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Posts posted by Djmohr

  1. Most of us don't have a problem losing the weight until you get to a certain point in your life and then it becomes much more difficult without intervention. That said only 5% of the people that lose weight through diet and exercise are able to keep the weight off.

    It is also a fact that once you lose, your body fights against you to gain that weight back and a few extra on top of it.

    You have to decide if you can lose it and maintain. It will require the same life changes that you will require post surgery. The biggest difference is your new tummy helps to manage the quantity that you eat.

    Best of luck in your decision process.

  2. Sorry that this has happened. I know when i started my process i went to my PCP to have her start the 6 month documented diet only to realize that she was not the best person to follow me given she hardly recorded anything and I found out the surgeons office would need more info.

    So, I started over with the bariatric center of excellence that my insurance company recommended. Thankfully i was only one month into the process.

    I got much better guidance working with the nutritionist, physcologist and bariatric nurses and doctors in that 6 months. It set me up for success.

  3. @@Mysticpink74

    I am absolutely thrilled for you! I would bet you are on cloud 9 tonight. Congratulations! Isn't it weird how excited we get when we get approved? Its like a new lease on life. I know it was that way for me. I did not even get nervous about the surgery, for me it was like christmas morning.

    In terms of next steps, you definately need to talk with your surgeons office for advice what Vitamins to take. Every surgeon is different and honestly some of the Vitamins have everything to do with your current health.

    Honestly I would not do a liquid diet unless i was told to. I would however go back to a high Protein, low carb until surgery. That is of course unless your surgeon tells you to do a liquid diet.< /p>

    Looking forward to hearing from you as your surgery gets closer and wish you all the best!

  4. You definately cannot be feeling actual hunger. This is because they severed the part of your stomach that holds the hunger hormone and it takes several months before that grows back.

    That being said, what is likely causing your feeling of hunger could be dehydration or you may need a PPI for the first month post op while your tummy heals.

    These issues are likely adding to your feelings of regret. For most of us those first 3 to 6 weeks are the toughest as you figure out how to get your Protein and Water in. Once you figure that out, you start to feel better and the weight comes off faster.

    Dont lose faith, simply pull up your bootstraps and move yourself forward, things will get better. Give it time.

    And by the way....how much weight were you expecting to drop in 2 weeks? You are doing exceptionally well.

  5. I am very sorry! Having had severe gerd before RNY, I cannot imagine how disappointing this is. Have they confirmed that it is definately gerd? Or could it be an ulcer?

    I just wanted to say that I hope you get answers and solutions soon. It is awful living with this and you are seriously the first person that I heard was not resolved with RNY.

  6. I hate to say this but a month is not a long time compared to what I have been seeing with my friends and my husband.

    It is a rough time to find jobs and because there are so many looking they can take extra time and be very picky.

    I am disabled (not officially because i have been denied twice and was waiting on a court date when i could not wait any longer). So i started my own consulting business and found a client that i knew in a previous role which allows me to work from my home daily.

    I am hoping it turns into a much longer term role for me.

    My husband applied for 20+ jobs over a period of 6 months before finally a friend of his recommended him at his work. Prior to that my hubby had exactly 0 interiviews. This is a guy that never missed a day of work in 27 years and had exceptional tenure at the 2 jobs he had during that time.

    It just takes time, patience and a constant focus but it will happen.

  7. Ditto ditto ditto......what everyone else said. the reality is you cannot maintain a low calorie count long term. Your body will likely fight by stalling and then gaining more weight than you lost especially before surgery.

    I would follow the guidelines completely. After surgery there will be several months where your intake is at or below 500 and honestly it is not a good place to be, you dont want that situation long term. I stayed at 900 calories for the first 18 months while i was losing and now i have slowly had to get my calorie count back up to 1300 to 1500 to maintain. I have gained and lost 5lbs several times now trying to figure out my sweet spot.

    I raised my intake because i wanted to stop losing and allow myself more calories because at 2 years i noticed i was hungrier and could not stay on 1000 to 1300 calories. I think I am very close to the right intake for me but it probably should not have taken this long to figure it out.

  8. It all depends on where in the process you are. I think the first time i tried pizza was around 6 months post op and initially I hated it. The best pizza for us RNYer are a super thin crispy crust almost like cracker crust.

    I however did not eat any crust until I was nearly a year out because i wanted to continue to lose and not stall. It was nearly 18 months post op before i could tolerate crust or bread of any kind.

    Lastly I would just say that eating isn't the only thing to focus on during a party. I found that I have learned not to focus on the food but focus on the company. You might consider eating before hand and spending your time chatting with your friends or coworkers.

    Best of luck to you!

  9. You can do this! It has been a long time since I quit smoking (nearly 30 years) but I do remember that everyday gets a little easier. Honestly if I had to choose between quitting smoking and caffeine, I would choose to quit smoking first. As someone else said, you are trying to do too much at one time.

    There is a lot of noise in the system about caffeine and it definitely the lesser of two evils. Smoking can make healing very very difficult so I am shocked that your surgeon is not requiring it. Many won't even touch your case if you smoke.

    Take it one hour, one day at a time. I know you can do it!

  10. @@Chloewithac

    Dont count on getting a refund for your ticket. They simply wont do it. They will give you credit toward the next flight.

    About a year ago, I bought a first class ticket to hawaii for my granddaughter to join us. 2 days before the flight her great grandma died and she could not go. The airline (United) refused to do anything but put a credit in her name which of course meant nothing. Even though I paid for the ticket, they simply would not do anything with a death in the family!

    They only give you 12 months to use a ticket they give you credit for and that did not work out so in the end they got 1600.00 of my money for absolutely nothing. I will never again buy tickets through United and I even wrote their CEO and explained the situation and never even got a response back from them. I submitted a death notice and everything.

    I have had similar experiences when work has cancelled stuff and they will only ever give you credit to be used within 12 months. That is usually the standard for Delta, United, American. I dont know about Jetblue or southwest or others but I have run into this situation often.

  11. Yup.....this is a good question and you are likely to get many opinions. I flew regularly for travel at 310lbs in a size 26.

    I learned very quickly that if I could afford first class, then that is what I did and even then I sometimes would have to ask for a seat belt extender which is embarrassing enough.

    Also, I would never ever ever ask for a window seat. There is NO where to move. In an aisle you can at least lean into the aisle a bit but watch those elbows......I have been banged by peoples suitcases or the carts and it hurts like hell.

    On a good note, I flew for work in less than 24 hours notice a week ago and got stuck in a middle seat. Not only do I fit, but had about 16 inches of seatbelt left and several inches between me and the other two coach seats.

    My back didn't like it but it made me feel like a million bucks that I could. At 310, that would never have been an option for me without leaving the two arm rests up and other people really dont like that much unless they are heavy too.

  12. Initially I planned on the sleeve but after meeting with my surgeon and gastroenterologist they both recommended that I have bypass as I had Gerd. It was very important not to go through this twice for me, once is certainly enough.

    So on the 29th of september it will be two years and I am down 152lbs. My gerd is gone as is diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and my stage 3 kidney disease has been in remission ever since. Also, i no longer have sleep apnea.

    I have been able to eat absolutely everything from the start with the exception of eggs. I do eat sweets occasionally and have no problem. I will also state that I probably tried some cheesecake right around 6 months post op and I was terrified that I would get sick. Sometimes I wish I did get dumping because it would keep me away from sweets....LOL I am usually pretty good about it but feeling a little bad today as I had the most delicious piece of wedding cake last night. It was not overly sweet and absolutely delicious. I guess the good news is, it was small and thin. The other good news was there was one slice for everyone and then it was gone. LOL otherwise I might feel really bad today.

    I should also say, I am done losing and have been maintaining well since March of this year. I would not try wedding cake until I was comfortably at goal and for me, it would only happen once in a while.

    If you do have RNY and get dumping, it usually improves after the first year. Your body simply figures out how to work around it.

    RNY is still considered the gold standard and I would not be afraid of things like malabsorption as long as you take your Vitamins daily and get your blood checked once per year for the rest of your life.

    I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  13. I am nearly 2 years post op and maintaining. My diet has changed significantly for the better however I still eat some of the things I love just in moderation.

    There are things that I simply wont touch like any fast food crap of any kind. Any processed food of any kind. I make 99% of my meals at home and if I dont, I am careful about where I eat and what I choose to eat. I prefer good quality Protein, veggies and fruit because this is the food that keeps me full longer.

    On occasion I will eat rice or Pasta but will usually choose a whole wheat or whole grain option instead of what I used to eat.

    If I do eat bread I also prefer a whole grain bread although I do occasionally eat a simple piece of bread. If I do too much of this sort of thing I tend to get hypoglycemia so I am careful.

    When I want a treat, it is usually dark chocolate.

    Maintenance is the hardest part of this process in my opinion. I find that I can gain weight very quickly but the good news is, If I go off track, my tool is right there to help me get it together and those couple of pounds will come off rather quickly. I battle with the same 5lbs up and down and I am under my goal regardless.

    Gaining is my biggest fear. I love my new much smaller body and I want to keep it there. I purchased all new clothes and I dont want to go in the wrong direction so I am careful about how far and how often I wander from my plan.

  14. I love Brussels sprouts! YUM! I like them cooked, grilled, used as salad. They are one delicious and good for you veggie.

    If Bubba (from Forrest Gump) farmed Brussels sprouts instead of shrimp:

    Bubba: Anyway, like I was sayin', Brussels sprout is the fruit of the land. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, Brussels sprout-kabobs, Brussels sprout creole, brussel sprout gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple Brussels sprout, lemon Brussels sprout, coconut Brussels sprout, pepper Brussels sprout, Brussels sprout Soup, Brussels sprout stew, Brussels sprout salad, Brussels sprout and potatoes, Brussels sprout burger, Brussels sprout sandwich. That- that's about it.

    Don't forget cold Brussel Sprouts and garlic marinated in Vinegar and oil. YUMMMMMY!
    You need to take 3 dollar store pregnancy tests and average them out cuz your either going to be craving pickles and ice cream or your totally, utterly nuts!

    Brussel sprout hash, brussel sprouts with balsamic vinegar, and best of all brussel sprouts with bacon! Did I say YUM!!!

  15. They had me on stinking carnation instant Breakfast shakes during the pre op. I was supposed to drink 5 per day and then leverage Clear liquids like broth, Jello and popsicles.

    Those shakes are discustingly sweet and I remember if I was able to get 3 down a day i was lucky.

    Now, the only shake I will use is Premier Protein - chocolate. They are the perfect amount of sweet and because they are in a box like container you cannot smell the Protein. There is no grit, no fuss and no muss.

    They are the only protein i will tolerate other than from food of course.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
