make me enjoy the shakes more! :thumbup: My surgeon is Dr Copp at Greenslopes and the 28th is his first day back at work after his Christmas break.....he should be nice and relaxed.....just hope he remembers what he is doing!! :thumbup:

  7. Well ~almost~ started! I havent actually got a surgery date yet....Last Friday I had my first appointment with Dr. Copp at Greenslopes. It all went well and I have all the instructions ready to carry out! For the rest of this year, I have a very full callendar, so asked for a date anytime from the beginning of January. Seems the books arent open yet for 2009, so I have to wait until November to actually get a date! November 1, I will be on that phone! As you can tell by my "name" I am one of the ~older~ people making the decision to have a lap band. For the last 20 years I have been stacking on the weight.....for probably my last 20 years, I want to get back to "normal". I dont need to get down to "bikini" size :thumbdown: but having a choice at the dress shops will be nice! Dr Copp thinks if I have the surgery in January, I should be almost down to what I should be by August!! (ready for my next overseas trip) That is unbelievable after all the times I have spent months and months ~trying~ to lose weight. I wish I could do it sooner, but just cant fit it in this year. Last year I had a heart attack and quad bypass, and although my health has been fine ever since, the weight loss will hopefully put off another bypass for many many years!

  8. :eek: oh no....Granny is surrounded by 'em!!! :blink:Yep it is Dr Copp that I have the appointment with......I actually phoned his office yesterday and talked about my situation, and have pretty much decided to have my trip first,(and Xmas) then go ahead in the New Year (or when the doc comes back from holidays!) That way I will have 6 months before my next trip to get accustomed to everything.....there was still no mention of a psych evaluation, but the dietition was mentioned......must be keeping the psych one as a nice suprise for me eh!! :unsure:....

  9. oh dear....Granny has a big mouth or a big foot eh!! :ohmy: never mind...at least you know how to spell it! how about the 2 week pre op Optifast diet? Does that apply to us usually?...yuk...hate the stuff, thats about my worst fear of the whole thing! Now PLEASE dont tell me that it was your family who developed it! :blushing:

  10. Thanks for the replies......I saw my GP last week and asked him about the procedure...he was very very enthusiastic, and mentioned that he had thought about suggesting it to me but thought I might be offended (he has only been my GP for a year) He wrote out a referral straight away....so I already have that taken care of...the money for the gap is sitting there ready as well......so only the thought of fitting it all in with my trip is a concern. I phoned for an appointment with the surgeon that same day and was told the first available date was Aug 29th....perhaps an email outlining my shedule wont hurt......:ohmy:What about these phych evaluations I have been reading about? I know we wouldnt have as hard a time as the Americans, but do we still have to go through that nonsense? Must admit I am not much one for phycologists....see have no idea how to spell it even!! LOL :blushing:

  11. Can anyone give me an approx idea of how long the whole process takes? I have just made my first apointment with a surgeon at Greenslopes in Brisbane, and it is for the end of August. From there what other appointments, tests, etc etc need to be done before you get a surgery date? My main problem is that I have an overseas trip booked for November, and am thinking that I will have to put off the operation until next year as by November I probably wouldnt be used to the eating regime etc to be able to head off overseas! I also have no idea how long the waiting time might be...is it usually weeks? months? Any info is welcome....thanks! :ohmy:

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